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SEMA Show in Vegas. Anyone go to it?


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My friend Mark came by and asked if I'd like to go with him to the SEMA show in Las Vegas.

I said "sure". Mark said the plane leaves in 2 hours.

SEMA is a major car industry trade show in Las Vegas every year.

Marks wife was the meanest, loudest-in-your-face shrew of a wife I've ever seen in all my days. Scary mean.

First trip ever she couldn't make and keep Mark on a short leash.

Mark was the Ayatolla of car painters. Known and respected in the trade.

He was so good one of the major auto paint companies hired him away to run a US sales team pushing their new, very difficult to use, enviro friendly products.

Mark brought along a few of his sales staff.

These guys belong to a religion that absolutely is down on Nevada, let alone forbidden to work any vice kinda 'Vegas job in the gaming industry.

None of the guys have ever even been to Las Vegas.

Their absolute stunningly beautiful, knock-out looks wives drop them off at the airport and just us guys board the plane.

Guys trip.

The plane takes off and Mark orders cocktails for us all.

The salesguys are really weary, "we never drank liquor before",, but they get down their Gin and Tonics by the time we touch down at Mc Laren.

And are they ever tipsy.

Mark had reserved one of the last of the big old Caddies.

The rent a car company girl said their is still a big interest in them, so they keep a few on hand at a premium rate.

We got a shopworn, coppetone, Caddy Driftwood Brontosaurus with over 100K miles on it.

"I've always wanted to do this" and Mark just steps on the gas,, pedal to the floor.

We blow down Blue Diamond Highway and after an hour, off in the distance I see the red letter G lite up in neon in the dark desert sky.

Then the letter I,

then R,

then L,

then S lites up,

the sign goes dark, then flashes GIRLS.

I've had never been to an adult club, and have never been since. We arrive. I felt like Mark was Lampwick and we were all the kid donkys in the Movie Pinochio headed to Pleasure island.

Mark does a spectacular 4 wheel drift into the gravel parking lot, and in the glow of the headlites and dust we see two of the caddys wire wheel hubcaps go bouncing off across the lot.

We retrieve them and put them back on the car.

The salesguys say " take us to our room", Mark says we'll just be here a short while.

"Ok then, but don't tell our wives" the saleguys concurr.

They took full advantage of all services offered at the club, then we headed to Little Ceasars Storefront Casino on the Strip.

Not to be confused with Ceasars Pallace or the pizza chain, Little Ceasars was owned by a ill tempered former boxer who would punch anyone or any employee who he even slightly disagreed with.

It's claim to fame was Bob Stupac of the Stratosphere placed and won a 1 million dollar Superbowl bet at the Little Ceasars sports book.

So we roll into Little Ceasars for the $1 blackjack, and 25 cent dice games.

The salestaff all amp'd and ready.

Little Ceasars had a unique self-serve bar too. Ya pour'd your own, comp'd of course.

So we pour drinks, and head to the craps table just as the ill tempered owner took the "rake" (stick) from the dealer and hit him with it, then fired 2 dealers on the spot.

He was shouting, veins poping up on his neck, red faced,, just furious.

Then a limo driver pulls up in front, and the owner goes out and shouts at the driver to move. The driver says "just a second."

Not fast enough.

They both go at it right there in the parking lot and the limo driver almost knocks the Little Ceasars owner out. Just pummels him deluxe, and it shut him up. We all went back to leading each other astray at the self serve bar and 25 cent craps now run by the remaining employees.

Then to the SEMA show.

The SEMA show is fantastic if you love cars.

Now it's really popular with the huge interest in auto restoring and customs.

Any business that is anything in the auto world is there, and they most all have 24 hour hospitality rooms.

Ya wanna get to visit the hospitality rooms.

Full bars, excellent high dollar, yet free buffetts, entertainment, and gifts.

I mean really good gifts like Jackets, electronics ect.

Mark having juice in the industry based on his reputation got us into as many hospitality rooms as we had time for. Dupont auto finishes is the best room to visit. I would recon their are 100's of them all over town.

The salesguys all got hooked on gambling and skipped the hospitality rooms

I'm pretty good at quickly teaching craps, and had them all hooked for a fun time.

They all lost about $300 each though.

If ya get a chance to visit the Las Vegas SEMA show and you love cars, by all means do it. An try and get passes to the hospitality rooms.

Ya see really cool auto related tools, machinery, parts, gadgets, on and on.

Any other SEMA stories out there?

