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Friends or Family get sore 'cause ya didn't buy the car or truck they wanted ya too?


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When the last style GMC/Chevy came out, a co-worker was beside himself that I didn't buy the truck HE liked, and bought the GMC instead.

He really got sore at me. I couldn't understand what was in it for him?

The 8.1 turned out to be very good with the Allison, especially compaired to what he eventually bought.

We still drive the GMC today.

The brand truck he relentless lobbied me to buy, and that he finally bought, burned through transmissions, and cracked cylinder liners/headgaskets.

Anyone remember the POS Mercor?

Oh brother was a bad car it was.

I bought a Supra, and my parents couldn't get over that I didn't buy the Mercor.

They were all over me to buy a Mercor.

They quit talking to me for a spell too.

Road and Track put the Mercor at the top of the worse cars ever built list. Right next to the Yugo and the Mazda MPV mini-van.

Hells Angel Steves wife still drives the Supra. I sold it to them some years ago, still runs and looks great.

Studies show people spend 80% of their socializing time trying to influence things they have no power over and that don't effect them at all.

Human nature I recon.

My neice needed a new car, and her side of the family urged her to buy cheap, a Yugo.

Remember them?

About $1600 new, and it got lots of press on the news and rags. Many people go on the strength of a glossy press release & brochure, and especially the low price.

The Yugo was half the price of the Toyota Corolla, which she prefered.

We gave her the difference in cash for a graduation present (plus $140 for ac, ya gotta have ac) so she could get the Corolla.

She still drives her little Corolla today.

People ever get worked up for you to buy the car or truck THEY wanted?

Edited by Duneraider
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ha ha. i remember when the yugo came out. we did all the collision work for a vw dealer and they took on the yugo line. i couldnt believe what a pile of crap that car was new. i remember reading years ago that a company in houston bought all the new old stock parts for those cars and sold them online. i seriously doubt though if there are any of those cars still alive.

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usually just hear it about what make if buy a chevy the ford guys :laughing: and buy a ford and the chevy guys :shout: :flipoff:

Yup! Chevy, Ford, Dodge, Chevy, Ford, Dodge, Chevy, Ford, Dodge

But what I can't figure out is people that have quads and bikes and no trailer or pick up and go out and get a new SUV and still can't tow there toys without help from friends... they must think it is just fine to go up and down the streets and mess it up for us that actually GO RIDING!

Wow a bit off topic sorry.....

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I was reading this yesterday, an I was thinking do people really get but hurt over what someone else spends their dime on....

The today I get a call from some loser, and he says that he knows someone with 22" wheels fro my Nissan with low pro tires - I was like no and no - I dont want some home skillit tires/wheels that would only hamper my progress in the sand even more then now, and no because I have sold the Nissan and will be getting a Ford by the end of the month....

He goes a Ford, why would you want that POS - so I proceed to tell him cause I want one. He says dont you read consumer reports - I tell him no - Why? He tells me how bad of a rating the Ford gets, and that they are a POS... I then proceed to tell him I dont need consumer reports, cause it passes with Chris's report just fine and it's Chris's dime that is funding it - all he can say is whatever......

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the fuggin mercur xr4ti


jim rome does a skit on his radio show about him having one of those in college...some funny chit.... he calls his boys the XR4TI crew.

:blink: what other people want you to do, short of your parents while you are living under their roof, and in isn't illegal


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When little Princess "B" was 16 and I got so sick of running her to work, cheer, school, girlfriends, mall, etc. She wanted to drive my truck. Auh...... "He!! No!" So my friend found this car in Boulder, told me about it, It was a 95 Toyota Corolla. One owner, low miles, $2800.00. :laughoff: Thought I would surprise her with it. I was the one who was surprised cause, She didn't like, :laughing: She wanted a truck. What she really wanted was for me to sell her my truck and I could just "Buy a New One". What? :laughoff: :rainbow1:

4 months later she surprised me by calling me from Florida, on the day she was to return, and told me she was moving there with Million Dollar Daddy. Cool, No more Kids. She moved and called me about a month later and wanted to fly out and get HER car. I said, "Humm......I don't have it anymore. She is like, What? Mom that was MY car, What did you do with it? Heres the good part.

I sold it to a guy who sells Golf Carts and bought a Golf Cart from him.

Boy was she pissed :laughoff:

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ya, i bought my daughter a car for her 16th birthday. she didnt deserve it but it was contingent on her passing 10th grade. thought it would be an incentive. WRONG. f*ckin kid doesnt appreciate sh*t. now we are stuck raising her kid. got legal custody friday. :porn:

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the fuggin mercur xr4ti


jim rome does a skit on his radio show about him having one of those in college...some funny chit.... he calls his boys the XR4TI crew.

:thumb: what other people want you to do, short of your parents while you are living under their roof, and in isn't illegal


Funny chit cheese...I love Romies rants on his old XR4TI!!! :laughoff: :porn:

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wow. i thought i was the only one that listened to rome. when i lived in houston he used to do 4 hours in the morning/afternoon and then it replayed at night. been a clone for about 12 years now a think. went to see him one time at the horse track there in houston. packed house and a million beer cans everywhere. aside from the sillyness he is spot on in most cases. :D that merkur story is classic.

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Yeah, opinions are like a$$holes...Everyone has one.

My dad is a Ford man. Loves the 460 gas V8 and would never buy a diesel. I get ripped all the time because I drive a Dodge with a Cummins. My truck gets twice the mileage towing and the engine should last twice as long, but I'm the dumb one here? :porn:

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