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We need shade!


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I don't know if anyone has checked the weather, but it's gonna be pretty damn hot this weekend for the cleanup. :thumb: Unfortunatley Suspensions Unlimited can't be there this year with there big rig that has a huge that canopy. :(

I figure this post might be worth a shot to see if any members or someone they know have a big canopy of some sort that can be used for the cleanup event. I'm sure that if it is a business they would get recognition as well.

As ynot (Terry) said in another post, bring your EZUP's if you have one!

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I am not sure if I can make it out for the clean up, if I do it will only be until about 2PM then I will have to go. I do however have an easy up that I can bring, I will let you all know if I can make it.

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  vegas400ex said:

Should i go buy abunch of those umbrella hats to hand out............. :offtopic::laughing:

yeah that would be awesome!!!!!

I have a shade thing, dont think its an actual EZUP. ive used it once I think since I bought it. Ill bring it if someone wants to put it up??? let me know and Ill throw it in the hauler.

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When I said EZ UP I didn't mean they had to be actual EZ UP canopies- whatever brand will work if it has a cover and legs. SHADE! How bout that? :dunno::offtopic:

ANYONE with any kind of shade...bring it. If you know a race team or someone with something bigger like a semi and canopy, please let us know. :laughing:

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Thanks for posting this Pete.

Yeah, we sure could use some shade. Last year Suspensions Unlimited brought their beautiful rig with that nice, big canopy and we got spoiled.

This year we had a similar setup arranged but the sponsor called last week to say they just won't have the equipment ready, leaving us scrambling for a replacement. Oh well, with or without canopies, the cleanup is going to be a great time!

An umbrella hat huh... not a bad idea... no cameras please. :offtopic:


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local weather for the weekend



Hi: 90°

Sunny. Highs around 90.

Thursday Night


Lo: 55°

Clear. Lows in the mid 50s.



Hi: 90°

Sunny. Highs around 90.

Friday Night


Lo: 55°

Clear. Lows in the mid 50s.



Hi: 89°

Sunny. Highs in the upper 80s.

Saturday Night

Mostly Clear

Lo: 51°

Mostly clear. Lows in the lower 50s.



Hi: 89°

Sunny. Highs in the upper 80s.

Sunday Night


Lo: 51°

Clear. Lows in the lower 50s.

Bring your EZUP's and lots of sun screen and COOL beverages :offtopic:

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  dunefreak said:

When I said EZ UP I didn't mean they had to be actual EZ UP canopies- whatever brand will work if it has a cover and legs. SHADE! How bout that? :ahhhhh: :mischevious:

ANYONE with any kind of shade...bring it. If you know a race team or someone with something bigger like a semi and canopy, please let us know. :laughoff:

:laughoff: fineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, im just a blonde. Ill bring mine, but I dont have any idea how to put it up. but you can use it!! :laughoff:

  vegas400ex said:

oh, i was under the impression that it HAD to be an ezup......haha........it just needs leggs and a cover?????hmmmm


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  Sincity_blondie said:

oh my gosh, thats so funny. I always say that to people. ive never heard anyone else say that!!!

thats awesome!!!!!! :mischevious:

lol I have used that for every dingy person that I know, came from that old song about being a blonde. To funny!!!!

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I ve got an ez up, but a guy I camp with ook it home two trips ago. I can get it back this week, and I think I could get a few more. If I can make it, my trailer has a 20 or 30 ft awning....and two roof airs, but I dont know if I can make it, my wife has a community swap meet thing and the small trailer is going there, I guess she would have to tow it with the impala.

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  dunefreak said:

I don't know if anyone has checked the weather, but it's gonna be pretty damn hot this weekend for the cleanup. :driver: Unfortunatley Suspensions Unlimited can't be there this year with there big rig that has a huge that canopy. :(

:thumbsdown: I wonder if this has anything to do with the new owners of SU?

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Pete's right. SU participates in a yearly poker run and it happens to fall on "our" weekend this year.

We were going to give new sponsors a chance for this level of participation anyway so it would have worked out dandy if the ones who stepped up hadn't completely backed out.


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  warrior07 said:

pete were and when do we bring our ez ups post a pick of pretty much were the event we'll take place ( is it by vendors alley ) :mic:

I will answer for Pete if that's ok? Bring the ez up to the clean up sign in area which will be across from the volunteer camp area on the right side of the road. It's pretty easy to find with banners and 2 x 40 yard dumpsters nearby. Anytime in the morning but before noon (it gets crowded around lunch time) and set your ez up where you want to be for the raffle. When lunch and the raffle start you can have your spot. Who knows you might meet new people sharing your shade but hey thats what friend are for. If we can get lots of ez up's then everybody can get a little shade.

Hope that answers your question!

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