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Siding blowing out


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I am having an issue with my Toy Hauler (2006 Attitude 26fsak with Aluminum siding), the siding is starting to bubble out after I have driven at speed 60+ for any given time. It is happening at the front, driver side of the trailer. I have not hit anything, I don't go to places with trees to hit the sides, how could this happen? Is there anyone else that has had this issues?

I talked to Attitude and they said the trailer is out of warranty and it is my problem...I asked them why a year and a half old trailer has siding blowing out and if I just bought a 28 thousand dollar piece of sh*t, as I have frindes that have alum. sided trailers for years and never had this problem. They did tell me however, they would look at the problem if I drove it down to them and if they find that it is there problem they would pay for it, otherwise if they determine it was my fault in some way, they would charge me for it.

What do you think I should do? Take the trip to their facility, and risk having to pay for it and the fuel both ways, or just get it fixed here. I bought the trailer at Johhny Walkers in September of 2005.

Thanks and sorry for the long post.

Edited by AlligatorP
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Tough call. I believe Attitude is here in SoCal. so thats a haul for ya.

It sound like a mfg defect to me. So I think they should fix it.

However, I'm not them. so It's risky for you.

I've talked to the owner of the company a few years ago and he was really cool.

Of course I was looking to buy.

I hope your choice is the best.

Good luck Chad.


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  vegas style said:

that sucks i know jim sand snake was having the same problem i think he ended up fixing it himself

Do you have any idea what he did to fix it? I will try to PM him.

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  vegas style said:

that sucks i know jim sand snake was having the same problem i think he ended up fixing it himself

  AlligatorP said:

Do you have any idea what he did to fix it? I will try to PM him.

Yep...white duct tape. :laughing: Seriously though. He hasn't got it fixed correctly quite yet. I know he just so happened to get a dent in the same panels that were bowing out and his insurance covered that repair. :flipoff:

Go to a RV body shop- they should be able to take care of it.

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Sounds like its an obvious defect. I personally would take my chances and haul it down to the manufacturer. Or if you know of anyone that just so happens to be going to vegas tomorrow from so cal and going home wednesday, Maybe he will haul it down for you. Hint hint That person Is me.

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Sounds like its an obvious defect. I personally would take my chances and haul it down to the manufacturer. Or if you know of anyone that just so happens to be going to vegas tomorrow from so cal and going home wednesday, Maybe he will haul it down for you. Hint hint That person Is me.

Yeap Id haul it down.. Its just one thing you dont need!

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  dunefreak said:

Yep...white duct tape. :laughing: Seriously though. He hasn't got it fixed correctly quite yet. I know he just so happened to get a dent in the same panels that were bowing out and his insurance covered that repair. :flipoff:

Go to a RV body shop- they should be able to take care of it.

the thought has crossed my mind

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Sounds like its an obvious defect. I personally would take my chances and haul it down to the manufacturer. Or if you know of anyone that just so happens to be going to vegas tomorrow from so cal and going home wednesday, Maybe he will haul it down for you. Hint hint That person Is me.

I will have to give that some thought. Thanks for the offer :laughing:

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that fargin sux chad

check here for what the problem could be

go to the toyhaulers section

i think there were a few other people with the same problem, and what they did to fix it can be found somewhere in the toyhauler section

not to rub it in, but my attitude 19fk hasn't seen that problem, YET..........

sorry to hear about your problem....

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