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early AM trip Monday morning


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sanddunesaddict, SAND~SNAKE & I have been tossing around the idea of heading out to Dumont EARLY Monday morning and doing some riding. Is anyone else who isn't going out of town this weekend interested? :laughing:

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  dunefreak said:

sanddunesaddict, SAND~SNAKE & I have been tossing around the idea of heading out to Dumont EARLY Monday morning and doing some riding. Is anyone else who isn't going out of town this weekend interested? :laughing:

That's a long drive for u guys to make from coral pink, don't u think??? :laughoff:

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  wingnut said:

That's a long drive for u guys to make from coral pink, don't u think??? :laughing:

:laughoff: Yeah, What a day trip that will be lol jk

Ill ask the hubby, he would probally end up wanting to go out sun night to camp so we wouldnt have to wake up butt early on sunday. dosnt sound like a bad idea. Ill know more later tonight

Edited by Resident^Blonde
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ill go.... i cant ride unless it is a rail or rhino but ill go just to get out. ill take the truck and video cam. someone wants to throw their quad in my truck and split the gas thats cool.

pretty bad im so bored that ill go out to dumont knowing i cant ride.

see how many are going maybe i can cook breakfast if someone is bringing a hauler out?

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  vegas style said:

ill go.... i cant ride unless it is a rail or rhino but ill go just to get out. ill take the truck and video cam. someone wants to throw their quad in my truck and split the gas thats cool.

pretty bad im so bored that ill go out to dumont knowing i cant ride.

see how many are going maybe i can cook breakfast if someone is bringing a hauler out?

:whistle: right on, Steve :thumb:

  ISBB said:

i might be down... gotta see if i have to work monday if i dont im game....

Cool, lemme know

When are you gonna be back in Vegas?

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you guys are going to back route, right?

the news today said to expect at least double the amount of time to travel on the 15

1 hour is now 2+ hours

we cancelled our trip to vegas this weekend because I don't feel like sittin on the 15 for 16 fuggin hours :stick_smack:

and yes, my azz would hurt from that :happydrunks:

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you guys are going to back route, right?

the news today said to expect at least double the amount of time to travel on the 15

1 hour is now 2+ hours

we cancelled our trip to vegas this weekend because I don't feel like sittin on the 15 for 16 fuggin hours :stick_smack:

and yes, my azz would hurt from that :happydrunks:

Could you take the death valley route? or would it take just as long? I dont know where you are comming from.

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you guys are going to back route, right?

the news today said to expect at least double the amount of time to travel on the 15

1 hour is now 2+ hours

we cancelled our trip to vegas this weekend because I don't feel like sittin on the 15 for 16 fuggin hours :laughoff:

and yes, my azz would hurt from that :stick_smack:

We always go the back route anyways. We'll probably go through Pahrump too ever since the recent issues with Tecopa. Besides, Bert's 2 1/2 ton medium duty (6500) beats the crap outta you going down that rough road. :flipoff::think::happydrunks:

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so who is going and what is everyone driving- hauling?

if no one wants to ride out with me maybe i can catch a ride with someone else. just me and a cane.

so far-----








Edited by vegas style
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Steve, if I was driving you could ride along with me, but I'm going with Bert.

So far Bert is driving his semi :happydrunks: and hauling his enclosed trailer with all our bikes: Bert, me, Aaron (SandYFZ), steveo, and Jim (SAND~SNAKE).

Brice (sandseeker) is thinking about going now too. He will know on Sunday if for sure or not.

Kens Colors MIGHT also be going- he's thinking about it too.

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