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Monster Rails?


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If you watch that Monster rail video, You will notice how light those cars are on the front end. Its really hard to turn a car that doesnt have any weight on the front end.. Yeah the video shows them jumping and wheelieing etc,,, but how do they dune? Dune= turn,Off camber, transition from bowl to bowl?

^ that and I wasn't too impressed with the clip of the one rail going through the whoops. Is it just me or did there seem to be alot of bump steer with the front tires. :laughing:

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a friend of mine owns the green car its a LS2 500+ hp and its a light car. and the big red car is twin turbo. and those monster cars cant keep there front wheels on the ground

Edited by tanner54
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Try desertratbuggies.com He has built a couple of the monster rail frames, so he has some knowledge of them. He also builds dd frames and buggyworks frames to whatever you want. He also sets them up to handle so he moves the motor forward and uses driveline axles instead of cv's. he is located in the victorville area of CA. If you want some answers to your questions give him a call at 760-220-9763 7-days he will help you out.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've never seen a Monster rail. Can someone post a picture of one?

Trick Racing rails are sweet looking, but they are very big and bulky. I am pretty sure that the "beefy" parts on the rails will rob some power because they are heavy. But I have never driven one, so I cannot tell you for sure.

Go to www.monsterrails.com :beercheers: and check out the cars and the video or come by the shop

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^ that and I wasn't too impressed with the clip of the one rail going through the whoops. Is it just me or did there seem to be alot of bump steer with the front tires. :beercheers:

it had a flat tire on the drivers front and a bent rim from slamming into a rock

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the frount ends look to high like they where extened for the shoot so they will do wheelies easer

not a light car at all. most of the cars have 700 plus horse power with the tranny's shoved forward come by and take a look. I would love to show you the shop

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If you watch that Monster rail video, You will notice how light those cars are on the front end. Its really hard to turn a car that doesnt have any weight on the front end.. Yeah the video shows them jumping and wheelieing etc,,, but how do they dune? Dune= turn,Off camber, transition from bowl to bowl?

That's a cute post! How is it possible to tell how heavy a front end is from a video. The red car in the video is 3600 pounds. I wathced a video on how to build a buggy once, but it was in spanish and i fell asleep. But the haynes how to build a buggy book has helped tremendously. lol

on a serious note if you guys ever have any questions on monster rails offroad cars, please do not hesitate to call or write. Thank you in advance!

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That's a cute post! How is it possible to tell how heavy a front end is from a video. The red car in the video is 3600 pounds. I wathced a video on how to build a buggy once, but it was in spanish and i fell asleep. But the haynes how to build a buggy book has helped tremendously. lol

Is it true you just picked up "How to accessorize your Farm Toy" 2nd edition? Hopefully in English.


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I would love to have the opportunity to go duning with a few Monster rail owners and just for shits and giggles see if I could hang with them in my Funco. I'm sure Joeduner would be down for the challenge also. :grin:

I know I don't have a Funco but can I get in on that too? :laughing:

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well op is right monsters are light in the front end but they still are nice cars i would consider one if it wasnt for the tatum black widow. but i think i did ok my eyeball does quite nice i wish i could have those tatum style panels on my eyeball car that would :laughing:

but back on track there nice cars

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You can kinda get an idea of how heavy a car is on the front end by..... when the steering wheel is turned and the car is still going straight. Or when a guy needs to lift off of the gas pedal to get a car to turn because the front wheels are just skimming the sand. I would love to have the opportunity to go duning with a few Monster rail owners and Just for shits and giggles see If I could hang with them in my Funco. Im sure Joeduner would be down for the challenge also. Hey I was just thinking...... How many times has a Monster rail won the EPO challenge in Glamis? :laughing:

I guess we would have to enter it first. Hey i'm not saying were the best sandcar builder on the planet, its just that the video that your seeing does'nt do as much justice as it should. Our video on the M3 Super sport is better. The Super Sport is a more responsive car by far. I don't know if you've seen tom & jeffs car or not (the one with the skeleton grabbing on to the sides) Have them take you for a ride and hopefully you will enjoy. Once again not claiming to be the best, but I'm extremely picky and enjoy doing what I do.

Our cars have come a long ways even since the video online that you see. I do it cause I enjoy it and love hanging out with everybody at the dunes. Your all good people to me!

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hows antonio doing since the stroke i heard he sold monster rails

Tony and I were partners in Monster Rails and He is recovering well right now. I have taken the reins but he will always be a big part of Monster Rails he's just spending some time with his family right now. He has a big heart and will surely be up to speed reel soon.

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Keep in mind as the Funco video states loud and clear "Funco's are at home in the sand". Some of the new Monster Rail Chasis would be rather nice for a short course or full Baja action. Each car has strengths and weakness', just another choice when comparing apples and oranges.... :laughing:

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Keep in mind as the Funco video states loud and clear "Funco's are at home in the sand". Some of the new Monster Rail Chasis would be rather nice for a short course or full Baja action. Each car has strengths and weakness', just another choice when comparing apples and oranges.... :grin:

Very true Ted. :laughing:

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Keep in mind as the Funco video states loud and clear "Funco's are at home in the sand". Some of the new Monster Rail Chasis would be rather nice for a short course or full Baja action. Each car has strengths and weakness', just another choice when comparing apples and oranges.... :grin:

Yep, hence the site Dumont Dune Riders. I definately wouldn't buy a Funco to go the desert and pound on it. I would consider cars like the Monster Rails, Trick Racing and others. But I love the Dunes!!!! :laughing::laughing:

Edited by JoeDuner
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well , monter rails were desighned from the outset to be sand cars, i was at therer debute for the first car, and i know antonio.

ron owned toy box motorsports and i spent 6 months talking with him getting ready for him to biuld my car. (at this time there were no monster rails) i was going to biuld a desert dynamics car. If it were not for dd deciding to screw around on deliveries to the smaller shops, and delay frames ron would have built dragon tails ( my green car) he is a good builder and does put quality into what he does. no monster is not the best but what is ??

to me the answer is what fits you and your style of driving.

funcos are nice they had breaking frame problems for a while and i like jumping thats why i ruled them out 3 years ago. but thats my opinion. with 18" of travel they are a well handling car. i was racing autocross style with a funco the day i blew my 454 but thats was caused from a lose distributor. i made more power than the funco but its handing abaility of those buggies kept him on me like white on rice. i do respect there handling ability for sure :dunno:

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Bob, you should stop by and see Tony's new car, will most likely be at the Sand Sport Show coming up, definetely not a sand car. Joe and Tim have driven some quality cars, if any body needs an opinion they are pretty well versed, and like they say, for the sand the Funco is the bomb. I keep razzing Ron about the video on the web, just doesn't do his car justice. Stop by and say hi to Ron at the Sand Sport Show, he's a hell of a nice guy, took him out to the June night ride, looks like he will participate with us DDR guys, does some fab work when needed, always has Monster drinks with him, and keep in mind those farm toy accessories!!!! :dunno:

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