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duning safety & etiquette

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As everyone started talking more and more about the flyer idea for Dumont, I thought it would be a great idea. Maybe we could have a flyer that had helpful information about Dumont like rules, dune ettiquette, tips on camping and riding there, maps, etc. It would be a great way to help educate the people of Dumont. Once we get enough info for a flyer together, I'll make it a pdf file or something that is printable from the website. Just like everyone said, this way everyone could print up as many as they need and pass em out to shops, people at Dumont, friends, etc.

So....lets get a list of some general duning safety, ettiquette and tip ideas.

here...I'll start with a couple

1. when you see a fellow duner sitting in the dunes, either stop or wait for a "thumbs up" to see if they are ok or need help.

2. Don't cut through someone else's line of quads/bikes/ sandrails.

3. Be considerate of any duners behind you when riding across the flats where there are rocks. Rocks hurt! :laughing:

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As everyone started talking more and more about the flyer idea for Dumont, I thought it would be a great idea. Maybe we could have a flyer that had helpful information about Dumont like rules, dune ettiquette, tips on camping and riding there, maps, etc. It would be a great way to help educate the people of Dumont. Once we get enough info for a flyer together, I'll make it a pdf file or something that is printable from the website. Just like everyone said, this way everyone could print up as many as they need and pass em out to shops, people at Dumont, friends, etc.

So....lets get a list of some general duning safety, ettiquette and tip ideas.

here...I'll start with a couple

1. when you see a fellow duner sitting in the dunes, either stop or wait for a "thumbs up" to see if they are ok or need help.

2. Don't cut through someone else's line of quads/bikes/ sandrails.

3. Be considerate of any duners behind you when riding across the flats where there are rocks. Rocks hurt! :laughing:

I like #3 :rules::thumb::clap:

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Nobody else? :rules:

I'll add more to the list...

1. when you see a fellow duner sitting in the dunes, either stop or wait for a "thumbs up" to see if they are ok or need help.

2. Don't cut through someone else's line of quads/bikes/ sandrails.

3. Be considerate of any duners behind you when riding across the flats where there are rocks. Rocks hurt!

4. turn left at the top of comp after racing up

5. Do not wheelie where there are other duners present :laughing::thumb:

6. Do not cone off the finger dunes especially with metal stakes or rebar.

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A few more are,

Always leave a space between camps so other people can get through.

At comp hill stay in the traffic pattern (do not come down the race side),

If you are leading a group lead at the slowest persons ability,

NEVER let anyone push you to ride faster than your ability,

Have some respect for the people camping around you keep the noise down from 10 pm to 7 am. :driver: B)

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A few more are,

Always leave a space between camps so other people can get through.

At comp hill stay in the traffic pattern (do not come down the race side),

If you are leading a group lead at the slowest persons ability,

NEVER let anyone push you to ride faster than your ability,

Have some respect for the people camping around you keep the noise down from 10 pm to 7 am. :driver: B)

Since when was dumont controlled by the FAA? And since when was there ever a real pattern as Comp has pretty much 3 sections people race on with no real PATTERN?

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Great Topic Pete. Remember there may be a few first timers at Dumont,

1. For the campfires that accidentally get glass bottles put in them, be sure to pick up the pieces in the morning.

2. Tie your trash bags down in the back of your trucks on the way out.

3. NEVER go straight over the crest of a dune.

4. Use CAUTION when riding around noon or at night, dunes end without notice.

5. NO WORMTRACKS :driver:

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Since when was dumont controlled by the FAA? And since when was there ever a real pattern as Comp has pretty much 3 sections people race on with no real PATTERN?

Who said anything aout the FAA? He meant common sense. It's like this: race up on the right, go back down the hill to the left- no matter what PART of the hill you race. And yes most use that common sense rule ever since I have been going, but you'll always get a few knuckheads that decide to turn around and go right back down through a bunch of racers going up.

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Here are a few great sources of information for the "new" duner:

ASA "DUNE SMART" Safety Book


(There is a link on there to view the brochure in a pdf. file)

Tread Lightly! also has this one:

TREAD LIGHTLY! Guide to Responsible Motorized Vehicle Use in Sand Dunes

You can pick all these up at the Sand Sports Super Show in September. :driver:

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Here are a few great sources of information for the "new" duner:

ASA "DUNE SMART" Safety Book


(There is a link on there to view the brochure in a pdf. file)

Tread Lightly! also has this one:

TREAD LIGHTLY! Guide to Responsible Motorized Vehicle Use in Sand Dunes

You can pick all these up at the Sand Sports Super Show in September. :driver:

Thanks Jim. I will look those over and use some of those tips when putting together the Dumont flyer. :thumb:

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Maybe a section of the flyer dedicated to camp area behavior, Example, no racing through the camp grounds, and most importantly dont cut through others camp sites...just a thought

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c'mon guys. I know you have some more. With all the bitchen in the past about about caution tape, rebar, etc you can't come up with some more? LOL

:woo_hoo: Glass.......trash......rebar.....kiddie tracks not filled back in.....camp racing.....and taping off dunes are my only gripes. If folks were more responsible about those items I'd have to complain about the tea in China or something along that line.

Maybe it's not far enough into summer yet! :woo_hoo:

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:shout: no generators to be run after 10:00 pm :think: oh nevermind im usually passed out by then . :laughoff: how about even though signs are posted :shout: no pallet burning period!!!!!!!!!!!!

at clean up were i camped i stop right before a huge pile of nails :banghead:

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:shout: no generators to be run after 10:00 pm :think: oh nevermind im usually passed out by then . :laughoff: how about even though signs are posted :shout: no pallet burning period!!!!!!!!!!!!

at clean up were i camped i stop right before a huge pile of nails :banghead:

I already have the generator thing on there and about the pallets as well. Think hard people. :barf: I'd like to get this up on the site somewhere in the next few days. :D

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I already have the generator thing on there and about the pallets as well. Think hard people. :banghead: I'd like to get this up on the site somewhere in the next few days. :D

No generators after 10? I had no idea there were quiet hours at Dumont.

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No generators after 10? I had no idea there were quiet hours at Dumont.

There aren't, but when some people have a $200 Harbor Freight generator that is 200dB at 1:00AM, that can get annoying. It isn't so much a rule, but instead a common courtesy thing. I put it under dune etiquette, not rules. :D

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