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It was great to see you Caleb! It's been years... Please get us those pics, we didn't take any (oops, lol.) And for the rest of my camp when you get on here, it was awesome to get to hang out and get to know ya'll better, thanks for making my first trip to Coral so much fun :)

Smooches Hooches,

Crash 2...

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What a great trip.....It was a small group, so I wont do the classic "observations". We got there late Thursday night after a 90 minute water fill up at some Chevron and Pauly almost beat up a trucker!! :blury: It was a nice night, but we called it quits after we set up camp.(SLEEPY). Friday got up, rode my reborn yfz....Had to do some tweaking on it to make it ride straight...Thanks again Dave and Pauly. Went on many rides that day. We had perfect weather and dunes. Good times and more of the same on Sat. FMFLOVER had a misshap, but was ok and needed a tierod. Tiff and I did the whole one way trail and had a good ride but we were deff. over all the wooptie doos. We talked Jackie into making some last minute jello shots which were delish!!!! By Sat. night all was well and Stacey didn't slap anyone yet!!! :laughing: The campfire talk was epic....we talked about everything from farts, pooping to gyno visits......lot's of other inappropriate crap too!!!

Sunday was mellow. We went into Kanab for smokes and breakfast. I think alot of us were wore out. I got to go for a ride in Don's newly improved rail!!!!! Most excellent with WAY more power. More good rides, eats and campfire mahem. It was also very cool to meet Caleb, Charly and Jill.....all good peeps! Can't wait for the next Coral trip!!!!!

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Just like Wingnut said......Great weekend. Got in Thurs.night about 11 30, due to my rear tire tread deciding to come off and destroying my fender. Luckily though it happened just before the Gorge. Weather was awsome. Did a 41 mile trail ride on sunday( awsome ) Cruised over to the DDR camp for a little to shoot the sh*t. Didnt get too f'd up over the weekend. Had the ranger ask me to turn down the radio Sunday night, just for courtesy..........Over all , awsome trip. No mishaps.....I love that place, gotta do it more often.

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Good to hear all you guys had a great trip. I really wish I could have gone, but then again my Dumont day trip was awesome. :laughing:

I'm also really glad to hear that Don's car did good with the new turbo too! :beerpint: I'm happy for ya, Don! :D

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First off, the Ranger got all the fire wood! Thanks everyone for the great weekend being made even better. Some of you we already knew, the rest? GLAD TO MEET YA! The camp fire conversations where the best!!!!!!!!!! Paul and Craig made Stacey cry. Angela was great at tending the fire. Batman and Robin have a new meaning! Charlie got a little too much sun, now his arm-sack is peeling. THANKS ALL FOR ALL THE FUN!

Edited by BALL-N-CHAIN
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had a awesome time once again. nice seeing everyone and meeting couple of new peeps :D who new that jello-shots could set up in 2 hours in the freezer :ahhhhh: i think sabrina(my dog) fell in love with bella this trip :ahhhhh: conversation was never boring :blury: :laughoff:glad no one got to hurt even myself this trip---angela is a tuff cookie, getting back on to ride her quad :D weather was great and not to many people..sorry no pics this trip :D

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Wow, what a fabulous weekend it turned out to be. Didnt start off so good

My trip started with my fridge not working and few other mishaps, didnt think I was going to make it. My brother helped me hook up my trailer and decided to plug in my trailer lights UPSIDE DOWN!!! dont ask me how he managed that. All I know is I was driving down the street when I realized I had no trailer brakes, or lights. I attempted to turn my lights on, and it slammed on my trailer brakes. INTERESTING. Here I am freaking out thinking, :ahhhhh: WTF!! Was also getting an error message on my brake controller. I called camping world where I got the brake controller installed, they gave me a repair guys number. I called, said he could help me. Get to jackies only to find out its plugged in upside down. NICE :boxer:

Jackie went and bought a new cooler (even though I have 5 at home) for me to use to put my food in. Finally fridge cooled down the next day, LUCKILY. 4 days in a cooler wouldnt of worked to well for my food me thinks!!

Finally get on the road bout 7, good times driving down there!! I was in the lead almost the whole way!! :woo_hoo:

Weather couldnt of been better. Nice relaxed weekend! Got some good rides in. Only a little drinking, unusual for me!! But with taking antibiotics for the leg, didnt wanna push down the drinks to much.

Lots of interesting chat around the fire :ahhhhh: :ahhhhh: They had me laughing so hard at one point I was crying. Good times with great friends!!

Great to hang with jill & charlie. And caleb & his crew. Nice to meet raptor roy. And Jay, always good times! Cant wait to see pics that caleb took. Hopefully the ones of me peaking out my door as the little green men were trying to turn off my flashy light!! lol lol

Cant wait for the dune season to start!!!

Couple observations:

Pull my finger :blury:


Lesbo dogs

Ball sack

sunburned balls :laughoff::laughoff::laughoff:

jello shots rock

PIZZAZ FOOD ROCKS!! :headbang1:

Angela is the master firestarter

Loaded gun, crazy colorado city peeps :ninja:

OH YEAH, CALEB IS THINKING ARBYS!! that was the funniest shiat

Edited by Sincity_blondie
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Guest Crasher

Good times for sure!! Weather was perfect and the riding was great. Campfire talk was over the top!! :ahhhhh: I've never talked about poop so much in my life, it appears to be Craig and Paul's favorite topic!! :ahhhhh: Angela was a great fire starter/maintainer and was funny as hell on Friday night!! LMAO!! Dave even stayed up late with us!!! Stacey went the whole weekend without slapping anyone!!! :laughoff: I knew she had it in her!! :blury: Thanks to everyone for a great time, Jackie, the shots were great as usual. Let's make more next time!! Glad no one got seriously hurt and definitely looking forward to the next trip up there!! :headbang1:

p.s. Everyone forgot how funny it was watching the guy next to our camp pull his snazzy rail in and out of his trailer 85 times a day and then vacuuming it after every ride....LOL!! :laughoff:

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  Crasher said:

p.s. Everyone forgot how funny it was watching the guy next to our camp pull his snazzy rail in and out of his trailer 85 times a day and then vacuuming it after every ride....LOL!! :banghead:

Thats too funny! :shoot_head: :idiot:

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Guest Crasher


  JoeDuner said:

Where are the pictures?????????????

I know, we suck. :shoot_head: I only took a few, and I know Kaleb took some, but I don't know if anyone else took any?? Craig and I were going to take a ride on Monday morning to take some more, but we all decided to just pack up and get going instead. I'll post what I have, but it's not really much!! :idiot: Next time for sure...

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Here are a few pics of the weekend

Our camp Thursday morning



Don and Dave's camp Thursday


Don and Davs's camp Friday morning


Campgrounds Friday morning





on the dirt trails


view from a ride on the dirt trails



We found this little guy on a ride


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My buddy, his wife and I drove my truck up to check it out on saturday, drove thru the campground and parked on the side of the road and cooked hotdogs for lunch and on the way home stopped at sandhollow, trying to find nice camping spot in the summer... i didnt see any ddr stickers at either place tho

Edited by astrnaughtwanabe
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  astrnaughtwanabe said:

My buddy, his wife and I drove my truck up to check it out on saturday, drove thru the campground and parked on the side of the road and cooked hotdogs for lunch and on the way home stopped at sandhollow, trying to find nice camping spot in the summer... i didnt see any ddr stickers at either place tho

You must not have been looking very hard because they were there. :beercheers:

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