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toyhauler cabinets


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So what do you if this happens: you reach down for a beer out of the cooler, then stand up not realizing how close you are to the end of the cabinet in your hauler, and CRACK. You smack your head so hard on the edge of the cabinet you bust the edge off! ouch :ahhhhh: :banghead: <--yeah..I kinda looked like that! :thumbsdown:

So yeah... the very outside (left side) panel of my cabinet needs replacing. Do they sell those in the parts section of RV places? :blink: Do they need to be custom made and matched to the fake azz sticker wood grain? WTF? They are built like crap so what do ya do?

Anyone else have to deal with these cheap t/h cabinets before? :angry2:

Man I can see it now...DKRV is gonna have their way with me again! :bawl::hump:

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  dunefreak said:

Do they need to be custom made and matched to the fake azz sticker wood grain?

I don't think so.....when I was in the cabinet field it was harder to get the real wood to match on certain stains like whitewashed oak because of the difference in the white/red oak pieces and the way the accepted the stain. Fake wood grains are going to be extremely consistent because it's like a really thin laminate and i don't think dye lots are an issue. I would think you might have more trouble getting the right "milled" panel. For instance....edge detail....raised panel....etc.

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  dunefreak said:

So what do you if this happens: you reach down for a beer out of the cooler, then stand up not realizing how close you are to the end of the cabinet in your hauler, and CRACK. You smack your head so hard on the edge of the cabinet you bust the edge off! ouch :bawl: :ahhhhh: <--yeah..I kinda looked like that! :banghead:

:angry2: I remember that!! You did take a chunk out of it. (Damn, that HAD to hurt!) You're lucky it wasn't solid wood or your head would be missing the chunk! :laughoff::blink: Sorry to laugh Pete, but ya gotta admit.... :thumbsdown:

:laughoff: Tell DKRV it was termites, the duning type. :hump:

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  dinicolady said:

:bawl: I remember that!! You did take a chunk out of it. (Damn, that HAD to hurt!) You're lucky it wasn't solid wood or your head would be missing the chunk! :dunno::laughoff: Sorry to laugh Pete, but ya gotta admit.... :ahhhhh:

:laughoff: Tell DKRV it was termites, the duning type. :laughoff:

I don't care. LAUGH. It WAS funny as hell. :angry2:

You said dune termites! :laughoff::banghead::blink:

  Co-Driver said:


I'll get some tomorrow. :laughoff: Want a pic of my head too? j/k I'm okay- I'm hard headed like that. :laughoff::driver::hump:

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i have done the similiar thing in mine walking in and catching the cabinet on the left below the t.v :ahhhhh: it hurts like hell, i've only hit it about 8 times since i have owned the trailer :thumbsdown: but guess your head is harder pete I ve havent broken mine yet :banghead:

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Holy crap!!!!! That had to hurt like Hell!!!! Ive knocked my head a few times on the cabinet that hangs out with my tv in it. Always loading or unloading. Havent broken it yet though.

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Holy crap!!!!! That had to hurt like Hell!!!! Ive knocked my head a few times on the cabinet that hangs out with my tv in it. Always loading or unloading. Havent broken it yet though.

Mutha Bitchezzz<----- I said that! :dance: :mic:

Yeah it hurt pretty bad. :crackhead:

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