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Ha Ha..Paris Hilton loses her inheritance

Richard Cheese

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Paris Hilton's inheritance cut

5:00AM Tuesday July 31, 2007

Paris Hilton. Photo / Reuters

Paris Hilton may be US$60 million ($78 million) out of pocket, according to news reports.

Her billionaire grandfather is reportedly so appalled by her behaviour - including her jail stint for drink-driving - that he has decided to cut her inheritance.

Family patriarch Barron Hilton has been embarrassed by her behaviour before. He was reportedly upset when her home sex video was leaked to the internet. But the Sydney Daily Telegraph reported that the 79-year-old considered her 23-day jail sentence the last straw.

Barron Hilton has decided the money from his inheritance will go to a charity instead.

He is the only family member in the Hilton clan left with a large stake in the Hilton hotel chain. He is due to receive about $2.4 billion from an impending sale of the company to a private equity firm.

The Telegraph quoted author, Jerry Openheimer, who wrote a bigraphy of the Hiltons, House of Hilton, as saying he did not want to leave unearned money to the family.

"He was, and is, extremely embarrassed by how the Hilton name has been sullied by Paris."

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You don't think she makes good money already? TV shows, movies, etc......? I think she does work and the American people are stupid enough to pay attention to her and feed her publicity dollars!!!

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When all is said and done.............WHO CARES? :freakin_nuts: :freakin_nuts:

It would be of more interest if the headline read "Paris Hilton losses her panties" Ooooops....that already made headlines. :barf::barf::barf:

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