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SB 742...worded to cut 2 strokes (red stickers) out all together

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SB 742 in the brainchild of a committed anti-access legislator in the state of CA. it is very long, and I will leave a link to not take up bandwidth. if it passes, and is implemented, it will have staggering effects that will reach ALL CA riding sites. it will also impact the amount of money we have to pay to get into riding areas, and they want to charge us up to 75 bucks a year to register a green sticker bike....this senate bill is SOOOO BAD for off-roaders

please call your CA legislator and beg them to vote against it when the time comes.

it's long, and some parts are hard to understand, due to legal-eze but you need to read it

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2 strokes and red stickers are not the same thing... ANY competition bike built after 02 got a red sticker. Meaning dirtbikes, ATV's and what not... so by banning all red sticker vehicles you would be banning a sh*tload of riders..

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  ISBB said:

2 strokes and red stickers are not the same thing... ANY competition bike built after 02 got a red sticker. Meaning dirtbikes, ATV's and what not... so by banning all red sticker vehicles you would be banning a sh*tload of riders..

Including me and my entire family.......these people are cutting off their own balls. :laughoff: This is an existing revenue stream. We are already "Red" stickered for a reason. Hell if I want to ride during the warm months, I have to take my bike to Arizona. :laughoff: As I recall, all my old 2 strokes were green stickered???? :ahhhhh: :ahhhhh:

F-Califonia :laughoff: and the horse they came in on. I for one am damn sick and tired of the constant BS!!! :thumb:

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i just wanna know how they are going to regulate out of towners.. look i aint got no red sticker just this out of state thing... gonna tell everyone they cant visit california anymore..

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  ISBB said:

i just wanna know how they are going to regulate out of towners.. look i aint got no red sticker just this out of state thing... gonna tell everyone they cant visit california anymore..

Exactly, how about I stop at the permit station, buy 4 non-resident passes and forget registering these bikes in Cali. Or, I take them all to Havasu, and get my non res stickers. No more revenue Mr & Mrs California Assemblymen. (I was very conservative using the terms Mr & Mrs) How far do they think they can push before everything just breaks?

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  ISBB said:

2 strokes and red stickers are not the same thing... ANY competition bike built after 02 got a red sticker. Meaning dirtbikes, ATV's and what not... so by banning all red sticker vehicles you would be banning a sh*tload of riders..

i know that, but all 2 strokes purchased after 2003 have been red stickered, and the newer ones, I BELIEVE, can't be registered at all to ride in CA So, all two smokes from 2003 and up, and the thumpers that didn't meet CARB certification will be outlawed

people from Las Vegas that go to Dumont need to get involved with this issue too, as it could affect you

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Thanks for posting this here!

Senate Bill 742 is a really nasty piece of legislation. It was raised and authored by liberal, anti-access minded people.

About the nicest thing I can call it is, legislative extortion.

The good news is, the Bill is still being negotiated and we are only about half-way through the entire process... still plenty of time to get some good amendments.

The bad news is, "our" side is used to settling for so little that we may end up completely screwed on this if we, the members of the off-road community, don't watch our organization leaders VERY closely.

One other thing to keep in mind... there is a "wildcard" factor to these negotiations, and that is, the Will Of The People.

If this legislation passes, there is no way it is going to be perfect for us or the other side. But the condition it is in now is deplorable so unless there is MAJOR improvement, it will be too harmful to allow passage. That's when the Will Of The People will come into play.

Vicki Cossey, another duner, and myself are closely monitoring this legislation and we are setting up the necessary connections to get this thing shot down if it looks like that's going happen.

This is not over by a long shot, and it is something that needs to be watched extremely closely.


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  SailAway said:

Thanks for posting this here!

Senate Bill 742 is a really nasty piece of legislation. It was raised and authored by liberal, anti-access minded people.

About the nicest thing I can call it is, legislative extortion.

The good news is, the Bill is still being negotiated and we are only about half-way through the entire process... still plenty of time to get some good amendments.

The bad news is, "our" side is used to settling for so little that we may end up completely screwed on this if we, the members of the off-road community, don't watch our organization leaders VERY closely.

One other thing to keep in mind... there is a "wildcard" factor to these negotiations, and that is, the Will Of The People.

If this legislation passes, there is no way it is going to be perfect for us or the other side. But the condition it is in now is deplorable so unless there is MAJOR improvement, it will be too harmful to allow passage. That's when the Will Of The People will come into play.

Vicki Cossey, another duner, and myself are closely monitoring this legislation and we are setting up the necessary connections to get this thing shot down if it looks like that's going happen.

This is not over by a long shot, and it is something that needs to be watched extremely closely.


thanks Vicki!! you rock!!!

when the time comes, will you let us know what to do???

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i know that, but all 2 strokes purchased after 2003 have been red stickered, and the newer ones, I BELIEVE, can't be registered at all to ride in CA So, all two smokes from 2003 and up, and the thumpers that didn't meet CARB certification will be outlawed

people from Las Vegas that go to Dumont need to get involved with this issue too, as it could affect you

I gots a green sticker still but being a NV resident i still want to know HOW they are going to monitor this... It will be a pain in the a$$ and spend lots of time resources and money to babysit everyone that comes in and check every bike that comes in upp red sticker gotta go home... you know that people are still going to ride red stickered bikes regardless of what they say.. And dumont having so little law enforcement is it going to take away from the areas that need real attention? Camp racers, fights, idiots who blatently break other laws??

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thanks Vicki!! you rock!!!

when the time comes, will you let us know what to do???


If we need to defeat this, we have the numbers to get it done.

That's what I am preparing for, just in case.

And the anti-access folks know it and are reacting to the threat.

You see... when they first came out with this, it was presented as almost an "eat crap and like it" piece of legislation, that's how strong they thought their position was.

They counted on closed-door meetings to keep the OHV side subdued and cooperative.

They did not expect the OHV side to push back, and we have.


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If it has an emissions label (which is a certificate of compliance, or something of that nature) it is a green sticker vehicle according to one of the two top dog's at CARB (California Air Resources Board)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  ISBB said:

I gots a green sticker still but being a NV resident i still want to know HOW they are going to monitor this... It will be a pain in the a$$ and spend lots of time resources and money to babysit everyone that comes in and check every bike that comes in upp red sticker gotta go home... you know that people are still going to ride red stickered bikes regardless of what they say.. And dumont having so little law enforcement is it going to take away from the areas that need real attention? Camp racers, fights, idiots who blatently break other laws??

Ya thats just wasting more time and money that could be spent on something else. I figure the only time they will check will be holiday weekeends maybe. But like stated above people will ride them anyways(like me) look at how many people ride non registered bikes.

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