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I hate people that make responsible riders look bad!


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So last night I went over to one of my buddies houses that got back from IRAQ yesterday and had a couple drinks then was home by like 1130. So here I am laying in bed at around midnight and I here a quad revving. :laughing: I go outside practically naked to see whats going on and here is this drunks a$$ guy revving his quad in his driveway then doing doughnuts in his front yard throwing rocks everywhere. Then this guy takes of through his neighbors yard and by that time the neaighbor stops him and is like wtf you doing. So the dude gets kind of cocky :banghead: with him and speeds off to the other neighbors yard and starts doing doughnuts like 3 feet in front of the door and the womans little kid walks out of the house and the guy starts roosting the little 2 year old, then takes off down the main road and rides to the bar for some more drinks. :dope: Mind you this guy is already hammered. So one of the other neighbors comes out and tells everyone that he has called the cops so naturally the nosey person that I am I wait for the cops to come and then almost as soon as the cops come here comes this jack :grin: flyin down the street and he almost hits the cop but makes it into his driveway runs into his house and tries to hide even tho the cop was right there trying to stop him. So finally they find this guy in the backyard and arrest him but to make things even worse for the guy the ambulance and the fire truck show up and I'm like wtf the dude is already in the cop car, well next thing you know here comes a cop out of the house on a stretcher. Anyways this sh!t makes me mad only because he gives us people that ride a bad name. Even the neaighbors have said they don't mind us riding down our street to catch the dirt but me and my friends are respectful about it and just creep through the neaighborhood. Sorry for rambling I am just really tired and really pi$$ed right now. :laughoff:

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what you speak of is rampant. I see sh*t like that EVERYWHERE....in our last camp @ pissmo, some friends of a friends of a friends where letting their kids ride double with NO HELMETon the kiddie track in camp :banghead:

I even talked to the kids real nice-like to explain what they were doing........10 min later one of the kid's dad was all up in ma sh*t tellin me I had no right to talk to his boy..... :grin: he had to put his beer down to talk with his hands :laughing:

my wife gets real nervous when I do stuff like that too, because she doesn't want my son to grow up fatherless....what the hell else can I do? :dope:

besides go out there and try to wreck into them with the farm equipment??

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  yfz450 said:

I haven't checked the paper yet but I doubt it will be in there since the cops didn't wrap everything up until about 330.

You probably won't find it in there either. Maybe in the police section and that is about it. Nothing was mentioned about it at work today, but I'll ask after lunch.

Yep our end of town is so bad about it now cause of the crazies doing stupid stuff like that, that we KNOW a cop will be driving by within 15 mins of us LOADING the quads on the trailer.

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