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Concealed weapons permit


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Has anyone on here that lives in CA. have or tried to get a concealed weapons permit. How easy? or difficult? I work in some real questionable areas and a co-worker buddy of mine just got robbed the other day at knife point by some crackhead. I would rather be the guy who brought a gun to a knife fight. :freakin_nuts:

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  deuce said:

Has anyone on here that lives in CA. have or tried to get a concealed weapons permit. How easy? or difficult? I work in some real questionable areas and a co-worker buddy of mine just got robbed the other day at knife point by some crackhead. I would rather be the guy who brought a gun to a knife fight. :freakin_nuts:

My understanding is that California does not offer them to regular people, you need to have good cause and not just fear.


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It is unfortunate that CA is so anti-gun and even more anti-CCW. CA does offer permits, however, you have to obtain one for the county you live in. The down side is that if you leave that county, you are SOL in the next county. Go to www.packing.org/state/ and click on California. But getting one takes an act of Devine intervention.

I do not advocate illegally carrying a concealed weapon so here is what I do when I'm in California (which is where I'm at right now.)

If you are unable to get a CCW, try these on for size, all are legal!!!

Get yourself a good Pepper Spray (OC Spray) FOX Labs 5.3 in a 2oz container or my preference and what I carry daily is Mace brand Triple-Action Defense Spray http://www.pimall.com/nais/mace.html Personal Model.

Get yourself a good folding knife. I carry a Spyderco Native III. I use it daily for alot of things, hell tonight I used it to get a splinter out of my nephew's hand. I never leave home without it!!

Something that cannot be purchased but is invaluable is Situational Awareness!! Don't walk around all paranoid, but at least know what's going on around you.

I don't mean to get on a soap box, it's just that I instruct this kind of stuff and just having some basic stuff with you will give you more of an edge than if you had nothing.

Let's take your buddy and his situation. A crack head approched him from somewhere right? Say your buddy had some OC Spray and his SA was right on and he saw it coming. The spray from the cannister is about 8-12 feet which would drop the attacker and give your buddy time to just calmly walk away, because unless you have trained with this stuff for a very long time, you are going to drop to your knees with snot bubbles, tears and spit coming out of everywhere.

Some may ask, what about stun guns? Well they are great, but the problem is, you have to get close enough to touch the person and that's just too close for me. On the upside though, and it's legal in CA, a TASER. It gives out 50,000 volts and it's not a pleasant feeling to have one touch you. The best thing, you can be up to 15 feet away from someone. They are available to the general public and are relativly inexpensive http://www.taser.com/products/consumers/Pages/TASERM18L.aspx

So even if you cannot get a CCW in CA, all is not lost. And one more thing. If you decide to get and obtain a CCW, learn the laws pertaining to the use of deadly foce and what intermediate force options are.

Good luck!!

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just remember, when facing someone with a knife...the infamous 21 foot rule.

In the world of police work there is what has become known as the ‘21-feet’ rule. Simply put, if a person has a knife and is 21 feet away from you, and he decides to initiate an attack, he can easily cover the distance in 1.5 seconds.


Consider this:

If you have a holstered gun and you are very well trained in a quick draw, you can likely draw and fire your weapon in a 1-to-1.1 seconds. The second shot goes off about 2/10’s of a second later. The third shot is released in another 2/10’s of a second.

Therefore, if someone standing 21 feet away attacks you with a knife, he will strike his target in 1.5 seconds. You, on the other hand, in that same 1.5 seconds are lucky to draw and fire one or maybe two shots.

It gets even worse when you factor in reaction time.

It can take as much as 1/2 second to react to the attack mentally and make the decision to counterattack with your weapon.

And just imagine if you’re a civilian or off-duty in civilian clothes and your weapon is carried concealed. That’s probably going to add another 2/10 or 3/10 of a second to your draw.

Considering the fact that a handgun cartridge (even the .45ACP) does not have the ability to instantly put someone down, unless it’s a head shot and within the kill zone, in such a knife attack, you are probably going to get hurt.

What can you do?


If you can move in such a way as to place a barrier or some kind of obstacles between you and the assailant, you can effectively slow down the attack. That gives you the opportunity to deal more effectively with the threat, either by putting more obstacles in his way, or by firing more rounds to stop the attacker before he can reach you.



Before you can pull the trigger on your gun, you must first pull your mental trigger. The fact is (short of accidental discharge) you cannot fire your weapon until you have made a mental decision to do so.

When facing a dangerous threat, if your mind is cluttered with thoughts of why me, or I can’t believe this

is happening, or I hate knives, or anything else for that matter, you will first have to clear your thoughts and then make your decision to act.



As you move from condition yellow to orange, you are assessing the threat. But when you go into condition red, you must set your mental trigger by saying to yourself: If he does this, I will shoot.

Now it may be as simple as, if he fails to respond to my command to drop the knife, I will shoot.

Or. it might be: If he turns toward me, or starts to run, I will shoot. The point is, you must decide in advance exactly how you are going to act if the attack begins. If you wait until the attack is under way before you start making decisions, you are going to lose the fight.


