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Do You Honestly Clean-Up after your pet at the Dunes?


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"Ya can't reason with drunks or dog owners" I was told by a LEO once.

That's so true.

We camped with one group at Buttercup, and one of the rigs had 3 dogs running loose around the campsite.

One of their dogs poop'd like a horse as it walked. It poop'd all day and nite long all over the campsite, along with the other two dogs.

They pooped in front of everyones RV, all around the group campfire, all around everyones camp chairs, pee'd on the tires of everyones quads and buggies and RV's, everywhere. And they had that thick brown custard like infection pee that stunk even in the cold of the desert. Stuck to everything like pancake syrup with bloody scabs floating in it.

Everyones kids stepping in the poop and tracking it in, riding their quads over poop,, can't sit next to the campfire because it's covered in poop. Everyone was walking around like the camp had landmines.

The Dog owner or his family made no effort to stop it or clean it up.

They also had another dog attacking others dogs who were tied up and kept under control and cleaned up after.

Everyone just put up with it so's to not create any friction on their holiday at the dunes. Or they were his dog owning friends and would defend him no matter what, too drunk to realize they've been slimed by his dogs too.

Finally on the last day (5 days later), the dogs owner walked around with a shovel waving it around so everyone could see., not to really clean up the poop, by to make it look like he was.

Like an anorexic chick walks around the party with a heaping plate of food, but never takes a bite.

We got some e mails asking why we don't camp with that group anymore, and we just say we prefer to camp alone. Why create a feud? Ya can't reason with dog owners.

We have no enemies at the dunes (or river), and we simply move to keep it that way.

I watch neighbors that live blocks from me walk their dog down our street, They never clean it up.

We askd one lady about it and she returned with her husband to show us she had muscle back home.

At the river, rarely someone will clean up after their dog either.

So bad are the dog owners at the Colorado river campsites, the awesome Fox's Pierpoint campground (owned by Off road racing champ Spencer Lowe) banned dogs altogether.

There was dog crap around the nice grassy eating area at his restaurant, on the pathway to the dock, all over the beach and campsites,, so that was it, no more dogs.

Do you clean up after your pet?

Not just make it look like you do, but get right out and clean right up after them?

Edited by Duneraider
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  Duneraider said:

"Ya can't reason with drunks or dog owners I was told by a LEO once.

That's so true.

We camped with one group, and one of the rigs had 3 dogs running loose around the campsite.

One of their dogs poop'd like a horse as it walked. It poop'd all day and nite long all over the campsite, along with the other two dogs.

They pooped in front of everyones RV, all around the group campfire, all around everyones camp chairs, pee'd on the tires of everyones quads and buggies and RV's, everywhere. And they had that thick brown custard like infection pee that stunk even in the cold of the desert. Stuck to everything like pancake syrup.

Everyones kids stepping in the poop and tracking it in, riding their quads over poop,, can't use the campfire because it's covered in poop. Everyone was walking around like the camp had landmines.

The Dog owner or his family made no effort to stop it or clean it up.

They also had another dog attacking others dogs who were tied up and kept under control.

Everyone just put up with it so's to not create any friction on their holiday at the dunes.

Finally on the last day, the owner walked around with a shovel waving it around so everyone could see., not to really clean up the poop, by to make it look like he was.

Like an anorexic chick walks around the party with a heaping plate of food, but never takes a bite.

We got some e mails asking why we don't camp with that group anymore, and we just say we prefer to camp alone. Why create a feud? Ya can't reason with dog owners.

We have no enemies at the dunes (or river), and we simply move to keep it that way.

I watch neighbors that live blocks from me walk their dog down our street, They never clean it up.

We askd one lady about it and she returned with her husband to show us she had muscle back home.

At the river, rarely someone will clean up after their dog either.

So bad are the dog owners at the Colorado river campsites, the awesome Fox's Pierpoint campground (owned by Off road racing champ Spencer Lowe) banned dogs altogether.

Do you clean up after your pet?

Not just make it look like you do, but get right out and clean up after them?

lol i have dogs i bury the poop my dog are iddy biddy small poop easy to bury right away.

edit: i guess i better add that my dogs come out for schedualed poop walks and we deal with it right away.

and i have a lil pen for daytime outside air occasionaly they escape but i dont ignore it i immiedtly chase them down. and dont try to reason with me im a dog owner...................... :laughing:

i try to refrain bringing the dogs to the river except lake mojave.......

pier point fox lmao omg what memories it used to be called just foxes my buddie drove his 21' boat right up on the dock 1 year ya i mean the bar. nobody hurt. ya it was stupid but also was funny as all get out at the time. he road a wave right on in. omg :laughing: that dude was a menace on the river back then ( 80s) but hella fun to party with. whata nut o those days ..........

