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some good points about firearms

Richard Cheese

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“Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not.”

- Thomas Jefferson

An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject.

A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone.

Colt: The original point and click interface.

Gun control is not about guns; it's about control!

If guns are outlawed, can we use swords?

If guns cause crime, then pencils cause misspelled words.

'Free' men do not ask permission to bear arms.

The Second Amendment is in place in case the politicians ignore the others.

64,999,987 firearms owners killed no one yesterday.

Guns only have two enemies; rust and politicians,

Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.

You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.

Criminals love gun control -- it makes their jobs safer.

If guns cause crime, then matches cause arson.

Enforce the 'gun control laws' we ALREADY have, don't make more.

When you remove the people's right to bear arms, you create slaves.

The American Revolution would never have happened with gun control.

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All guns do have to be registered and here in Nevada when you register a hand gun you recieve a blue card which has to be on your person while you carry the firearm which can not be concealed by any means such as a glove box etc........... I do have a CCW and feel if all law abiding citizens did that crime would slow down big time and the mortuary business would be on a rise. Nevada may do the automatic register now but will check with a metro officer to find out forsure. :blury:

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  YamaPimp said:

All guns do have to be registered and here in Nevada when you register a hand gun you recieve a blue card which has to be on your person while you carry the firearm which can not be concealed by any means such as a glove box etc........... I do have a CCW and feel if all law abiding citizens did that crime would slow down big time and the mortuary business would be on a rise. Nevada may do the automatic register now but will check with a metro officer to find out forsure. :blury:

I bought both of mine from Discount Firearms in 2003 and they gave me the blue cards at the dealer. After they conduct the proper background check to sell you a firearm and after the wait period has passed they sell you the firearm and provide the registration, it is part of the paperwork you fill out when you go in to make the purchase, then they file the paperwork. If you purchase a firearm and are not given a blue card then you take it to the substation and they will conduct the background check and you will complete the same paperwork there. You do have to have the blue card with the firearm and it is not a permit to carry concealed. You can carry another persons firearm with their blue card, but it is your responsibility to ensure that you are legally allowed to carry a firearm. Nevada is also a state in which you can carry an exposed firearm on your person in public, but you should check various cities ie. henderson, nlv and boulder city for their method of carry laws.


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I think that rule is just for Las Vegas or Clark County as in Pahrump we don't have to register anything. I bought a handgun from a guy going thru cop school in Vegas and he said I had to register it in Vegas and after many phone calls he finally agreed that I didn't need to register.

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  iweb said:

I think that rule is just for Las Vegas or Clark County as in Pahrump we don't have to register anything. I bought a handgun from a guy going thru cop school in Vegas and he said I had to register it in Vegas and after many phone calls he finally agreed that I didn't need to register.

Sorry not to clarify, yes that is for Clark County jurisdictions with the exception of Boulder City.

Here is the direct quote. :blury:

Clark County (minus Boulder City) requires registration of handguns only. All other counties have no registration of any guns. For Clark County, the first handgun purchase includes a 72 hour "cooling off" period. A handgun registration card (commonly known as a "blue card" because of its light blued color) is issued for each registered handgun, and must stay with the gun. Examples: If you take the gun to shoot at the range, you must take its blue card also. If you loan the gun to a friend, you must make sure he has the card with it. You may register your handgun at any branch of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (bring it to them UNLOADED AND IN A SAFE MANNER). If you sell or give away the handgun, you are obligated to have the registration transferred into the name of the new owner. If you wish to purchase other handguns, your "cooling off" period is waived if you have your blue card present.

And another clarification..

Without a CCW permit, a firearm may be concealed in your home or vehicle as long as it is not on your person, concealed by your person, or in a personal item (such as a purse, backpack, briefcase) carried by you.

Edited by Foxysandchick
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