If someone is holding a knife or edged weapon and is making verbal threats to you or someone else, and you believe the threat is real, have your gun out, finger off the trigger, and in a low ready position. You are not endangering anyone at this point, yet you have cut your response time by 1/2 second or more. This alone could mean the difference between winning or losing the fight.

If your weapon is already in a low ready position and your mental trigger is set, in the 1.5 seconds it takes

the attacker to reach you from 21 feet, you’ve already shot him three or four times.


Keep this in mind. When someone rushes toward you, they tend to move in a straight line. Why? Because it’s the quickest and easiest way to reach you. And, physically, it allows the attacker to put his full power into the attack. He is going to run right over you and plunge his knife into your vital area(s).

If you are rushed by a knife-wielding attacker, it’s important that you move out of his direct path.

Think of a bullfighter. He uses his cape to keep the bull’s attention focused, and at the last minute, he quickly moves to the left and out of the bull’s path. Thus rendering the attack harmless.

If under attack, what we want to do is shoot and move. If the attacker is holding the knife in his right hand, assuming you have the space, move directly to the left. If he tries to change his direction to meet you, keep moving laterally.

If he has the knife in his left hand, you want to shoot and move to the right.

Don’t get caught trying to move backwards to gain distance. He is moving faster than you can, so he will continue to close the distance with extreme speed.

By moving laterally to the right or left, you either won’t be where he was expecting you to be, or he will be forced to slow his attack as he changes his direction.


Strong commands such as: Drop the weapon; Stop: Get Down. all may have the affect of at least distracting the attacker from his mission. If not, they will help to alert and warn anyone else who is close to the danger zone.

If you have to shoot, hopefully witnesses will have remembered your verbal commands and be able to testify that you tried to stoop the attacker verbally before resorting to firing your weapon.

As you train, practice drawing and firing your weapon while moving. Don’t forget to use verbal commands in your practice sessions as well. And, be sure to use visualization and mental imagining exercises to prepare you today for any potential threat.

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thanks for the good info....lucha libre bitchezzzzzzz :freakin_nuts:

anyway...in Ca, it all depends on which county you live in. LA county doesn't give them out very often....however....Kern county has and will give them out just for personal protection..........granted you pass the background check, and and hit :dunno: azz @ 30 ft.

there are also some other counties in Northern Ca who are also very liberal with the CCW permits....jsut gotta find the right one...

good luck

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ash is probably more up to speed on things like this than iam. i havent been in the "Industry" for a while, i was prior Military Police, Dept of Defence Police, and i was also a Tactical weapons instructor, and a NRA LEAD instructor as well. but Ash works in this type of stuff on a daily basis. its been a few years for me.


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  RAGDOLL MX said:

ash is probably more up to speed on things like this than iam. i havent been in the "Industry" for a while, i was prior Military Police, Dept of Defence Police, and i was also a Tactical weapons instructor, and a NRA LEAD instructor as well. but Ash works in this type of stuff on a daily basis. its been a few years for me.


Good lord, you used to be a cop. :rainbow1: And you traded that all in to become a Mexican Midget Wrestler!


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Right now, NV legislature is doing some good things in the CCW department. One of those is being able to reciprocate with other states. Right now, we do not honor any other states permits, but that is about to change. I hear that CA wants to jump on the wagon as being one of the states that we honor, well that could work in our favor. Right now, AZ and UT honor our permits and I can almost guarantee we will honor theirs. If CA wants this to be extended, then they will have to step up and honor ours. So the political battle begins.

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  deuce said:

Thanks for all the great info. I knew that if I asked that question on here I would get great advice. :porn:

Ash and RAGDOLL MX are right on the money..

If you are really looking to get your C.C.W. Premit than you should go to one of the classes the Sheriffs department puts on. The class is cheap and you will learn the responsibility and consequences that go along with having such a licence.

I was with Sheriffs Department for a few years in your area and have seen a couple of shootings where good people were forced in defending there familys lives or their own lives by deadly force.

Its not like everyone sees on T.V. If you shoot to stop the threat you may go to jail for a long time until the investigation is over!

The average shooting in civil court can cost you the Victim around 2.5 million dollars in damages.

It gets very expensive. If you do not conceal your weapon properly in public and some one calls in a "Man With A Gun" to the local P.D. Or S.O.

If the responding officers get into a wreck, YOU are responsible for all damages in that wreck!

It really sucks that these street pukes can carry anything they want and usually get away with it, But if Joe Citizen wants to carry a firearm to protect his family or his own life than he is put through hell in doing so!

I feel that the average hard working Joe today should have a firearm to protect themselves.

You would be shocked if you knew just how bad Law Enforcement gets backed up when you really need them!

Just look into the C.C.W. classes. If you think its what you want than go out to a gun range that rents hand guns and see what works for you. Dont just go out and buy the biggest gun they make find something that performs well with you.

Good luck!


Edited by Dune Family
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