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Last night I bought a new laptop for me and the kids to use,so we can stay off of hubby's work computer.whatever anyway....

It has windows Vista and let's just say I am 100% lost...with everything.I need someone to walk me through it over the phone or come to my house and I will pay you or by you dinner or buy you beer.

Giving me step by step instuctions over the computer will not help.I was born a blonde and the brown is just hair color.But If I continue wasting anymore time trying to figure out how to work this darn thing I wont have any hair left to color.

Somebody please help.

Thanks in advance :D


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  ISBB said:

what are you trying to accomplish?

I am use to windows xp

1.So understanding the differnce in windows vista programs from the xp???

2.Making sure my wireless router configurations are right that I set up last night??(internet comes on and off)

3.Trying to install a game for the kids and it wont load I guess cause it is Vista so I might need a patch I was told don't know what that is or how to find it??

4.There are certain programs that I like that are on our Hp laptop with windows xp.Can I get them on my lap top?

those are all the questions and problems as of now.I have been doing this computer thing for 24 hrs. And I haven't gotten pass those 4 items to know if there would be anymore.

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Games need to be vista compliant. or be patched will have to go to the game manufacturer to find out. Vista is ultimatley the same just packaged a little diffrent.

What kind of programs from your HP are you missing?

As far as the wireless goes if it connects to the internet its setup right and it could be a hardware issue letting it disconnect..

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  ISBB said:

Games need to be vista compliant. or be patched will have to go to the game manufacturer to find out. Vista is ultimatley the same just packaged a little diffrent.

What kind of programs from your HP are you missing?

As far as the wireless goes if it connects to the internet its setup right and it could be a hardware issue letting it disconnect..

So what does that mean that I need to do?

The game is Sid Mieres Pirate game of Jaydins.It is the kids favorite game.I tried to look it up but I could not find anything about a patch.

Hp has this photo thing I like where I download all the photos and than it get's transfered to snapfish.

As for the differnces between xp and vista.

xp....micro word,spreadsheet.works

vista....can't find anything that would be close to those.What is there wording for those things?

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Office programs you generally have to purchase and do not come with a new laptop. You can get the Student and Teacher editions for pretty cheap of office 07 which is vista compliant.

As far as the pirates game goes you might be up sh*t creek on that one. i didnt see anything in their forums or on their website.

As far as the wireless goes ya might just be SOL on that one too :( .. there are a couple settings but if its dropping randomly its usually the wireless card or driver issues..

Sounds like you need to either Format that bastard and put windows xp on there and call it even or take it back and find some other suitable alternative.

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  ISBB said:

Office programs you generally have to purchase and do not come with a new laptop. You can get the Student and Teacher editions for pretty cheap of office 07 which is vista compliant.

As far as the pirates game goes you might be up sh*t creek on that one. i didnt see anything in their forums or on their website.

As far as the wireless goes ya might just be SOL on that one too :( .. there are a couple settings but if its dropping randomly its usually the wireless card or driver issues..

Sounds like you need to either Format that bastard and put windows xp on there and call it even or take it back and find some other suitable alternative.

That's about where I was going with it,but I was told today that if I go find any computers that still have xp on it that soon they will be voided out.And if later I choose to download vista on it than I might not be able to find all the drivers,whatever that means.And the company of the computer that I purchase it from will not warrenty it if I delete vista from the computer and add xp or the other way around.

As for the wireless router it is not happing on Sky's computer which is the main one that it is hooked up to.It only happens on the Hp lap top and now the new one.It doesn't drop me when I am on the internet.It wont let me log onto the internet.It sometimes has a line going through the little icon on the bottom of the computer and than I have to do a diagnoss check to get it cleared off.

Thanks Nick for your help :D

Edited by Danielle
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ahhh the wonders of vista.

if you were to format that b*tch and put xp on there.. you will be able to find drivers for it now... if vista is on there now you can re-install it waaaay down the road if you want. you just gotta check before you do it and see if HP has xp compatible drivers for the new hardware they put in that lappy.

Wireless. instead of doin a repair everytime... just hit the little Fn Key and the wireless button up on the top or if you have a little switch to turn the wireless on and off.. just cycle it and give it a sec and it will probably come back up for ya.

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  ISBB said:

ahhh the wonders of vista.

if you were to format that b*tch and put xp on there.. you will be able to find drivers for it now... if vista is on there now you can re-install it waaaay down the road if you want. you just gotta check before you do it and see if HP has xp compatible drivers for the new hardware they put in that lappy.

Wireless. instead of doin a repair everytime... just hit the little Fn Key and the wireless button up on the top or if you have a little switch to turn the wireless on and off.. just cycle it and give it a sec and it will probably come back up for ya.

