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Human waste dumping in dumont


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We actually saw somebody doing that on the way out of dumont back in march. We cut the guy off and asked if he realised hes dumping sh*t everywhere. he tried saying it was the grey water (which was bs cuz we saw dung and tp dropping out) he was an a-hole after we confronted him. so I got both of his plate numbers and reported him. It sucks that there are scumbags out there that actually like to do the things that the nice people do.

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Wow!! I've been reading about this on hotboat and GD.com....The ignorance of those two sites is just SCARY!!!!! I agree maybe challenger jumped the gun a lil on accusing wired for sound.....but when a business owner slaps his or her stickers all over customers equipment and something stupid is done, the accusations should be expected.

Lets be honest, for this to happen by accident is almost impossible unless the black tank pipe gets broken between the tank and the release valve. Just like anything in life, a few bad apples can ruin it for everyone. A little bit of negative goes alot further than alot of positive things does for helping...

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  wingnut said:

Wow!! I've been reading about this on hotboat and GD.com....The ignorance of those two sites is just SCARY!!!!! I agree maybe challenger jumped the gun a lil on accusing wired for sound.....but when a business owner slaps his or her stickers all over customers equipment and something stupid is done, the accusations should be expected.

Lets be honest, for this to happen by accident is almost impossible unless the black tank pipe gets broken between the tank and the release valve. Just like anything in life, a few bad apples can ruin it for everyone. A little bit of negative goes alot further than alot of positive things does for helping...

EXACTLY :rockwoot:

I just got a giant migrane from reading the 12 pages :angry2: of garbage on Hotboat about the whole bashing thing with WFS. :laughoff: :mc_smiley: :mc_smiley: :laughoff:

For anyone that ever witnesses this kind of thing in the future, definitley get a license number if at all possible!

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  Kens Colors said:

I say have your cameras ready as you approach and exit Dumont. One Pic posted up on here and turned into rangers, showing someone dumping black tank and license plate in same photo. No confrontation, just evidence.

EXACTLY :angry2:

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#1... What this person did was DISGUSTING!!!

#2... I love the excuses, like someone could have accidentally dumped their black tank - NOT LIKELY!

#3... After reading just a few pages of the thread on Hot Boat's forum, all I have to say is that I'm NOT at all impressed with these people and their backlash. Some of them are looking for a brawl with the original poster. If I were the owner of Wired For Sound, I'd be calling around to see what buddy of mine went to Dumont and did this. I'm sure he's being defensive, but his reaction makes me think.... I'll never buy anything from his company!!!


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Because this is probably a misdeameanor try to get a picture of the plate and the vehicle operator. then there is no need to testify, it's all over but the paying. They might however prosecute it as dumping hazordus waste and then it get's serious.

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looking over @ hotboat....some have come around and agree that the guy, whoever it was, was wrong. I can't speak for GD.com, as there are some azzhoes over there too.

it is unfortunate that this clown could ruin it for everyone else

challanger....I like the way you verbally took it on the chin over and over @ hotboat, and kept coming back for more, with good questions to boot!!!

effe that guy, and effe wired for sound, at least until the owner gets on here, and either says it was him, or a customer.........


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:angry22: its f*ckin a-holes like him that make a bad name for all of us. if it were me passing him i would of stopped and confronted him, but thats just me. anyway, that is why idiots are idiots, and they are the a-holes who cause our problems out there.

fk that guy and whom evere he was parked with. :angry2: :ban-split:

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Just a reminder folks, there are at least a hundered people driving around w/ DDR stickers that we have never met or spoken with. People buy them off the internet or randomly come up to us at the dunes. Wired for Sound shouldn't be expected to baby sit every single sticker holder. I dred the day DDR gets sh*t due to the actions of one member; and yes, it's likely to already have happened as I have heard some negative things about us as a group.

Dumping ANYTHING is wrong. Black, grey, or old milk. Water is never just water, and it's never safe to dump it anywhere other than a designated area. The dunes are also not just sand, even grey H20 can have a negative effect.

So new DDR mission, keep an eye out and a camera ready for these poo-monkies :ban-split:

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  ynot said:

Because this is probably a misdeameanor try to get a picture of the plate and the vehicle operator. then there is no need to testify, it's all over but the paying. They might however prosecute it as dumping hazordus waste and then it get's serious.

:shout: I sure as hell hope so!! There's no two ways about it, it is hazardous waste!! AND I don't care if it were an accident, throw the book at 'em! Period. No excuse.

O.K., I feel better.....for now. :D

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well i looked at hotboat.com and got bored of the b.s. after page 5 so i looked at one of the guys myspace pages on there, and one picture is of him pissin off the side of a boat into the lake/river whatever. so apparently its nothing new for hotboat.com to dump human waste where ever... i know its alittle diff. on a boat cuz theres no toilet but still

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I for one will have my handy dandy Nikon with telephoto lense ready when I get to Dumont. It takes realll good pictures so sh*tters beware, you are on notice, if I see you dumping what I KNOW to be human waste anywhere other than a dump station, I promise you...your face, sh*t and rig will be posted on every site I can find that deal with our sport. :angry2: and just for good measure :ban-split:

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That is just so wrong on so many levels. I would have to check into it but I think dumping hazardous waste might be a felony. I know just seeing dog poop in the dunes pisses me off. I would blow a gasket if I stepped or rolled through human poop. I have seen lots of people dumping their fresh water leaving campsites, but I have never seen gray or black being dumped. I would definitely confront them. I look forward to my weekends in the desert. I would be lost if we couldn't go there anymore.

Find 'em and kill 'em :ban-split:

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  JoeDuner said:

ok, I have seen this question asked 3 times.


I'm gonna guess...they were going in.

  challenger said:

As we were preparing to turn into the entrance of big dumont dunes. .......As we went to go around him he sped off with his sewer tanks on the trailer spewing human waste down the newly laid road.

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