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How do you handle this?

sand chick

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How would you guys handle this situation. We have a wonderful neighbor across the street from us, he doesn't have anything to do all day, but watch the neighborhood and riffle through peoples garbage. You know the REAL nosey kind. Problem is I have tried talking to him and being nice. We are pretty sure he's the one who calls the cops whenever we put our quads on the trailer, or start the rail up in the garage. Bob spied him the other day hiding behind the tree in his front yard watching the garage. I am not worried about him stealing anything, he's an old man, and after trying to talk to him, I don't think he's all there :lol:

But last night this is what I came home to.............WTF???



How far is too far?? What can a person do??

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  Don29palms said:

Just ignore him and go about your buisness. Let the old coot call the cops all he wants. Eventually they will just ignore him.

Either that or go outside with hubby and have a real good water fight with a few hoses and I am sure after a few times he will decide to stay covered in the house.

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shoot him

na just ignore him clearly your life is more interesting than his poor guy.ill come sit with him and well watch your house together....................................... :watching:

now im kinda curious what you guys got goin on over there thats so interesting :lol:

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  barefoot bob said:

na just ignore him clearly your life is more interesting than his poor guy.ill come sit with him and well watch your house together....................................... :watching:

now im kinda curious what you guys got goin on over there thats so interesting :lol:

That might be fun! We could sit at Bob and Jodi's house across the street and stare at the old guy. He might get all nervous and have a heart attack or something. That would be cool to watch him keel over right there

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Yea, what don said. Just set some chairs out, and when he's sittin there, you sit there and watch him too. And drink alot of beers while doing it....Just have a stare down with him. Oh, and those dead trees and bushes in his yard are a fire hazard. Tell on him, since he does the same

Edited by vegas400ex
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1) Throw a few hundred pennies in his yard. That should keep him busy!

2) Take a care package over and spend some time with the dude.

3) Call the A-team

4) Steal his chairs

5) Throw a party and invite him over

6) Take him to dumont on Prez weekend and let him wander

7) Call the cops saying theres drug activity at his house

8) Park a cousin Eddie motorhome in front of his house

9) Ignore him

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I have some neighbors that are like that. I was going to get a manakin , wrap it up in a rug and carry it out to the truck with a leg sticking out and act all suspicious then go back to the garage and get a shovel and drive off, and see how long it takes the cops to pull me over. Of course as soon as I get around the corner have someone waiting to take the manakin so if the cops do pull me over I can tell them that my neighbor is crazy. If no cops pull me over just come back in a few hours dirty and make sure they are watching when I clean the shovel and back of the truck out.

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I couldn't find a bad idea out of that bunch!! :redhat: :dunno:

This is why I love this place, now I just have to figure out which one to try first.........

I think the first try will be next garage party gets moved to the street with lawn chairs and binoculars :watching:

I did try the care package thing, but it didn't work, I guess he doesn't like chocolate chip cookies still warm from the oven or something :lol::cripple:

Edited by buggychick
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  igotarail said:

I have some neighbors that are like that. I was going to get a manakin , wrap it up in a rug and carry it out to the truck with a leg sticking out and act all suspicious then go back to the garage and get a shovel and drive off, and see how long it takes the cops to pull me over. Of course as soon as I get around the corner have someone waiting to take the manakin so if the cops do pull me over I can tell them that my neighbor is crazy. If no cops pull me over just come back in a few hours dirty and make sure they are watching when I clean the shovel and back of the truck out.

:clap: that is good :thumb::lol:

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  buggychick said:

I couldn't find a bad idea out of that bunch!! :blink::lol:

This is why I love this place, now I just have to figure out which one to try first.........

I think the first try will be next garage party gets moved to the street with lawn chairs and binoculars :lol:

I did try the care package thing, but it didn't work, I guess he doesn't like chocolate chip cookies still warm from the oven or something :thumb::clap:

i do i do im coming over to sit in his chairs till you give me some.

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  wingnut said:

Hey Gerald can u find me some info on how to deal with friends that like to be nosey about your personal life? :thumb::beercheers:

You bet. Anything for a fellow duner!

Slip them one of these in a free ice cold beer next time they come for a visit!!!

There's the green gas!

Or for someone who needs a little weight loss vomit fluid!

...and for that someone special that is really deserving of the gift that keeps giving.... the evacuator!

It may not deal with the nosy problem, but at least you can keep them busy for a while!! :thumbsdown:

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  cmyfirepole said:

On the serious note ....... Clicky...

That is funny AND informative!! :thumb::thumbsdown:

  KawasakiBob said:

I say go to your front picture window, drop your drawers, bend over and give him a nice pressed ham.

Or shoot him.

HEY how did you know I had a front picture window?? :beercheers:

Is this the neighbor? :thumbsdown:


I am loving this response, I have soo many good things to choose from.

Edited by buggychick
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  cmyfirepole said:

You bet. Anything for a fellow duner!

Slip them one of these in a free ice cold beer next time they come for a visit!!!

There's the green gas!

Or for someone who needs a little weight loss vomit fluid!

...and for that someone special that is really deserving of the gift that keeps giving.... the evacuator!

It may not deal with the nosy problem, but at least you can keep them busy for a while!! :thumb:

I like the "Don't give without consent"

Is it OK if I make you crap your pants uncontrollably?

Would you mind if I caused you to puke your guts out?

If you drink this, it will make you fart endlessly. Would you do it for me?

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