Edited by barefoot bob
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I have a whole drawer full of plastic bags and when we take the dog out wether at the dunes or for a walk we pick up after her. Only place we don't is if we are in the middle of a vacant lot. I hate stepping in it and I don't think burying it at the dunes is the answer either as the next weekend your little ones may be digging in the same area. It's not such a big deal to pick up after them after all it's your dog and you brought him and the food so it's Pack it in Pack it out! :laughing:

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  ynot said:

I have a whole drawer full of plastic bags and when we take the dog out wether at the dunes or for a walk we pick up after her. Only place we don't is if we are in the middle of a vacant lot. I hate stepping in it and I don't think burying it at the dunes is the answer either as the next weekend your little ones may be digging in the same area. It's not such a big deal to pick up after them after all it's your dog and you brought him and the food so it's Pack it in Pack it out! :laughing:

lol i expected to get lambasted over this but i already spoke............

dont try to reason with me im a dog owner :laughing:

in my defence however we camp in the same place everytime i even found toys my daughter left a year before once i was blown away. they dig in the sand but we have never found turds all other forms of weird stuff but no turds yet. this question intriged me ive asked a few of my dune bussies this hasnt prented its self as issue other than the ones that dont at least bury it.

does that make me a hypocrit cause i think at minimum you should bury it ???

Edited by barefoot bob
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I wouldn't put that wager on us! We bring our Lab with us every trip AND clean up after her. Hubby takes her out every a.m. with shovel in hand and the kids have poop duty the rest of the day. Those in our group that bring their dogs also clean up after them. I do not want our quads rollin' thru it or anyone tracking it into the hauler, that's just plain GROSS!!

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We take both our dogs with us. And YES I clean up after them EVERYTIME!!

The older one won't even poop in camp.

There's nothing worse then running over poop with your quad!! Especially if its fresh!! :laughing::laughing:

I bring a bag with me.

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We take our dog and so does everyone else we camp with. I bring the veggie bags from the grocery store for her poop pick it up right away, she is not a little dog. The kids let us know right away when one of the dogs goes. We do let her run around camp but she would not hurt anyone or another dog she is a big sissy.

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  barefoot bob said:

i heard dunie monky just throws it :lol:

espeacialy at quads and sidexsides :headbang1::MBdance::laughoff:

I don't have to pick up MY poop because it's on the person I've aimed at, not the ground!

I ride a quad though so..... :flipoff:

Bob, you know I have nothing but love for ya', but either learn to spell and check punctuation or pick up your dog's sh*t. Leaving it there is as bad as dumping your grey water :banghead:

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I have a little Silky Terrier and I take him out every morning like clockwork afetr he is done with his morning eats. I clean up after him EVERYTIME, no matter where we are camping. The beach, the mountains, any RV resort, and yes, even the dunes. It has just become habit after all this time. Besides the fact that it is completely gross stepping in it........... :lol:

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my dogs are leashed @ my hauler when I cannot personally watch them. when they drop anchor.......I pick it up with a shovel immediately and put it in the trash can. I only take them off the leash to go to the bathroom, to sit next to me next to the campfire, or to go in the hauler for the night.

i am with you on what you say.... i hate dog owners who think it is alright for their dogs to poop and pee everywhere and on everything......it's wrong.

you can solve that by pissing on the dog owners tow rigs hood....

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  duniemonkie said:

I don't have to pick up MY poop because it's on the person I've aimed at, not the ground!

I ride a quad though so..... :lol:

Bob, you know I have nothing but love for ya', but either learn to spell and check punctuation or pick up your dog's sh*t. Leaving it there is as bad as dumping your grey water :laughoff:

ill get to work on the spelling and puncutation right away. :laughoff::lol::laughoff::laughoff:


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this is a good subject, i have one dog and she is a good camper, she holds it and if she does happen to go we scoop it up. but the running around camp thing drives me crazy, my dog is always on her cable and theres nothing worse then a free roaming dog that comes over to your area and either starts a fight or pissess or poops. i just had that situation happen when we were camping in cal city. i was out numbered i was the only one with my dog tied up it was crazy! we ended up having to move!

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I agree on not letting the dogs roam. Nothing more irritating then someone elses dog trying to steal your food from the trashbag or bbq even. We don't take out dog with us to the dunes cause i am to busy taking care of my 3 kids to worry about a dog LOL We do take him to the river with us, we stay at rainbow beach and hubby cleans up after him. He is almost alwayes on a leash. The dog not the hubby. LMAO


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