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Do You Honestly Clean-Up after your pet at the Dunes?


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We take our hairy child with us some of the time. He is always well supervised when outside of the trailer....that means on a leash 100% of the time. We clean up after him with a shovel and trash bag, as soon as we are aware and never, ever, ever allow him to roam. :mc_smiley: Period. That way he stays outta other peoples business and directly in the front of our trailer in camp.

When he is inside this is his M.O....."chill-puppy" :laughing: :


^^^He always makes that look soooo good. Effen nap king. :laughoff: ^^^

....and for those who think we shouldn't be allowed to bring our dogs. Get over it. :shocked2:

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post-267-1187706709_thumb.jpg There is no reasoning with a dog owner, cuz we all think we have the best well behaved, camp dog! Its funny, I find myself defending Ally(my dog) like she's one of my kids and you don't mess with my kids. :laughing: LOL!! Edited by johnny'sgirl32
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  KawasakiBob said:

Oops, she's much better with makeup :offtopic:

Wow, would someone get Rosie a Weed Wacker :booty::clap::blink::lol:

Sorry, off topic:

Someone needs to clean that dog up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by mredgy
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  Duneraider said:

"Ya can't reason with drunks or dog owners" I was told by a LEO once.

That's so true.

We camped with one group at Buttercup, and one of the rigs had 3 dogs running loose around the campsite.

One of their dogs poop'd like a horse as it walked. It poop'd all day and nite long all over the campsite, along with the other two dogs.

They pooped in front of everyones RV, all around the group campfire, all around everyones camp chairs, pee'd on the tires of everyones quads and buggies and RV's, everywhere. And they had that thick brown custard like infection pee that stunk even in the cold of the desert. Stuck to everything like pancake syrup with bloody scabs floating in it.

Everyones kids stepping in the poop and tracking it in, riding their quads over poop,, can't sit next to the campfire because it's covered in poop. Everyone was walking around like the camp had landmines.

The Dog owner or his family made no effort to stop it or clean it up.

They also had another dog attacking others dogs who were tied up and kept under control and cleaned up after.

Everyone just put up with it so's to not create any friction on their holiday at the dunes. Or they were his dog owning friends and would defend him no matter what, too drunk to realize they've been slimed by his dogs too.

Finally on the last day (5 days later), the dogs owner walked around with a shovel waving it around so everyone could see., not to really clean up the poop, by to make it look like he was.

Like an anorexic chick walks around the party with a heaping plate of food, but never takes a bite.

We got some e mails asking why we don't camp with that group anymore, and we just say we prefer to camp alone. Why create a feud? Ya can't reason with dog owners.

We have no enemies at the dunes (or river), and we simply move to keep it that way.

I watch neighbors that live blocks from me walk their dog down our street, They never clean it up.

We askd one lady about it and she returned with her husband to show us she had muscle back home.

At the river, rarely someone will clean up after their dog either.

So bad are the dog owners at the Colorado river campsites, the awesome Fox's Pierpoint campground (owned by Off road racing champ Spencer Lowe) banned dogs altogether.

There was dog crap around the nice grassy eating area at his restaurant, on the pathway to the dock, all over the beach and campsites,, so that was it, no more dogs.

Do you clean up after your pet?

Not just make it look like you do, but get right out and clean right up after them?

At buttercup, I would have picked up their dogs crap and piled it in front of their rig. If they still didn't get the hint I would have had to say something.

Create any friction? But it was ok for them to create an uncomfortable camping location and siutation.

I would rather have the friction.

I would have responded to the email in CAPS saying it's because of those frickin dogs that so and so has.

We have two dogs and I sure as heck clean up with a pooper scooper :stick_smack:

My little one still likes to play in the sand and build stuff, that'd be nasty for them to dig into the sand and uncover a big ol dry dog turd.

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