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:banghead: SEMA :worthless_without_pics:

SEMA kick @$$. its a good place to go see all the new stuff coming out, and ideas for your own rides. i went there with my uncle he owns Kal Koncepts out of bakersfield. on the average he has 5 or vehicles at SEMA a year (i think the most was 13 one year) some of them he just paints, some he builds. last year ford gave him a fusion for a dollar, chevy gave him a colbalt ss supercharged also for a buck. check out two of the trucks he painted for doug deberti. lately hes been paint alot of rhinos and rails. the parties that some of the companies throw at night during SEMA are crazy. rented out clubs :dance: and open bars :whistle::dope:

the black super duty is no longer :banghead::banghead: it was on the back of a semi that was taking it and another truck to a car show on the east coast. something happened to the driver and the semi went off road and rolled down a cliff



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okay , cool story and all. But I've never heard of the place Little Cearsars casino........

I just thought he meant The Stratosphere when he was referring to Little Ceasars. :banghead:

Maybe Cesaers Palace? Set the record straight, Ross. :banghead::banghead:

Funny a$$ story, Ross. Thanks for sharing.

Marks wife was the meanest, loudest-in-your-face shrew of a wife I've ever seen in all my days. Scary mean

^^ :worthless_without_pics: :whistle::dope:

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A great show on Turbo HD TV is "After Hours at SEMA with Chip Foose."

He tours the show after it's closed for the day, at 3 AM, and gives his unique takes on the rides and products at the show.


One of the really small booths at the show was Komoskies (speling?) House of Color.

Mark introduced me to Komoski (sp?), and Mark told me that House of Color auto Finishes were of incredable quality.

"Even the finest car paints from the big companies ya have to strain before you use them. Not with House of Color".

Pristine quality paint.

The owner of House of Color, personally brewed and canned all products himself.

He later sold the company (I'm told), and it's BFD today in the custom car industry.

Me being old school, I took a special interest in the House of Color booth.

Tiny one man display at that time.

Today, ship Foose has a special place in his heart when ever he visits House of Color on his TV show.

But a great story how a small company with a good attitude and superior product, can grow to be an industry leader in quality.

"We'll never see candy colors again" said Mark.

He was sure as hell was wrong about that.

Edited by Duneraider
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A great show on Turbo HD TV is "After Hours at SEMA with Chip Foose."

He tours the show after it's closed for the day, at 3 AM, and gives his unique takes on the rides and products at the show.


One of the really small booths at the show was Tom Komoskies House of Color.

Mark introduced me to Tom, and Mark told me that House of Color auto Finishes were of incredable quality.

"Even the finest car paints from the big companies ya have to strain before you use them. Not with House of Color".Pristine quality paint.

The owner of House of Color, personally brewed and caned all products himself.

He later sold the company, and it's BFD today in the custom car industry.

Me being old school, I took a special interest in the House of Color booth.Tiny one man display at that time.

Today, ship Foose has a special place in his heart when ever he visits House of Color on his TV show.

"We'll never see candy colors again" said Mark.

He was sure as hell was wrong about that.

That is John''' any paint you should strain, its only to filter dust,dirt any debri, I sprayed for over 12 years and have used and still use house of color it should be run through a strainer as well..just my opinion, but anyone i know using it does as well :flipoff:

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SEMA week is one of my favorite weeks of the year. I have some great stories, too bad I'm a horrible storyteller... :mischevious:

Here's a touch on some things I learned over years of SEMA:

-If you pick up a writer for a truck magazine from the airport with Jello shot BUCKETS you get added to the write-up for the show

-How long it takes to finish interior panels/etc. for a SEMA dually in front of my house

-That another dually on the front lawn taking a bath digs a massive muddy hole in the yard when done

-That you can get bums to give u money and buy you drinks

-That there are ALOT of prostitutes at the Hard Rock and the Palms during big conventions

-My old house could sleep 20 plus people (I forget the final count), and that many people with the associated amount of alcohol equals an INSANE amount of garbage, and we were only there a couple hours an evening...

-St. Rose Pkwy the 1st year it was finished being widened from Eastern made a great Drag Strip for some

video footage a friend wanted for his next DVD (Drag as in THROW SPARKS not racing)

Yeah, I need to learn how to be a good storyteller, Good times always...

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I think you did fine Amanda...cause that was one year only. Another year we toured the show, and crashed in our friends hotel everynight. Another we drank at the show and just partied all week with everyone. The show is now so big...you need the week to see it.

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