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dumont fees up 50% in one year?


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Looks like california is aware dumont exists. Fees went up 50% in one year? Armagossa is gonna start to be a busier place. It may not be all that much still (30$) and 120$ plus a sur charge for holiday week ends, but I bet its just the start. In few years it will be 100 for a 7 day. Kinda sucks, cause if you invite someone out for the day, they are paying 3.30 a gallon plus 30$ just for quick visit. They should do a 3 day pass for 10 or 15$.

I figure the fees I pay this year will be double what last year was if I go the same amount (holidays). If they keep going, this will be costly in a few more years. Well pay 500 for a seasonl, 4.25 a gallon, a clean air permit, smogs for every ohv you bring, plus sur charge for how big your trailer is........yep they are gonna turn the middle of no where into "the peoples republic of california"

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