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If a 15 year old Punkass Kid is Wheeling next to your toyhauler. Please restrain from kicking the crap outta him. Or at least wait until he goes and gets his wussy a$$ dad so tres hermanos can put the smack down on him. Will that fit on the flyer?

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If a 15 year old Punkass Kid is Wheeling next to your toyhauler. Please restrain from kicking the crap outta him. Or at least wait until he goes and gets his wussy a$$ dad so tres hermanos can put the smack down on him. Will that fit on the flyer?

:banghead: no it won't

The flyer is now up on the homepage. Print them badboys up and hand em out. :banghead:

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Looks good Pete. :banghead:

Great idea too.

As Dumont gets more crowded, it's getting trashier and more dangerous.

This will plant seeds in some of the pumpkin heads out there.



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If a 15 year old Punkass Kid is Wheeling next to your toyhauler. Please restrain from kicking the crap outta him. Or at least wait until he goes and gets his wussy a$$ dad so tres hermanos can put the smack down on him. Will that fit on the flyer?

ya aint that the truth!!! :banghead: Oh I forgot im 15 :banghead: lol

Edited by duneshredder911
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Looks good. I really like the font you used in the header....... looks like the one I used for my truck DDR sticker. :banghead:

There are some errors......depending on how anal you want to get.



...and drop the "s" on the word others in these statements.



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  cmyfirepole said:

Looks good. I really like the font you used in the header....... looks like the one I used for my truck DDR sticker. :laughoff:

There are some errors......depending on how anal you want to get.



...and drop the "s" on the word others in these statements.



oops, thanks Gerald. I'll have to take care of that when I get home

That's why I wanted everyone to read it over before I put it up. I guess you were the only one. :banghead::banghead:

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  dunefreak said:

oops, thanks Gerald. I'll have to take care of that when I get home

That's why I wanted everyone to read it over before I put it up. I guess you were the only one. :woo_hoo::bawl:

Nope, I read through it too....just didn't want ya to think I was pickin' on ya...grammer police dontcha know!!


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  dinicolady said:

Nope, I read through it too....just didn't want ya to think I was pickin' on ya...grammer police dontcha know!!


That's why I said this....

  dunefreak said:

I think I am done with this flyer. :porn: Tell me if there is anything you think I should change or add. There isn't much room left. It was hard trying to cram all that info on to one 8.5x11 sheet. :woo_hoo:

I think it's pretty simple and easy to quickly read over so hopefully it will work. My printer is out of ink :grin: so if someone could print one up and let me know if it looks decent that would be appreciated. :D

If we agree it's all good, I'll get a link up on the homepage for it. :bawl:

I should have been more specific. Oh well. Doesn't matter now- it's all fixed up. :bawl:

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Fantastic! I am surprised this hasn't been done sooner! Great job! :laughing:

Jumping on the grammar/spelling wagon. (Responsibility) is miss-spelled........ "responibilty"? :laughoff:

Just trying to make something thats perfect, more perfect! :laughoff:

Edited by ntrsandman
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  ntrsandman said:

Fantastic! I am surprised this hasn't been done sooner! Great job! :laughing:

Jumping on the grammar/spelling wagon. (Responsibility) is miss-spelled........ "responibilty"? :thumb:

Just trying to make something thats perfect, more perfect! :dope:

thank you for pointing that out....fixed :laughing: Much appreciated :D

  sanddunesaddict said:

Pete it still shows the mistakes Gerald pointed out. :thumb:

  ntrsandman said:

Did you click on the link on the home page or in this thread?

Yeah, I meant the link for the pdf file on the homepage has been updated. I just updated the one in this thread as well so both should be correct now. :laughoff:


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