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Dumont Dunes TRT Meeting


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The next TRT meeting is at the BLM office in Barstow at 10:00 AM on the 21st. Anybody interested please try to attend.

I will have room if anybody wants a ride down from Vegas.


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Wish I could make it, work still won't allow me. :(

BTW, you must not have seen this topic before. What were the topics of discussion going to be this meeting? I know we discussed this in person before, but not everyone got a chance to hear what is going to be talked about at this next meeting.

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Here is the draft agenda. Last I heard there were a couple other items being added... I'll fish them out and post them.

Also, the FoDD leaders on the TRT will be asking for an update on the petition to list the lizard species.


Agenda for August 21, 2007

Barstow Field Office

10:00 am.

Call To Order



Approval of the Agenda

Approval of the Minutes from the June 5, 2007 meeting

Lunch decision – pizza or sandwiches (Bring $8.00 cash)?


Dumont Dunes Road (Roxie)

Community Discussions about the Dunes (Roxie)

Trash Pickup

Vendor Row location opinion from vendors

Discussion Items:

Fee collection structure

Members Items


We will work through lunch.

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  dunefreak said:

Thanks for the info, Vicki.

Please keep us updated on how everthing turns out for those that are unable to attend.

You bet.

And I know time is short but if anyone who is not able to attend has anything they'd like specifically addressed, please post it here.


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here is the actual updated adgenda;

Agenda for August 21, 2007

Barstow Field Office

10:00 am.

Call To Order



Approval of the Agenda

Approval of the Minutes from the June 5, 2007 meeting

Lunch decision – pizza or sandwiches (Bring $8.00 cash)


Dumont Dunes Road/Water Crossing Mike Trost

Trash pick-up Lynnette Elser

Inyo County Closure of Transfer Stations Gerry Heiller/Sam Merck

Supplemental Rules Dan Briot

2008 Fee collection Terry Allen Lynnette Elser/a



We will work through lunch.

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  dunefreak said:

What exactly is that going to be about?

I will let you know tomorrow evening for sure. But it may be about dumpsters in Tecopa or the usual suggestion that someone makes about putting them at the dunes which ain't gonna happen.

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Dumont Dunes Road/Water Crossing Mike Trost

The new wider crossing is in and ready to use, The road will be getting a new layer of asphalt grindings from a road project this fall as well as a seal coat.

Trash pick-up Lynnette Elser

Inyo County Closure of Transfer Stations Gerry Heiller/Sam Merck

These two are somewhat related, there has been an ongoing problem with people not secureing their trash and having it blow out on the way home as well as using

the dumpsters in Tecopa that are there for the residents of Inyo Co. This year there will be a push to "Pack it in pack it out and pack it all the way home"

Supplemental Rules Dan Briot

There are some suplimentle rules that are being planned the ones that will affect Dumont are,

No person shalplace upon or pound into the ground any non-flexible objects

No dumping of grey water

No camping incuding day camping in the Comp Hill Corridor and at Comp Hill

2008 Fee collection Terry Allen / Lynnette Elser

You will need to get your passes before you get to the dunes this year, there may or may not be vendors selling them at the dunes, only week long passes will be avalible at the begining of the season but you will be credited what you spend towards an yearlong pass, so save your passes.

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  JoeDuner said:

Is there a reason for no grey water dumping?

Clean water soaks into the ground and the "grey" in greywater stays at or near the surface, not much of a problem unless you are in a concentrated area with hundreds of people doing it. :laughing::ninja:

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I think the best part is "No person shalplace upon or pound into the ground any non-flexible objects" part. Which means If you are caught with REBAR pounded into the fingerdune you can get in trouble for it FINALLY. Im glad this was taken care of before a serious accident occured like someont falling and impaling themselves on this rebar. That was a very very dangerous thing in the past..

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the rebar thing won't get enforced...there isn't enough LEO's to do it

Richard I am glad to see that you have such a positive attitude. As a matter of fact I sat next to the head LEO during this meeting and as soon as the rules commettee allows this rule change it will be enforced. As far as grey water it has been allowed in the past for basin type water dumping but it has been abused to the point of dumping grey water from motorhomes etc. The high concentration of people in one area makes it a health hazard and it will not be allowed anymore. If your tent camping and wash the dishes in a bucket,tray whatever then there is no problem with disposing of that water on the ground. :laughing:

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I'm glad hear about they "rebar rule" too. I can't believe no one has been seriously hurt. I think the comments about leo's are just out of frustration. I personally would like to see the more serious/dangerous situations handled first. ........... I.E. Doubles riding, kids riding bikes that are to big, no helmets,rebar/stakes.....etc. I realize there are only so many officers and they seem that they could do better at picking their battles. Just my :laughing:

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  ynot said:

Richard I am glad to see that you have such a positive attitude. As a matter of fact I sat next to the head LEO during this meeting and as soon as the rules commettee allows this rule change it will be enforced. As far as grey water it has been allowed in the past for basin type water dumping but it has been abused to the point of dumping grey water from motorhomes etc. The high concentration of people in one area makes it a health hazard and it will not be allowed anymore. If your tent camping and wash the dishes in a bucket,tray whatever then there is no problem with disposing of that water on the ground. :laughing:

YNOT.......I'm NOT knocking our LEO's, or their lack of enforcement. What I am saying is that if there were MORE LEO's at D, especially during the peak weekends, then EVERYTHING would be enforced in greater numbers.

I know it is a problem, as members have described encounters with LEO's on the big weekends. They are edgy and stressed out because they are overwhelmed with the crowds and lack of common sense.

I think it is a good idea that rebar will no longer be legal to put up on the finger dunes....it's a question of safety. What I am asking is it's enforcement going to take priority over other safety issues, because they are NOT enforced 100% all the time.

If I came off as being negative, that isn't what I wanted to portray.

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