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What would you do ?


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You go to an ATM machine to pick up some cash....and the person before you has left their ATM card in the machine with the screen still up asking you "would like another transaction :bawl: ?"

Do you A: Press cancel and return the card to the bank :thumb:

B: Do a shoulder check and make a withdrawl :DDRrocks:

C: Press "Balance inquiry" to see if they have more money than you :flipoff:

This was my situation about one hour ago.....I will post what I did later.

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That happened to me when I was in college(1991 1992) I was flat broke and had a few drinks in me. I withdrew as much as the machine would give me. :praying: That happened to me again about 6 months ago. The second time I closed it out and ran the card into the bank. I was older and wiser.... :DDRrocks:

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  Ringleader(FF5) said:

You go to an ATM machine to pick up some cash....and the person before you has left their ATM card in the machine with the screen still up asking you "would like another transaction :bawl: ?"

Do you A: Press cancel and return the card to the bank :thumb:

B: Do a shoulder check and make a withdrawl :DDRrocks:

C: Press "Balance inquiry" to see if they have more money than you :flipoff:

This was my situation about one hour ago.....I will post what I did later.

The angel on my shoulder would have one helluva time convincing me not to take it! I guess I must have been brought up right. I would have to do the right thing and give it to the bank. Wouldn't want the karma bitchslap that would eventually come later in life.

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Dammit...that was my ATM card! You sonofab*tch! Give me back my money! :flipoff:

j/k :bawl:

As tempting as it would be, I'd turn the card in inside the bank. As much as I need extra cash sometimes, I would hate to be the guy who's account was drained. It doesn't matter if he had $100,000 or $10 in his account, it's his cash not mine. :DDRrocks:

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Depends on the person who left their card in....

If its one of those a-holes who takes forever and keeps looking around like a ninja is going to steel their pin number I would throw their card in the trash.

If it was someone who didn't piss me off and didn't look like they would piss me off I would turn it into the bank.

In both cases I would be tempted to make a withdrawl, but I would remember that I am on camera :DDRrocks:

And the whole karma thing, dammit.

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Return the card to the bank, don't touch his/her money. Its theirs and I am sure that they worked hard to get it. Taking anything from anyone else is :DDRrocks:

And as for looking to see if they have more $$ then me? I could careless, I am happy I have what I have, don't much care if someone else has more then me.....Whoop did de dooo! :D

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Looks like we are all on the Karma train on this one. I too would turn it in. You just have to remember to put yourself in their place and see if you would like it.

I have even told a dealer that I was paid wrong or if I lost and they paid me I still tell them. Once you go bad its hard to turn around.

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  buggychick said:

Return the card to the bank, don't touch his/her money. Its theirs and I am sure that they worked hard to get it. Taking anything from anyone else is :DDRrocks:

And as for looking to see if they have more $$ then me? I could careless, I am happy I have what I have, don't much care if someone else has more then me.....Whoop did de dooo! :D

So you do care some? :D

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The Conclusion:

As Lvnalolife said the "Angel on my shoulder" was having a all out war with the Devil on the other.....

so, I did a shoulder check,

Made a balance inquiry,

then made a withdrawl,

then justified this act by donating it to the homeless guy at the bus stop..... :laughoff::laughing::flipoff::laughoff:

Just kidding :laughoff:

No joke though....I did have a war with my concience, as I stared at the "would you like another transaction" screen....I thought about it, and decided to cancel the screen and take it in to the bank. But after 2-3 minutes of contimplation I figured I would get it back In that stuff everyone keeps talking about...."KARMA", good karma, bad karma you make the decision.

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  Ringleader(FF5) said:

The Conclusion:

As Lvnalolife said the "Angel on my shoulder" was having a all out war with the Devil on the other.....

so, I did a shoulder check,

Made a balance inquiry,

then made a withdrawl,

then justified this act by donating it to the homeless guy at the bus stop..... :blah::laughing::slap::laughoff:

Just kidding :laughoff:

No joke though....I did have a war with my concience, as I stared at the "would you like another transaction" screen....I thought about it, and decided to cancel the screen and take it in to the bank. But after 2-3 minutes of contimplation I figured I would get it back In that stuff everyone keeps talking about...."KARMA", good karma, bad karma you make the decision.

:dunce: :flipoff: I keep telling you for the past 10 years that Karma is for real and you still don't believe me.Let's see how your day goes tomorrow :blah::laughoff:

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If it was the machine that sucks int he card and doesnt give it back till your done.. I would have pressed no more transactions and sat there for 30 seconds with the atm blaring at you to pull the card out. after 30 seconds the ATM will eat the card.. :D That way if the bank is closed you can still turn it in.. Just a lil fyi :P

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ill tell you what i would do.....

Karma...no Karma.....

Check the balance.....remember the price of deisel fuel.....

look at the balance again....remember the prices of beer and smokes...

look at the balance AGAIN....remember the annual fees to dumont

look even harder at the balance again.......remember that i need new gear, deisel fuel, lots of beer, some smokes and a new dumont pass for the year.....

and then realize that even if we added both of our accounts together...it aint gonna happen, so ill just put his card in an envelope and deposit the whole card into the ATM Deposit slot....

I like Karma, and i dont want to get on the bad side..but even if the bank has "Insurance" for that sort of thing. it dosent matter....

id fill my truck.....:laughing:

just kidding...id return it

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