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Dune Riding While Pregnant


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We are talking about going out to dumont and I was just curious if there are any women out there that ever rode a quad while pregnant. I called my dr's office and they one nurse said to basiclly to use my best judgement. another said no, because i would be putting myself and the baby in danger. Now know this... Obviouslly I wont be doing any jumps, or racing up comp hill or jammin out on the whoop de whoops. But I wasnt sure if it would be allright to just put around to the north pole or something like that. I wouldnt go deep into the dunes cuz there are idiots out there who could crash into me. But Just wanted to see what everybodys opinion was on this.

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I didn't dune, but I snowmoblied when I was pregnant with my son. But I also didn't know I was pregnant right away. When I found out, I still went. I was just VERY VERY careful. My son turned out OK.

:happydrunks: No jumping, hillclimbing and I went very slow on all our rides. Of coarse that kind of riding was different, it was on the trails and I was always second to last in line and if there were others coming, the person in front would stop and make me stop just to be safe.

Was it taking a chance?? Yes I think it was. Would I do it again, probably.

I would just stay to the flats and go slow and would worry more about other people runing into me. Even at Little Dumont, you still take the risk of a tumble and that is really where the problems might come into play.

It is ultimately your choice and whatever you decide just be SAFE! :D

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i know this is like a lady answering a question about an engine swap in a 68 camaro SS, but...............

what are you? nuckin futz??? :stick_smack::happydrunks:

I know my son's pediatrician, as well as our friends kids pediatrician, told both my wife and our friends to not ride a quad, ride in a sxs, or a rail, in the dunes while pregnant

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i know this is like a lady answering a question about an engine swap in a 68 camaro SS, but...............

what are you? nuckin futz??? :flipoff::stick_smack:

I know my son's pediatrician, as well as our friends kids pediatrician, told both my wife and our friends to not ride a quad, ride in a sxs, or a rail, in the dunes while pregnant


Hey, some guys have wifes that had kids so I guess this does not just apply to the girls lol.

but no, the real reason why Im asking is because My friend billi went trail riding two weeks ago and she is 22 weeks pregnant. She didnt have any problems, but when she first told me that, I was like :laughoff: wth were you thinking? but then we got to talking about it and she made it a very good point that going 10 mph on her little 4x4 wouldnt make a differance going around the dunes on the flats to the north pole going the same amount of speed. :think: This is even if I have a quad to ride. If not I have absolutely no problem just relaxing and munchin on snacks.

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  Resident^Blonde said:


Hey, some guys have wifes that had kids so I guess this does not just apply to the girls lol.

but no, the real reason why Im asking is because My friend billi went trail riding two weeks ago and she is 22 weeks pregnant. She didnt have any problems, but when she first told me that, I was like :stick_smack: wth were you thinking? but then we got to talking about it and she made it a very good point that going 10 mph on her little 4x4 wouldnt make a differance going around the dunes on the flats to the north pole going the same amount of speed. :laughoff: This is even if I have a quad to ride. If not I have absolutely no problem just relaxing and munchin on snacks.

i am not worried about what you are in control of. it is what you are not in control of (other riders, equipment failure, etc) that would scare me

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I don't think it's a good idea. :stick_smack:

However if you do decide to ride and get pulled over by a ranger.

DO NOT tell him your pregnant.

You'll get a ticket for riding doubles. :happydrunks:

Be safe, But still have fun. :D


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  Randog said:

I don't think it's a good idea. :think:

However if you do decide to ride and get pulled over by a ranger.

[color=#FF0000]DO NOT[/color] tell him your pregnant.

You'll get a ticket for riding doubles. :happydrunks:

Be safe, But still have fun. :D


OMG I ALMOST SPIT OUT MY WATER!! :stick_smack::laughoff::flipoff:

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LOL this post is funny... My friend just got prego, her doc said no quads, but it's all in your own judgement. I would recommend off weekend riding only, the holidays would be too risky in my opinion. I don't see why you can't still ahve a lil putt putt fun tho.

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Yeah, If its busy (which i dont know if it will be busy cuz its hella hot out there) then I more then likely will pass this time around. But if its safe and there is nobody in my distance, then I more then likely would just putt around just to say I did lol

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people in this very post are contridicting themselves......

