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I feel for you.That sucks :( Mojo our 7 month old french bulldog is destroying the backyard.Chris just landscaped the rest of the backyard and put lot's of $$$$ into it and he has pulled out alot of the plants and dripper wires and the main watering line.He say's the dog is going or f*ck the backyard it can all die.

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PEOPLE! you don't have to hate your dogs, puppies. They must be trained or supervised all the time when they are pups, or this is what they do. I put a kennel in by backyard to keep the puppies from doing that Sh*t and in the house I had travel creates to put them in to sleep at night or when I was not home.


Don't be hatin' Just learn the right way to train.

Edited by desertskyz
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PEOPLE! don't have your dogs, puppies. They must be trained or supervised all the time when they are pups, or this is what they do. I put a kennel in by backyard to keep the puppies for doing that Sh*t and in the house I had had travel creates to put them in to sleep at night or when I was not home.


Don't be hatin' Just learn the right way to train.

We do crate him in the house it is when he goes out side to go potty.15 min of him being out there and he can do alot of damage. :crackhead:

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Well I have been keeping him in the kitchen area with his kennel. He didn't know how to jump the one gate, then bam...he jumped it. I'm going to go back to keeping him in that area, cause he just sleeps most of the day and I come home to pure love. Puppies are puppies, I just also don't want him to get hurt. Other than the blinds, he still used his potty pads and didn't tear anything up. Yay Linus!!

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If he is tearing up the backyard in 15 minutes he needs to be trained,,YOU NEED TO SUPERVISE them at all times, we would let our dog out for that time and he would jump the fence...

I have considered a puppy in the last few months but it's as hard as my 2 baby's i have..I will wait till the kids can help take care of..

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We do crate him in the house it is when he goes out side to go potty.15 min of him being out there and he can do alot of damage. :crackhead:

Hannah is the same way... she no longer goes outside unsupervised. You dont know how many times i have had to repair the drippers and trim the tree's she has mangled.

Inside she's an angel since thats where she is monitored constantly but she used to free roam out back but not any more..

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Oh my can I tell you stories.... We have a 3 1/2 year old Jack Russell. We also tried the crate. He figured out he can bite and bend the bars until they start breaking. The travel cage, he figured out how to unlock (he's like a friggin monkey). And the only fence he hasn't jumped is the 6 ft. wood fence. A chain link he would climb over in no time. He destoyed a chair once because my husband left him in the crate and apparently he rocked the crate close enough to the chair to latch onto it and chewed to the wood. As soon as we come home he is just as happy as can be, his stub of a tail wagging like it's going to just fling right off. I can't bar to get rid of him though, he is so good with the kids and he knows no stranger. He doesn't like other male dogs but is fine with females (figures). They just have so much energy, even with 3 boys to play with him he still needs more. I will put him on the tread mill and he will run non-stop for about 20-30 minutes. All I can say is good luck and try to have lots of patience.

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Hmmm, Linus likes my elliptical...I wonder if he'll like skateboards? Yeah I think he climbed the baby gate cause it was wired like a chain link...easy foot grabbing. I put him in his kennel and when I came back the first time he was freaking out like a crazed animal in it.

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Long story short, my wife had a freind give her a jack russell, 1st week this dog chased a cat into my boat, b52 wakeboard boat & destroyed my apholstery, got up under the dash tore the wiring out & more, my wife knew to take the dog back to her freind before i got home :beercheers::drinkbeer::drinkbeer::laughing:

Edited by X-5
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And if yours hasn't been around fire works yet you might want to be prepared. Ours totally freaks out, we have to give him doggie valium when camping or 4th of July & New Years. And by the way, when we leave the house now he is locked on a tie-out outside because he broke through the crate, and he digs under every fence. We even buried chicken wire under the fence to try to prevent digging. We feel bad about the tie-out so a few months ago we decided to "secure" the yard really well (we thought). Because we were going to be gone all day the following day. Well needless to say when we got home we had a message on the machine and 20 minutes after we had left he got out and got hit by a truck. Luckily not killed and the guy took him to the shelter. The shelter called us and when we got there we expected the worse but he was just scraped up. But he didn't learn his lesson, by a few days later he was trying to escape again. I think we need to try a electric fence, maybe shocking the crap outta him will prevent him from escaping.

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No. He hates to be by himself and always wants to do what were doing. So if the kids are swimming he is right there wanting them to splash him, although he doesn't want in the pool. We take him with us camping and we noticed everytime we would get on our bikes and start them he would start barking and trying to chase us so my husband just picked him one time and put him in front of him and he stayed there. And he loves to go for rides in the truck. Everytime he has gotten out he ends up jumping into someones car and they call us due to our # is on his tags. (with the exception for the time going under the truck instead of inside of it). Our Jack is extremely OCD. If you turn on a flashlight or laserlight or anything with a light he will do anything to get at the light. All of our flashlights have teeth marks in them because of him. In fact a couple of weeks ago while at Pismo we had a fire going and he was chasing the sparks coming out of the fire and bured his nose but he still wouldn't stop. He loves to pull my son around while my son is on his skateboard or skates and he pulls hard enough that my son never has to put his feet down.

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Yours does have a crackhead look about him, he actually looks a lot like Daisy, Linus's sister. Her head has coloring too and one big black spot on her back.

Yeah he loves to go for rides, and will go to sleep instantly in the car. Linus loves to chase anything moving, so if a piece of paper moves on the ground, he is after it. Bugs too. I call it squirrel like movement/OCD...ahahahahhaa.

Edited by NicoleinVegas
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