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I was told there are a few pics of the new Funco big 5 Gen 5 on glamis dunes. I went over and checked them out. Holy crap batman. This new car looks bad a$$. I cant wait to see the unveiling of it at the SSSS. I may just have to put my order in for 1 with the same nissan motor that I was running in my tatum. I think that would be a kickass setup!!!!! :beercheers:

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Yep thats the link. Thanks Pete. I wonder why he went with a v8 instead of a Subaru or a Honda? And I just noticed, C&G did the motor on it. Goodluck with that. Gary f*cked Dons car up real bad. I hope Bohica has better luck. I personally wouldnt let C&G work on my friggin radio controlled car motor, much less a supercharged v8.

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Tim.. bohica being the baller he is.. told grant to do whatever you want surprise me... when the question for which motor to use.. bohica pretty much told him you know what will work best in the car its up to you.. Guess its nice having that kinda budget for a sand car.

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