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9-2-07 morning dune trip report


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Me, wingnut, Pauly, and Vince headed out this am to D. We got there well before the sun came up. I think that is the earliest we have ever gotten there for a morning trip. :driver: We also met up with Charlie (Ball-n-Chain's husband)

It felt great to be back on 2 wheels again. I took my 2 wheeler and so did Pauly. :ban-split::headbang1: Wingnut & Vince were on their quads. It was quite the challenge to stay up. Holy crap was the sand soft as hell. :driver: Wingnut said he watched me plow through the sand and it was up to my axle most of the time. It was crazy. I don't think I have ever been out there on my dirtbike when it has been that soft. When you let off the throttle your bike would just wanna stop. :shake: Talk about power robbing sand. :blury:

I managed to pull off a pretty cool trick during one of our rides. I did an endo/sommersault/ flip/ over the bars kinda move and managed to never let go of the bars. :blink::blah: I came over a roller and when the front tire came down the transition it just STUCK. I think I was in 2nd or 3rd gear too. My momentum wasn't even enough to keep the tire rolling. :booty: As soon as I went over I hopped up to make sure Craig didn't land on top of me. I only barely bruised my leg and a very small bit of skin was lost, but nothing to even worry about.

We had a couple of good rides and we were done by about 8:30 or 9. The sand became pretty white-washed and it became dangerous to try and read the dunes. We chilled till about 10 and then headed out.

There were only about 3 or 4 small groups out there.

The weather wasn't bad at all. It started to get a lil warm towards the end of our last ride, but a breeze started to pick up and it felt pretty nice even with temps over 100.

Good rides & great laughes. Thanks guys. :icon_twisted:

pictures to come..... :D

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How early it was when we pulled in...


Getting ready to go ride...


Taking a break at the :icon_twisted:


Here ya go, Craig. A pic of the new ride in the sand. :D


A little friend that hung out with us for a while


Craig fixing his fuel line that fell off during a ride :driver:


pics of the sand...






the new river crossing...


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A little friend that hung out with us for a while


I see these guys everyday. They are all over out here.

Craig fixing his fuel line that fell off during a ride :icon_twisted:


NICE! Working on a fuel line with a lit cigarette in your mouth

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  ntrsandman said:

Fixing a fuel line while smoking? Uh, OK! Or is that an optical illusion.

  Don29palms said:

NICE! Working on a fuel line with a lit cigarette in your mouth

You guys noticed that too huh? I was giving him chit for that. :driver: :icon_twisted: :headbang1:

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  BALL-N-CHAIN said:

YA thats great, now even more people have seen his BALLZ! And he told me he was just going out to Nellis for a little while. :DDRrocks:

Just kidding I knew he went to Dumont. When he has paddles on his bike it's either Dumont or Armargosa. I ain't really some old dumb girl!

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