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The VT shooters gun was obtained ILLEGALLY


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Honestly, do gun laws being tougher really help the situation? If someone is bent and on a mission, I really think they will find alternatives to obtain a gun(s). I think education is the key to helping this issue of kids running around thinking guns are toys.

I have been out with kids a couple of times, and when I saw the look on their face when you/they shoot a melon (fruit melon) it was worth a thousand words. I think the issue today is lack of education - think about it - when you where a kid and your parents said no to something, did you not really want to do that action more? Now if your parent was to bring you out to a safe place and shoot at something and the youngster gets to see how destructive a gun can really be, it would break the curiosity "that killed the cat"(most of the time).

When I was young, my dad’s guns sat in the corner of the closet - because almost all parents taught that guns are destructive in the wrong situation, and a tool in others. Do I think that practice of storage is the way to go today - no, but the same education should still be there to show the impact of what can happen.

Tough gun laws have already been proven to be ineffective in other countries - look at Australia - The same amount of crime is still there just using a different type of method.

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well all these gun laws are just making it harder for the legal people to own legal guns.

now take for instance the great state of California, they make it almost impossible for someone to own a gun. There is a certian way for you to carry it, own it and where and when you can shoot it, self protection. well if this turd at VA Tech had come around while i had my gun, I cant guarentee what would happen, but i do know that my own self preservation and instinct would have taken over, and ol boy would have been well ventelated.

Gun laws make it harder of LEGAL people to own guns, there is not a good enough backround check done when they do their checks. the liberals are the ones that make it harder for legal gun owners to own guns.

as craig said earlier.

Guns dont kill people...people kill people.

Gun control is being able to hit your target, I would rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6.

I myself have a small arsenal, and i have taken many classes, and iam also an instrustor as well. Military training, and civilian law enforcement traing as well. If someone comes between my family and i...then only your maker will judge you.

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where there's a will, there's a way. it's easy to be an armchair quarterback. hindsight is always 20/20. anymore analogies we can add to this? i think that sums up my reply to the majority of the posts in this thread.

it happened. it's happened before. it'll happen again.

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