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Stolen gas behind the Mad Greek!

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Hello all,

My first post!

We were heading out of Dumont on Sunday (around 2pm) and stopped by the Greek for milk shakes. Our buggies were behind our vehicles on open trailers.

We were inside for about 10 minutes. Came out and (luckily) I noticed a dangling tie-down on my step-dads trailer. I figured it just fell off and got ripped. He came over and said "where's my gas?"

Someone had cut the tie-down and snagged two full 5gal red jugs. There goes $60+ of jugs and gas. nobody saw anything.

The worst part is, that same tie-down was holding one of those wash-tub fire pits. If I had not noticed the cut tie-down, this thing could have fallen off on the freeway!!!

Nobody saw anything and people were all over the parking lot, coming and going. Our trailers WERE NOT hidden behind semis or other RVs.

So I walked over to my trailer (that also has two 5gal jugs full of premium) and immediately saw that they cut my tie-down also!!!!

The difference is that I had a bike lock through the handles of the jugs!!! They cut the tie-down and then noticed the cable! Those a$$hats didn't get my gas!!!

What bothers me is that a had my (shiny,new) paddles and Douglas rims sitting right there also. They were not locked up.

My guess is that some road trash just needed gas to get to the next place to rob.

I'm buying a 25 foot coated cable and threading it through EVERYTHING on the trailer.

Live, learn and share the info.


gene s.

PS: out at Dumont again next weekend with the IE off road club.

Edited by REFLEXX
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Gene, that sucks. :ban-split:

Get the lock, It should keep the honest peeps honest. :DDRrocks:

YEP, The colt .45 will take care of the rest of em' :woo_hoo:

Good thing they didn't get your paddles. :laughoff:

Go take it out on the sand :mc_smiley: :headbang1: . That's what I do.


Welcome to DDR. :headbang1:


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Hey Gene do you like the band KISS. :headbang1:

Anyway Welcome to DDR. :ban-split:

Sorry to hear about that BS. I got a coated cable w/ lock for the cans on my flat trailer for that same reasons. :mc_smiley:

I hate thieves. :headbang1:

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that sucks and thanks for the heads up, the price of gas is crazy so i know that hurt a bit..But yea i would figure someone lowlife who needed may have took it..

Watch your stuff guys because i always do things like that, but know i wont.

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It would be fun to go back and do the same thing again and set the aholes up. A little suprise :shout: :DDRrocks: . A Little impromtue a$$ kicking is always a fun option. It helps break up travel lag.

Welcome to DDR.

Edited by desertskyz
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yup learned my lesson years ago on the way to Glamis. Never turn your back in a town that the median household income is 27,422 so the average hourly would be around 13 dollars an hour..gas is high in that area....soooo lock your stuff up! Sorry brutha

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It used to happen to us on the lake in Northern Cal our cans would disappear during the nite. The third time they got solvent with lots of blue food coloring.... :ban-split: :angry2: :barf:

Bahaha thats a wonderfull idea, leave a bait jug out every night just for sh!ts and giggles, fill it with awefull stuff, like sugar water or bleach or who knows what, you decide, and hope some jackass steals it, and pours it straight into his tank! :D

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Bahaha thats a wonderfull idea, leave a bait jug out every night just for sh!ts and giggles, fill it with awefull stuff, like sugar water or bleach or who knows what, you decide, and hope some jackass steals it, and pours it straight into his tank! :D

Yes, that's exactly my thought too!! Put honey,sugar, or a good dose of diesal in it! :happydrunks:

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...

:beercheers: we need to set them up and kick some aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas :drunk::drunk::drunk:

We thread a kryptonyte cable through everything.

Ya buy them at the bike shop.

Their is a crack-head community that lives in Baker, and the Greek is a good place for rip-offs.

And, we quit Greek stops long ago.

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they see u go in and then those tweekers go into action well i kepp my double barrell 14inch shot gun in my truck they try one time to steal my banshee but it was locked up u couled see the cut marks on the lock but now im ready let those little f**ks try some stuff then ill tie tem to my trailer and let all of ddr and dumont who is stealing stuff... :beercheers::drunk:

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My guess is that some road trash just needed gas to get to the next place to rob.

I'm buying a 25 foot coated cable and threading it through EVERYTHING on the trailer.

My prayer...

Dear God, just once before I die, please let me catch a thief in the act. Amen.

I really want an answer to the question if what I have is really worth their life....

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  • 3 weeks later...

A little story.

I built a rack that I bolted to the back rack of my grizzly. I wanted to be able to carry extra gas or water or whatever. I'm also cheap so I welded it up myself with extra crap I had laying around. I had 4 2.5 gallon gas cans that fit perfectly. My father in law and I went out for a ride in the desert to test it out. As soon as I backed off the trailer, the rack busted off. I didn't even get the front wheels off the ramp. :laughoff: Oh well. I threw the whole rack, with the gas cans in the back of my blazer and went for a ride. We got done, loaded up and decided to stop at Bass Pro on the way home. Now my back window didn't roll up. Remember I am/was cheap. Obviously, from the theme of this thread, somebody stole the whole rack out of the back of the blazer. The only part that made me feel a little better was that there was water in the gas cans. I was actually smilling after I got over the initial shock of being robbed. I just wanted to test the rack with weight so I didn't bother filling the cans with gas. I hope somebody was sitting on the side of I-15 with 10 gallons of water in their tank wondering what happened.

PS... check me out, my firts post :laughoff:

Edited by MattL
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A little story.

I built a rack that I bolted to the back rack of my grizzly. I wanted to be able to carry extra gas or water or whatever. I'm also cheap so I welded it up myself with extra crap I had laying around. I had 4 2.5 gallon gas cans that fit perfectly. My father in law and I went out for a ride in the desert to test it out. As soon as I backed off the trailer, the rack busted off. I didn't even get the front wheels off the ramp. :argue: Oh well. I threw the whole rack, with the gas cans in the back of my blazer and went for a ride. We got done, loaded up and decided to stop at Bass Pro on the way home. Now my back window didn't roll up. Remember I am/was cheap. Obviously, from the theme of this thread, somebody stole the whole rack out of the back of the blazer. The only part that made me feel a little better was that there was water in the gas cans. I was actually smilling after I got over the initial shock of being robbed. I just wanted to test the rack with weight so I didn't bother filling the cans with gas. I hope somebody was sitting on the side of I-15 with 10 gallons of water in their tank wondering what happened.

PS... check me out, my firts post :laughoff:

:rules::laughoff: great 1st post. Some people's first post is to just come on here and complain about chit. :beer_bang:

Welcome to DDR...even though it looks like you have been here for about a year! (Joined: 7-November 06) :beer_bang: :laughoff::D

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