So does that mean it is not broken or that I did set it up fine with the configurations,and it is a normal thing that happens?

And as for Jaydins computer game he is out of luck I guess :(

The Hp laptop that works for everything is getting a new keyboard replaced on it as it is only 10 months old and the kids spilt stuff on it.So there for Chris said they are no longer aloud to be on that computer as it is for his work so he tells me go out and by a computer so you guy's can get off mine.So I bought an Acer laptop with 1GB/120Gb and figured I would download all the kids games and my stuff from the hp on to it.

And that has gotten me knowhere. :finger::laughoff:

Thanks again Nick

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Your up here in the northwest right? Lets just say that VISTA is a huge pita!!! Depending on schedules I could swing by and take a look at it.

I agree with nick 100% on this one... reformat and install XP, and later down the road when mickysoft stops supporting XP... then go back to vista. (hopefully they will have the bugs worked out of it by then)

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  b370 said:


Your up here in the northwest right? Lets just say that VISTA is a huge pita!!! Depending on schedules I could swing by and take a look at it.

I agree with nick 100% on this one... reformat and install XP, and later down the road when mickysoft stops supporting XP... then go back to vista. (hopefully they will have the bugs worked out of it by then)

Walt that would be great if you don't mind doing it.I can arrange my schedule around whenever it is good for you just let me know what can work.Cause I am done trying to figure this thing out.I have accomplished nothing in the past 24 hrs except sitting and steering at that computer.

Yes I do live in the northwest off of Ann rd.I will Pm you my cell and just call me when you have a chance.

Thanks again.

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Danielle what version of Vista are you running? Vista Home I would guess, one thing to know about Vista if you have issue installing some apps try it 2 or 3 times, sometimes Vista will open a dialog box asking if you are having issues installing it and then ask if you want Vista to install it for you. Say yes and sometimes it will work. If not I think I have a copy of XP Pro that you can have, it is a legit retail copy that I never used.

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  mineurbiz said:

Danielle what version of Vista are you running? Vista Home I would guess, one thing to know about Vista if you have issue installing some apps try it 2 or 3 times, sometimes Vista will open a dialog box asking if you are having issues installing it and then ask if you want Vista to install it for you. Say yes and sometimes it will work. If not I think I have a copy of XP Pro that you can have, it is a legit retail copy that I never used.

Mark I will need it if you can let me use it if I take vista off.Thanks I will let you know.And yes it is vista home premium.

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Im up at Elkhorn and Buffalo, so I'm right around the corner. Depending on how this week goes...... I would be able to swing by one afternoon this week. Thur or Fri would probably be best for me.

Do you know what version of Vista you have? None of them are all that great but knowing helps. I got your PM. My cell is 286-1683

Welcome! :laughoff:

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  b370 said:


Im up at Elkhorn and Buffalo, so I'm right around the corner. Depending on how this week goes...... I would be able to swing by one afternoon this week. Thur or Fri would probably be best for me.

Do you know what version of Vista you have? None of them are all that great but knowing helps. I got your PM. My cell is 286-1683

Welcome! :laughoff:

It is vista home premium and Thur I am home until 3:45 than I have to be at work and Friday I am home all day until 4:30 and Sat all be home later in the afternoon after work and sunday I am home all day.So just let me know what will work for you.And if not there is always next week. :D

I give up for now. :(

Thank you again.

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  Danielle said:

Mark I will need it if you can let me use it if I take vista off.Thanks I will let you know.And yes it is vista home premium.

Just let me know, I am not going to use it, since I have two and don't need them both.

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I'm headed to Dumont sat for the night ride. So Saturday and Sunday wont work for me :) Friday may work best for me.

I'll do my best to get you up and running (smoothly) on Vista and will hold out on formatting as a last resort.

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  mineurbiz said:

Just let me know, I am not going to use it, since I have two and don't need them both.

Thanks I will call you when I figure out what we are going to do after b370 takes a look at it for me.

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  Danielle said:

Thanks I will call you when I figure out what we are going to do after b370 takes a look at it for me.

see Dani you guys come up to dumont its only for 1 night ,and bring your laptop :laughoff: I will be camped next to walt....cmon whatya guys say :finger:

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see Dani you guys come up to dumont its only for 1 night ,and bring your laptop :finger: I will be camped next to walt....cmon whatya guys say :mc_smiley:

There ya go.... If I start :MBdance: I can relax w/ a drink and a laptop :laughoff:

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see Dani you guys come up to dumont its only for 1 night ,and bring your laptop :laughoff: I will be camped next to walt....cmon whatya guys say :mc_smiley:

Remember No trailer still at flippin wheelers :finger:

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