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what are you doing this weekend?


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Friday 5/11 - Attend Quarry Equipment Demo and BBQ in North San Bernahooter. Cameo appearence, split

as fast as possible to get a head start for the river. Arrive Havasu and power down... :ahhhhh:

Saturday 5/12 - Annual shake down cruise, launch Hallett and ski my A$$ off. :laughoff: Continue never

ending honey-dew list. Wash, wax and detail boat and interior. :bawl: Pick-up where last evening stopped

off. :ahhhhh: :laughoff::laughoff:

Sunday 5/13 - Finish said never ending honeydew list. :dance: Make sure house and fridges are all prepped for Memorial Day. Get the hell outa Dodge and head for home. :thumb:

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Friday late afternoon taking my son to get his football physical, than grab some dinner. Spring training starts next week. :drinkbeer:

Saturday going to visit family in Cat City with the boat so the guys can work on it getting it ready for Memorial weekend. Us girls will be sitting around the pool working on our tans. :drinkbeer: Than bar-b-cue. :laughing::beercheers:

Sunday visiting my Mom and Mother-in-law. Doing what they want to do.

Happy Mother's Day to all of the DDR Moms.

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Friday: Drop the Prez off at jail in Barstow (kidding, but we will be in Barstow), then an exhibit opening @ the museum and post party :laughing:

Saturday: Defile Ken's bouncy house @ his opening, some more :beercheers:

Sunday: Reflect on the ending of my 2 week vacation by moving rock into my backyard :drinkbeer: , definetly a couple :drinkbeer: after that.

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  duniemonkie said:

Friday: Drop the Prez off at jail in Barstow (kidding, but we will be in Barstow), then an exhibit opening @ the museum and post party :beercheers:

Saturday: Defile Ken's bouncy house @ his opening, some more :drinkbeer:

Sunday: Reflect on the ending of my 2 week vacation by moving rock into my backyard :driver: , definetly a couple :drinkbeer: after that.

DONT FORGET BDAY PARTY SATURDAY NIGHT. somewhere, not sure yet. :driver: :dance: :isbb: but lots of this :laughing:

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  duniemonkie said:

Friday: Drop the Prez off at jail in Barstow (kidding, but we will be in Barstow), then an exhibit opening @ the museum and post party :redhat:

Saturday: Defile Ken's bouncy house @ his opening, some more :idiot:

Sunday: Reflect on the ending of my 2 week vacation by moving rock into my backyard :clap: , definetly a couple :clap: after that.

is that like a jumpy jump?

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  duniemonkie said:

No worries, it's on the books. Let me know though so I can make :redhat: arrangements (sp :clap: )

its all good monkie. I was totally kidding. I have no idea what im even doing yet.

ok my weekend:

friday nite, drinks with some peeps from work

saturday- bday party for a friends kid (whose bday is same day as mine) then head over to kens grand opening hang with good friends. then the evening hours is still undetermined. I know ill be hanging with good friends and my lil bro, its his birthday!! guaranteed to be awesome drunk times with us celebrating bdays together!!

sunday-mothers day (IM OVER IT) recovery from saturday night. maybe chill by the pool for a bit! :idiot:

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  Sincity_blondie said:

its all good monkie. I was totally kidding. I have no idea what im even doing yet.

ok my weekend:

friday nite, drinks with some peeps from work

saturday- bday party for a friends kid (whose bday is same day as mine) then head over to kens grand opening hang with good friends. then the evening hours is still undetermined. I know ill be hanging with good friends and my lil bro, its his birthday!! guaranteed to be awesome drunk times with us celebrating bdays together!!

sunday-mothers day (IM OVER IT) recovery from saturday night. maybe chill by the pool for a bit! :idiot:


In case I don't get a chance before I leave:


HAVE A GREAT ONE!!! :D :redhat:

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Stace....I still remember you on last year's B-day!!!!! :beerpint::laughoff::laughoff::beerpint::beercheers:

Are you going to where a dune whip again this year so we can find you??????LMAO

Edited by wingnut
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  • 2 weeks later...


what are everyone's plans for Memorial Day weekend?

I gotta work Saturday :woo_hoo::laughing::dunno::banghead: , then after that I might just BBQ and drink some cold beer all weekend. Hell I might even throw the knobbie onm the 2 wheeler and take it out. :DDRrocks: I've been itchen to do that one of these days real soon. It hasn't seen a knobbie in about 3-4 years! :dope:

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Bob has to work this weekend :banghead::(:bawl:

But he did that to give his weekend guys the weekend off! :beercheers: what a nice boss man he is!

So watch a movie Friday night :coffee:

Saturday, my parents fly in from New Zealand, which means our days of watching their two stupid little white dogs are almost over :ban-cha: :ban-cha: :grin:

Saturday hang out with the parents :yawn:

Go out to dinner somewhere in town.

Sunday have a few friends over BBQ :eatdrink021: and watch the race :driver: maybe bring out the NASCAR simulator :dunno: to add to the fun.

Monday who knows??

So basically not doing jack sh*t, why did I even bother? :laughoff::laughoff:

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i wish i had some plans might take a drive somewhere. getting bored hanging low and healing. now that im getting more mobile im realy restless. a ride would be nice but i dont see that untell june 23 and that is just going to be a putt around.

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