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DDR POTLUCK (DDR trip/ cleanup weekend)


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The DDR Dune Trip & cleanup weekend is coming up on the weekend of the 18th of March.

We are hoping to get as many DDR members to camp together that weekend as possible. It should be a good chance to meet other members on the board that some haven't met in person yet.

We'll be having a potluck BBQ for everybody. So I thought we'd at least get a thread started to have everybody post up what they can contribute. We will be providing a bunch of food already, but the more the better! :beercheers: We should have at least 3 or 4 grills that weekend and some tables/ chairs too.

Duniemokie & I will be supplying a bunch of hot dogs & hot dog buns, sodas, and probably chips/dips, snacks etc, along w/ some other good grubbin suprises. :boxer::dolphin:

So whoever plans on coming out and helping w/ the clean-up, grubbin, throwin some beers back, and hanging out w/ the rest of the DDR crew.... post up what you can bring. And don't ask "what should I bring? or what do you need?" You have all been to a BBQ before I'm sure. :laughing: Get creative and just bring something. :thumb::D

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The DDR Dune Trip & cleanup weekend is coming up on the weekend of the 18th of March.

We are hoping to get as many DDR members to camp together that weekend as possible. It should be a good chance to meet other members on the board that some haven't met in person yet.

We'll be having a potluck BBQ for everybody. So I thought we'd at least get a thread started to have everybody post up what they can contribute. We will be providing a bunch of food already, but the more the better! :beercheers: We should have at least 3 or 4 grills that weekend and some tables/ chairs too.

Duniemokie & I will be supplying a bunch of hot dogs & hot dog buns, sodas, and probably chips/dips, snacks etc, along w/ some other good grubbin suprises. :boxer::dolphin:

So whoever plans on coming out and helping w/ the clean-up, grubbin, throwin some beers back, and hanging out w/ the rest of the DDR crew.... post up what you can bring. And don't ask "what should I bring? or what do you need?" You have all been to a BBQ before I'm sure. :laughing: Get creative and just bring something. :thumb::D

Pete, the BLM is cooking Hotdogs and burgers for lunch on sat. Do you want the same thing Sat. nite for dinner? Just an FYI!

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dang pete!! ill bring stuff, was trying to be helpful asking what else ya needed. :beercheers:

:P I wasn't referring to you when I said that. Calm down! :dolphin:

Pete, the BLM is cooking Hotdogs and burgers for lunch on sat. Do you want the same thing Sat. nite for dinner? Just an FYI!

oh really? ok then... then I will bring out something different .... hmmm maybe carne asada!! :boxer: Will 50 lbs will be enough?? :laughing: j/k

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:P I wasn't referring to you when I said that. Calm down! :boxer:

oh really? ok then... then I will bring out something different .... hmmm maybe carne asada!! :beercheers: Will 50 lbs will be enough?? :dolphin: j/k

That's what we had last weekend from super mercado on Trop and Maryland. $4.99 per pound and it was fantastic. I would be in on that with you if you want.

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ok ok im calm!!! ill be there. not sure what ill bring yet, but ill bring something good. im not going to bring potato salad since rcjunky wife is making that. dont wanna make anyone look bad. lol lol kidding. :finger:

no worry on making anybody look bad if we wanted to compete in something i would build a quad druple turbo charged dual fed nitrous breathing alcohol burning honda 450r, no even that wouldnt be fast enough for a aarons yfz :boxer: :no_no: :dolphin: :huh: :finger: :no_no: :rockon::laughoff: make some if you want i would eat your salad to

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