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NEED a sandfix!


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Looking to see if anyone is up for a quick morning run this weekend? Ynot wants to give his car a quick shakedown this saturday or sunday morning (after its retune)

Anyone interested in a run to dumont this weekend? We would like to leave around 4:30am and return when ever it get to hot! Or before it gets to hot.

any takers?? We would rather not dune alone....... anyone??? :beercheers::laughing::slap:

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  ISBB said:

COME ONNNNNNN... buelller. I cant be the only one that wants to go..

You're not the only one. I WANT to go, but can't. We're kickin it with stalteri920 on the houseboat this weekend. :laughing::beercheers:

It'll have to wait till Aug 11th for me.

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You guys are gonna make me go duning alone? Do you know the amount of guilt there would be if we broke down and were left out there alone to starve to a slow death? :ahhhhh:

C'mon I just got the car tuned and I am dying to find out the difference and I can tell you if the dyno #'s were right it's going to be a day to night difference! (terry) :offtopic: (Walter):laughing:

Edited by ynot
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  b370 said:

Hey :offtopic: you Terry! Kiss my :laughing:

Next time I wont keep it on the outside :):think:

That's ok you sprayed enough of the outside that it came over the back and through the engine compartment. But that's ok, :ahhhhh: happens! :D:D

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  Sincity_blondie said:


Why ya :MBdance: ??? its not a roller coaster!

Many people have :MBdance: from sandrail rides. Racnjasen did that after a ride in Randog's car. :MBdance::think::offtopic:


Didnt know you hucked Walt!!!! His old man driving scare ya?

:laughing: :ahhhhh:

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  ynot said:

You guys are gonna make me go duning alone? Do you know the amount of guilt there would be if we broke down and were left out there alone to starve to a slow death? :laughoff:

C'mon I just got the car tuned and I am dying to find out the difference and I can tell you if the dyno #'s were right it's going to be a day to night difference! (terry) :laughing: (Walter):flipoff:

:laughing: whats up with that walt? :blury:

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Terry's doesnt have a winshield.. Its just a fixation thing.. People get fixated on say the suspension and loose all senses from whats around them then :laughing: keep your eyes foward and dont fixate on the suspension and you will be fine... I didnt :laughing: when riding with terry :D

Terry i will go i just dont know how safe it will be with a 2 wheeler and a buggy especially if something broke down.

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ive never been sick riding in a sand car, but I can say it is probably related to sea sickness. This lady, who was our personal waitress for dinner the entire cruise, told us that this type of sickness happens because the fluids in your body get shaken around, and your body has a hard time keeping it's bearings (equilibrium)

the people that get sick in sand cars also have a hard time with motion sickness, and car sickness......I WOULD SPECULATE


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Okkkkkkkkk Let me clarify a few things here......

I do not :laughoff: everytime I am in the car. Its happened twice and I have been in that :thumb: coots car many many times. I dont stare at the suspension, he does not have a windshield so the lack or or excess air in my face does not bother me. I normally watch what is around us or the line we are taking, cars or bikes in front of us, or just look around at the scenery. I dont know why anyone would watch the suspension when that (to me) would get boring. Rollercoasters dont make me sick either! Now boats on the other hand..... :blink:

Both times I've gotten sick have been right after eating :laughoff: Terry is just having fun at my expense :laughing::laughing::laughoff::blury: hehehehe

I wonder if terry is gonna go out all ALONE this saturday morning :flipoff::laughoff:

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i would go i just dont know how a 2 wheeler would justify safe as i have no way of towing a broken car especially with a 2 wheeler and 2wd trick. and i doubt terry is bringing the rhino so if something happens to my bike im SOL as well.

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We will have terry's truck if his car needs a tow or your bike needs to be picked up. I think its just a safe measure to have more people around.

After seeing what his car did on the dyno.... we may need help getting out of the seats when our buttcheeks are holding the seat cushions like a kid has a death grip on a candy bar

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Nahhh no banshee this trip. Just wanna give his car a shake down after being tuned at Danzio this past week.

We were thinking of leaving around 4-4:30am on saturday morning and leaving around 9-10am when it starts to get warm.

So Terry.... what do you think?

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My lazy side says aww just wait till it gets cooler but my right foot says DO IT! Nick if you want to go we can put your bike on the front of the trailer and all go in one vehicle. Is there a way you can get it to me say Thursday night or friday so I can load it and then the car? We can go either sat or Sunday I am open to either day. :laughing:

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