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you beat me to the 500, if i was back in the states i would have bought it.

looks like an awesome machine. watch out for the high spead head wobble and make sure check all the nuts/ bolts every trip out(lock tight). treat her nice and she'll take care you. treat her bad and i'll be in the hospital :laughoff::thumbsdown:

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  barefoot bob said:

the cool thing isbb is to get the cr 250 aluminum frame and add your components there was a company doing it it made the bikes lighter and turn quicker. !!!

500s rock see you on halloweeny bro

Actually they use prototype cr125 frames.

I talked to them about it.Service honda is the company.

Edited by sanddunesaddict
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bert the newer bikes are the new gen 4 CRF250R and X Frames but they use just about all the diffrent frames if need be. The 125 was only used on the Limited edition Service honda bikes. They dont use the 450 frame much but have in the past.

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I say 1 trip out and you either eat sh*t or sell it and buy a Rhino. :banghead::banghead::banghead: j/k

Let me know if you need me to ever start that biatch for ya! Sanddunesaddict had a problem trying starting his one time. I hopped on it and started it up 1st kick. :laughing::isbb::banghead:

When's the first trip out gonna be?

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:banghead: got to give the bike a little lovin... alot of the maintenance stuff needs to be done to it and some cleaning... but i plan on a weekend to lancaster for a test and tune as i need to rejet it a little to get it to idle. other than that.. probably kick off weekend in the sand.. And i dont plan on selling it f***k that.. i have been waiting to long to have one of the ultimate dune mocheens. :D

BTW Maxdout couldnt get it started.. I started it for him LOL

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  dunefreak said:


I say 1 trip out and you either eat sh*t or sell it and buy a Rhino. :banghead::banghead::banghead: j/k

Let me know if you need me to ever start that biatch for ya! Sanddunesaddict had a problem trying starting his one time. I hopped on it and started it up 1st kick. :laughing::isbb::banghead:

When's the first trip out gonna be?

Yeah when that happens your leg ends up like jello and kick it anymore. :chat:

A fresh leg is always welcome :D

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remember 500's like to idle before you shut it down otherwise you have a strong chance of fowlin the plug. i always run a NGK BR8EG plug. how tall are you? i'm 6'4" sometimes for me finding top dead center is a pain. good luck.

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Just short of 6' and im gonna order up a couple new plugs tomorrow when i get to work along with a few other things..

Cables (clutch and throttle)

Air Filters

Tranny fluid

2 stroke oil ( debating between yamalube or castor 927 )


Throttle tube

big bottle of Simple Green!!

Watter Wetter

New front brake line

Ratio Rite w/ Lid

Call Scotts and see if i can get a submount kit for the stabilizer :D

2 rear sprockets

1 countershaft sprocket

The chains i got with it are decent but will probably order another one

That should get me going on the road to a sweet success... and burn up my last paycheck from thumpertalk LOL.

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  ISBB said:

Just short of 6' and im gonna order up a couple new plugs tomorrow when i get to work along with a few other things..

Cables (clutch and throttle)

Air Filters

Tranny fluid

2 stroke oil ( debating between yamalube or castor 927 )


Throttle tube

big bottle of Simple Green!!

Watter Wetter

New front brake line

Ratio Rite w/ Lid

Call Scotts and see if i can get a submount kit for the stabilizer :D

2 rear sprockets

1 countershaft sprocket

The chains i got with it are decent but will probably order another one

That should get me going on the road to a sweet success... and burn up my last paycheck from thumpertalk LOL.

I vote for Yamalube, I have ran it in all my 2 strokes and it has never left me with a problem, Rocky mountain ATV have the best case price that I know of.

Also Congrats Nick, youhave more cajones than me riding them things in the dunes! :banghead:

Edited by ynot
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the hardest part to keep on the bike was this little bastard(see pic) it keeps the head pipe and the silencer to the frame.it rubber and helps with the vibration of the monster 498cc power plant. its almost like you need to tighten it down every ride. ive replaced about 8 or so in the 7 years ive had mine. oh yeah motor mount bolts check those to. :banghead:


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