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what are you afraid of?


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When I was young my childhood friend popped the clutch and rode through a plate glass window and almost died. Ever since then glass kinda spooks me...oh and I hate flyin...planes scare the poop out of me..

going fast in a car or on a bike? no problem!!! But fliyin and glass? screw it.....what scares you?

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i am afraid the pedal will get stuck at the top of the dune then im in the car and go flying of a razor back and be like 150 ft in the air and the car explodes when we land

Edited by tanner54
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The unknown whereabouts of several compact nuclear demolition mines from the former USSR is at the top of my list, though I learned long ago not to worry about things over which I have no control.

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  tanner54 said:

i am afraid the pedal will get stuck at the top of the dune then im in the car and go flying of a razor back and be like 150 ft in the air and the car explodes when we land

clutch then brake? :D

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  Dune Family said:

Im afraid of running out of BEER :thumb: and Trick Fuel :shake: in the middle of nowhere!! :ahhhhh: :laughoff::laughoff:

:dance: :laughoff:

Or anywhere for that matter.

It's obvious that Bill is an honest man with good priorities. :thumb:



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  Grimace said:

Mine is monkeys throwing dishes at me. :laughoff::laughoff::laughoff:

No really though, I'm afraid of BLACK WIDOWS I nuke them when I see them. :thumb:


No sh*t! your still afraid Bro.

This guys had some :laughoff: dreams.

They didn't help me get sleep back in the day :yawn::shake:

I'm with you on the BLACK WIDOWS :ahhhhh:

I can't walk away from one if it's still alive.

Gotta kill them Bitchezzzzzz, especially the Muthas.

Oh yeah, I'm also afraid of Quads on Comphill.

Edited by Randog
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  cmyfirepole said:

Spiders are your friend....



noooooooooooooooooooooo, make it go away. I HATE SPIDERS. I used to run from a freakin daddy long legs. But now im a lil bit better to where Ill kill them. better that than wondering where they might be in my house if I dont kill them.

found a wolf spider underneath my kitchen cabinet one day. scared the bejesus outta me. i sprayed it with freakin bleach cleaner, ALOT, and the damn thing got up and ran away. of course then i had to take my shoe off and SMASH IT. but it was huge. SPIDERS ARE NOT MY FRIENDS. ......

so stop it gerald. putting them in the shout box, NOT COOL :laughoff::laughoff:

Oh yeah, ok and I big chicken when it comes to flying. And afraid I wont be around to watch my son grow up!

Edited by Sincity_blondie
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  Randog said:


No sh*t! your still afraid Bro.

This guys had some :laughoff: dreams.

They didn't help me get sleep back in the day :thumb::laughoff:

I'm with you on the BLACK WIDOWS :laughoff:

I can't walk away from one if it's still alive.

Gotta kill them Bitchezzzzzz, especially the Muthas.

Oh yeah, I'm also afraid of Quads on Comphill.

You like that one Bricks. :laughoff:

Now we have our own homes and crazy dreams. :ahhhhh:

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