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WTF is wrong with people these days?

Richard Cheese

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I just cannot help but notice the increase in abnormal behavior by people...like this one....


Detective: Mom killed baby in microwave

By James Hannah, Associated Press Writer

DAYTON, Ohio — Investigators looked throughout China Arnold's home to find whatever fatally burned the woman's infant, finally identifying a kitchen appliance, a detective said.

VIDEO: Mom didn't recall doing anything that caused child's burns

"That microwave was the murder weapon," detective Michael Galbraith testified Thursday at a hearing to determine if Arnold will stand trial on aggravated murder charges in the death of her month-old daughter, Paris Talley.

Arnold, 26, has pleaded not guilty in Paris' death on Aug. 30, 2005. Prosecutors are seeking the death penalty.

Galbraith testified that Arnold told him during his initial questioning: "If I hadn't gotten so drunk, I guess my baby wouldn't have died."

But under questioning from defense attorney Jon Paul Rion, Galbraith acknowledged that Arnold told him she did not know how the baby suffered the burns and that she could not recall having anything to do with it.

Prosecutors and police say the infant had high-heat internal injuries but no external burn marks, evidence that led the coroner to conclude the infant had been placed in a microwave. Galbraith said the infant's DNA was found in the home's microwave, though he acknowledged that evidence does not establish who put the baby inside.

Rion has said that Arnold took the baby to the hospital after finding her unconscious at home. He said she told hospital officials she did not know what happened to the child.

Rion also said the police's request for an arrest warrant contained inconsistent statements and omitted information.

Rion has asked the court to bar any evidence that was seized, any observations made by police and any statements that may have been made by Arnold after her arrest, which he said violated his client's constitutional rights.

Judge John Kessler ruled that prosecutors can use some of Arnold's statements at trial. He said he would decide later whether other statements and physical evidence would be admitted.

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HERE is another one...a 500 lb man decided to float down a river, and gets stuck in SHALLOW water (i've fallen and I can't get up)

Then, he has the audacity to blame his huskiness :thumbsdown: on something other than himself......freeking potato chips :thumb:

500-Lb. Man Thanks Rescuers, Hopes To Drop Pounds

Slideshow: Crews Rescue 500-Pound Man From River

(AP) Pine City, Minn. A 500-pound man who was hurt while drifting down a river on an innertube is grateful to the crews who saved him -- but says he'd like to lose some weight.

Crews worked for 12 hours earlier this week to rescue 39-year-old Martin Rike. Because Rike was stranded in shallow water, rescuers floated him to safety on a platform made from three canoes that had been lashed together.

"The evil potato chip has done its dirty work on me," said Rike, who was recovering Wednesday at his home in Pine City. "It's just too easy to grab the Fritos or the Old Dutch tater chips and keep going. It's one of those things I keep trying to improve." :beercheers:

He also thanked his rescuers: "I'm getting all the attention, but the kudos here goes to the rescue teams," he said. "They're the heroes of this situation."

Rike and three friends were tubing Monday on the St. Croix River between Minnesota and Wisconsin when his tube hit a rock and deflated. Rike said the group decided to walk about two miles downriver to an exit point. But Rike slipped on wet rocks and twisted his ankle, and cut up his legs below the knees walking through thistles and weeds.

Though his breathing was labored, reports that he was close to a heart attack were false, he said.

"I basically started hyperventilating because of the hurt ankle, and I had to keep stopping, and basically we weren't getting anywhere," he said.

The tubing trip was actually inspired by Rike's efforts to become fit. Rike said he decided to go tubing for the first time after his doctor urged him to be more active and recommended swimming.

"I figured tubing was sort of like swimming -- you kick your legs, you pull with the arms and you can just rest and float if you get tired," Rike said. "I wasn't counting on a rock taking out the tube."

Rike said that despite being seriously overweight, he's in "pretty good health. They've tested me for diabetes, which I don't have, and my blood pressure is actually pretty good." But he's struggled with his weight for his whole life, he said.

Rike, who is about 6 feet tall, said obesity runs in his family. His brother and sister have both undergone gastric surgeries to lose weight.

An out-of-work truck driver, Rike said he would like to undergo a similar procedure but has not had medical insurance for several years now, relying instead on medical assistance from the state. Now he's afraid he won't be able to get a health clearance to return to truck driving.

Rike said he will look for other ways to be physically active in the future. "I think we can pretty much discount the tubing trips," he said.

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and then this one......a fuggin drunk lady on an airplane physically abuses her kids for 2 hours AND threatens a flight attendant?

(AP/CBS4) DENVER A woman accused of beating her children then threatening a flight attendant who intervened while on a flight between San Francisco and Denver was ordered jailed Wednesday until her next court hearing.

Tamera Jo Freeman, 38, faces a charge of interference with flight crew and assault, according to court documents. Magistrate Judge Boyd Boland ordered Freeman jailed until Friday, when she has a preliminary and detention hearing.

She was arrested Monday after the plane landed at Denver International Airport.

According to an affidavit, witnesses told investigators that Freeman had been using profane language and hitting her children -- ages 2 and 4 -- to the point they were crying and trying to hide in a corner on the floor.

When a flight attendant intervened, Freeman allegedly threw a drink on the floor and confronted the flight attendant in a common area.

One passenger on the flight told CBS4 the abuse continued for almost 2 hours before the flight attendant intervened.

"One (child) was still in a diaper," said Carrie Storin, a passenger on the flight. "All it had on is diaper and t-shirt sitting on the floor under the seat, squeezing toothpaste and juice napkins everywhere. The other one, older one, could talk and pressed against the window hugging her knees screaming. It was bad. I felt sick, I wanted to cry, so I can't imagine how the kids felt."

Freeman told investigators that she slapped her children because they were fighting over a window shade. She denied throwing a drink, saying she had set it down on the floor on the aisle and added she "lost it" while on the plane.

Freeman requested a public defender and it was unclear whether one had been appointed.

A hometown for Freeman was not immediately available. Jeff Dorschner, spokesman for the U.S. Attorney's Office, declined comment.

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Well take a look at todays role models for young children, Paris, Lindsey, Brittney, 50 cent, Eminiem, Snoop Dog etc. Todays society and morals or lack there of, makes young people feel that it's ok to do these things. Its ok to be a gangster and sing about it and make $$$$ off of it. It's ok to run around screwing everything in site and drinking and snorting coke, what's the big deal I'll still have a job on the movie set tomorrow AND I know if I continue to behave this way, it's just more publicity for my movie, so who cares, I am STILL gonna make the BIG BUCKS. And young people see this and take their leads. Unless the parents set good guide lines for thier children, its just going to contuniue to get worse and worse.

I am soo glad that I have taken the inititive set down good guidelines for my two boys. They have responsibilies, chores, goals, and good expectations. But if they don't get this at home, who do they have to turn to?

I could go on all day about this

:beercheers::thumbsdown::thumb::bawl: :mic:

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