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I just walked in the door from going to lunch at McDonalds and the addrenaline is still pumping. I pulled up to McDonalds :barf: about 20 mins ago to get lunch. Because of my back problems, I have a handicap placard :old: on my Denali so I get the good parking spots. As soon as I step out of my car, I see a few Kids, :fro: probably between the ages of 15 and 18 talking Shiat to an elderly couple :ninja: . When I say elderly, I mean elderly. Probably 75 or 80, :old: The man was using a walker. Older than YNOT. This couple looked pretty nervous. So I asked, what the problem was? :ninja: 1 of the kids :fro: Said that the Manager was harrassing them because they are black. :fro: The manager said, Im not harrassing you because youre black, :fro: Im asking you to move your bikes. :ninja: These three ummmmmmmmmmmmmm :fro: Kids Had leaned there bikes up against the rail and up against the wall blocking the sidewalk leaving the Mcdonalds. :barf: So I asked these ummmmmmmmmm :fro: a$$hats to move there bikes so the elderly couple could get by. :rules: At this time 1 of the ummmmmmmmm :fro: Punks Called me a racist. :beerpint: I said what does race have to do with this, Just move your f*ckin Bike and let theses People go by. 1 of the ummmmmmmmmmm :fro: Scumbags Started talking trash, :ninja: Calling me all kinds of names etc. He even called me a FAT MUTHA F'er. :beercheers: Not Mutha Bitchezzz, :ninja: Id been cool with that. So I politely kicked his bike out of the way and picked one of the other bikes up by the seat and threw it into the parking lot. :crash: He got all brave and made a gesture like he was going to hit me. :ninja:

I said, Are you Fuggin Kidding me!!!!! :ninja: At that time, :idea: I reached into my Denali and got out my 6 cell mag light and asked him if he still wanted to hit me. :ninja: The manager asked if he should call the police. I told him no, he better call an ambulance because TUPAC, 50CENT, and LL COOL J here are going to need it. Of course the friggin :fro: PUNKASSBITCHES :chkn: picked up theyre bikes and started to leave. :ninja: Umm Stolen..... Probably. The elderly couple :old: and the manager both thanked me for helping them out. :clap: If I would have just stood there and watched all this go on, Who knows how it would have ended up. :ninja: 1 thing I do know, Is I would have been a total coward If I let these 3 :fro: Harrass this older couple And not step in. Call me a racist :blury: or whatever you will. But There was no way I was going to B a coward and just stand by and watch this.

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  vegas400ex said:

:beerpint: ...........good for you man...... :beercheers:

Not a racist by all means.Good for you,that you did that.those kids parents taught them well don't you think :blury:

If they were any color I am sure you would have still done the same thing as most of us would.There excuse in life is getting very old."meaning what the kids said to you"

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Way to go pimp....I almost had to lay the smackdown on some TOOL on the way home today too!!!!! What tics me off even more is him calling you fat....Thats reserved for fat guys to call their fat friends fat!!!! Also, you can't be a racist when you hate every one equally!!!!!

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I love it when some little splib calls me a racist because at that point I can just agree with them and call them the names that proves I'm a racist. Blacks are starting to use that crap again more and more. It's funny because I don't hate anybody because the color of their skin I hate them because they're a$$holes. Good job Tim! Those senior citizens needed someone to stick up for them.

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  dunefreak said:

That story is Mutha Bitchezz right there fo sho! :ninja::clap::beercheers:

Yes it is. :ninja::blury:

Thanks Tim. I appreciate your courage. :beerpint: Ya did good. :ninja:

These Punks now-a-days are out of control, with no respect. :ninja:

We oughta beat the :ninja: out of their parents too.

I think that's where it starts. :ninja:

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Remind me to roost the living sh*t out of you next time I see you Tim. I respect you for standing up to those a$$hats and yes race has nothing to do with that kind of action as you see that attitude across all racial lines. They wern't wearing flatbill hats were they? As for my age i may be old and there may be snow on the roof(well some of it has melted) but there's still smoke coming out of the chimmney, so this Bud Light is for you and oh by the way a big :blury: to you for bagging on my age. I don't walk around calling you fat do I? :ninja::ninja::beercheers::beerpint::clap:

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  Don29palms said:

I love it when [b]some little splib [/b] calls me a racist because at that point I can just agree with them and call them the names that proves I'm a racist. Blacks are starting to use that crap again more and more. It's funny because I don't hate anybody because the color of their skin I hate them because they're a$$holes. Good job Tim! Those senior citizens needed someone to stick up for them.

:freakin_nuts: :happydrunks::beercheers:

Edited by vegas400ex
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