Dont do it, the pediatrician said in a rail or SXS but its not you they are worried about its others...................................... freak accidents can happen in a SXS too...

stop spewing crap and give some real solid advice with substance and FACTS. You have a better chance of walking out your door and jumpin in your car being in an accident then you do out at the dunes.

That being said if you are puting around to north pole it is no big deal....

I have to tell you people are so damn paranoid about things these days it is a wonder anyone is alive older then 40. Cause all the bad things that are bad for us these days were some how no so bad 30 years ago... go figure

go out their, be careful and have fun.

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  Vegashd said:

people in this very post are contridicting themselves......

Dont do it, the pediatrician said in a rail or SXS but its not you they are worried about its others...................................... freak accidents can happen in a SXS too...

stop spewing crap and give some real solid advice with substance and FACTS. You have a better chance of walking out your door and jumpin in your car being in an accident then you do out at the dunes.

That being said if you are puting around to north pole it is no big deal....

I have to tell you people are so damn paranoid about things these days it is a wonder anyone is alive older then 40. Cause all the bad things that are bad for us these days were some how no so bad 30 years ago... go figure

go out their, be careful and have fun.

:blush: :headbang1:

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  Vegashd said:

people in this very post are contridicting themselves......

Dont do it, the pediatrician said in a rail or SXS but its not you they are worried about its others...................................... freak accidents can happen in a SXS too...

stop spewing crap and give some real solid advice with substance and FACTS. You have a better chance of walking out your door and jumpin in your car being in an accident then you do out at the dunes.

That being said if you are puting around to north pole it is no big deal....

I have to tell you people are so damn paranoid about things these days it is a wonder anyone is alive older then 40. Cause all the bad things that are bad for us these days were some how no so bad 30 years ago... go figure

go out their, be careful and have fun.

lol I didnt get to read this till this morning. My husband said the exact same thing last night. I told him i was thinking twice about riding in dumont, and hes like why? then i told him of all the what if's.

That is when he said, ok? so that means you have to confine yourself to this house for the next seven months so that way you could avoid the what if a freak accident semi truck plows into you on the freeway killing you and the baby? or while walking around the shop a car just falls off the lift (which has happend before) and gets you? or how about when you walk accross the street and some dumbass plows you with their car? not to mention when you drive down the strip how many idiots there are. you could get stuck in the casino where there was a bomb that exploded. the list goes on and on. Needless to say he broght up a good point. I have more of a chance of being in an accident here in vegas everyday, then I do putting around in second gear on the flats many many many many yards away from any dune to where i can get myself out of harms way if i see something comming towards me.

never really thought about it like that :blush: but of corse it would deffinatly change if there are bunch of idiots out there creating havoc. But I dont know how many people there will actually be when its so hot out there and stuff so I will use my better judgement. if we do end up going and if there are not a lot of people to where i can put around even just around our camp then i wont confinde myself to boredom lol

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Actually if you check some numbers, your about 180 more times more likely to die at dumont then in las vegas on any given day. Its probably more then that, because of the number of people in dumont are estimated only.

Most people in medicine use the "do what you normally do" as advice. Meaning that if your physically fit and able to go riding (as safe as you can) then you (your body) is likely not putting any more stress on the unborn baby. If you stress your body , then you stress the baby. So if you get hurt, your pain and stress translates to the baby.

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  1320 said:

Most people in medicine use the "do what you normally do" as advice. Meaning that if your physically fit and able to go riding (as safe as you can) then you (your body) is likely not putting any more stress on the unborn baby. If you stress your body , then you stress the baby. So if you get hurt, your pain and stress translates to the baby.

I agree, that is all true. Actually, at this stage, the baby is well protected. Plenty of room and a cushion of fluid surrounds him (her). Personally, I see no problem with it, but I (personally) would not go riding once I hit the 5 to 6 month mark and beyond. Not worth the risk.

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  dinicolady said:

I agree, that is all true. Actually, at this stage, the baby is well protected. Plenty of room and a cushion of fluid surrounds him (her). Personally, I see no problem with it, but I (personally) would not go riding once I hit the 5 to 6 month mark and beyond. Not worth the risk.

Yeah, The doctor did actually tell me at the last visit to do what i normally do cuz im not handicap lol. but i deffinalty would not ever ride when i was so far along. which is why i wanted to get it in now lol... but we ended up not going out so at least i know for when we got to coral pink in a few weeks.

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