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check it out broke 2 bones leg and ankle

vegas style

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  vegas style said:


just in from the doc surgery tomorrow! he says he can fix it....sweet

and he had quad pictures on the wall with thank you writen on them!

broken tibia and dislocated ankle with trama

OUCH! Well look at it this way. If you were going to break something atleast you didn't do it at the beginning of the season. GET WELL SOON! :angry2:

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  vegas style said:

we took some good pictures of my leg along the way but mr brown has my camara. ill have to wait tell i get it to post up....

i think the statement of the day was when i was waiitng for them to dune the truck to get me and i asked my friend that stayed with me if he looked at my leg he says" yea kind of made me sick",, made me laugh..

thanks for the support everyone!

it was a great day of duning on smooth sand was the 5th trip out.

as we were bouncing through the camp ground area i said how do you go to your happy place when your already here?

Oh cousin Steve!!

I am so sorry to hear about your injuries. We send our good thoughts, Odie kisses, and hugs to you. Take care of you and if you need anything call me. Jasen is out of comission until Friday so just let me know.


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my dad came into town on saturday and has been taking care of me. im on crutches and some what mobile. so im doing ok. in a week i should be ok to drive some if i need to....

if i need any help i will shout out thank you for all the offers

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  NewDuneAngel said:

Oh cousin Steve!!

I am so sorry to hear about your injuries. We send our good thoughts, Odie kisses, and hugs to you. Take care of you and if you need anything call me. Jasen is out of comission until Friday so just let me know.


"out of commision" :laughoff::laughoff: I'll shutup now. :laughoff::headbang1:

  vegas style said:

my dad came into town on saturday and has been taking care of me. im on crutches and some what mobile. so im doing ok. in a week i should be ok to drive some if i need to....

if i need any help i will shout out thank you for all the offers

That's good to hear that you had your surgery already and it went well, Steve. Heal up quick and if you get bored and wanna throw back a beer or 17 just give me a ring. :dunno::beercheers:

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  vegas style said:

surgery went well im the new proud owner of 4 titanium screws and 2 plates...........

good drugs oxcontin and percocet :headbang1:

I guess there's a new club on board.....The Titanium Team!!

Joking aside Steve, glad surgery went well. Here's :beercheers: to a 100% speedy recovery! :D

Take Care.

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surgery went well im the new proud owner of 4 titanium screws and 2 plates...........

good drugs oxcontin and percocet

I guess there's a new club on board.....The Titanium Team!!

Joking aside Steve, glad surgery went well. Here's to a 100% speedy recovery!

Take Care.

Ill be inThe Titanium Team!! lol u got the good drugs lol

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  dunefreak said:

so now we have...

wounded eyeball- ISBB :idiot:

wounded ear- Sand~Snake " :shout: what?"

wounded leg- Vegas Style :ban-split:

:stick_smack: j/k

Steve, if you need anything let me know. :beerpint:

what about me??? we are the "Busted Leg Crew" :beercheers:

  ISBB said:

Where are the pictures of the X-rays man!! :D

about time those got posted....now you only broke the same bone i did, and only in one place, you got screws and hardware, i broke mine in 2 places and i can do the jig in a kilt...wtf mang??? :rockwoot:

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  dunefreak said:

"out of commision" :beerpint::idiot: I'll shutup now. :blury::beercheers:

That's good to hear that you had your surgery already and it went well, Steve. Heal up quick and if you get bored and wanna throw back a beer or 17 just give me a ring. :ban-split::stick_smack:

Out of commission is accurate.....geez or missing in action!!!

Looking at the x-rays, I'd say you have an "alignment" issue!!!!! :rockwoot:

Glad the surgury went well Steve...get well soon!! :bawl:

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  RAGDOLL MX said:

what about me??? we are the "Busted Leg Crew" :stick_smack:

about time those got posted....now you only broke the same bone i did, and only in one place, you got screws and hardware, i broke mine in 2 places and i can do the jig in a kilt...wtf mang??? :rockwoot:

WTF do YOU need, Mr. I'm already up and dancing in a kilt with a streetbike helmet on!!!??? :beerpint::beercheers::ban-split:


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well i seem to be coming along docs say it all went back together very well and i have had very little pain. so today 6 days after surgery and 9 days after the accident the splint came offand they put me in a walking boot (cant walk on it yet but is more comfy) staples come out monday next week i though he was pulling them today but he said one more week then PT. but i took a couple pics looks like a zipper! :stick_smack:

oh when i asked when i can ride again he said 8 weeks thats cool! :beercheers:


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dammm that looks nasty! remember steve, chicks dig scars!!! good luck on the road to recovery!

and why does everyone have to point out the farmers tan?? you should see it now, 10 times worse after riding the streetbike down to laughlin and back.

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