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Look at what happened to me at work today


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So here's a quick look at my day.

They have spotters on a rock in Mexico that they use to watch us and move groups from Mexico to the United States when we are not near by. So an agent goes up as close as he can on the U.S. side with a pepper ball launcher (like a paintball gun) to say hello to them.

Needless to say they didn't like the greeting and chased us away with rocks. Later on in the day I spot a group of 6 running to the highway trying to get away. I put agents in on them and we get them. As I return to my area a sensor goes off and I notice that a group has crossed the border road and they are somewhere nearby. An agent that was north of me catches 3 and they tell him the others ran east and up hill trying to get back south at a different location. I spot 4 and catch 3. the first agent spots about 5 making it back south near my truck and I return to find this.

They got my personal bag with my PSP GONE! Digital camera GONE! Binoculars GONE! LUNCH GONE! and various magazines GONE! 2 XM radios GONE! Cell Phone Charger GONE! :beercheers:

They put a rock thru my passenger window to open the truck. notice that my bullet proof vest is still there!

My Oakleys were still in the visor and for some reason I took my cell phone with me on this hike which I usually leave it in the truck.

Hopefully I can get some of this back in my claim I have to file...

it was a fun day though!! VIVA MEXICO :flipoff:




Edited by bp-guy
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  barefoot bob said:

wow i hope you catch them with your stuff and give them a pleasent ride back :angry2:

I went a ways into Mexico hoping to find it on the ground but I was not so fortunate... I am ok thats all that matters anyway.. I can replace all that stuff.

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Thats some serious :dance: . Sorry that happened to you Tim. I think they should let you guys just start picking them off with your guns when they cross illegally. This is our home, you are just protecting it. Its there a law where you have legal right to use a weapon to protect your home??

Stupid theiving non driving SOB's!!!!! I got hit by one today. :angry2: LOOSERS

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  powerhouse said:

so it's true , they start to steal as soon as they get here !! [nice ] :flipoff:

Fuggin Dan :booty::flipoff::pissed: :angry2:

Tim sory to hear about that, but what a great attitude. What they dont know is you WILL take it out on them or there cousins later :angry2: :dance: :angry2: :shout:

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Thanks for the support. It was a fun day to say the least. My number just happened to come up for a rocking incident. we drive right next to the border fence and we have no idea if anyone is right on the other side waiting for us to drive by and take a rock in the glass. The stupid thing is why do they break the glass? my truck is back in service already but if they hit a fender or hood it would do alot more damage and be more costly.

In my case I know why they went for the glass but other times they always aim for the windshields. I went in to work and did my memo about the incident then went to court for a pre-trial meeting about another dirtbag I busted back in April. Our lawyer is awsome and we are actuall fileing a subpoena for an agent that is in Vegas for her to come down as she deported him back in 99. This case gets heard next wednesday.

I think in total I lost about $600 bucks in gear or so. But the funny thing is I am not mad at all! I am here to fight another day and will probably have another incident like this again (knock on wood).

Oh yeah I was pizzed about one thing---They stole my ice cold PEPSI!! I had to settle for water on the drive in!

on a sidenote I have a pretty cool Border Patrol music video of agents catching illegals and drugs if anyone wants a copy let me know and I will make some to bring out this weekend..that is if I get sunday off, I am still waiting on approval :rant:

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  ridnraptor said:

Hey Dan don't you have a little latino in you ? ohh no nevermind that was just your short neighbor Jose !! :MBdance: :eddie: post-2698-1191387899_thumb.jpg

Jeffy , let me tell ya somthin biach !! I've got some black dutch in me and JULIE !!! you better lose that picture .. hahaha !! f eer :drinkbeer::MBdance::rant:

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  bp-guy said:

Thanks for the support. It was a fun day to say the least. My number just happened to come up for a rocking incident. we drive right next to the border fence and we have no idea if anyone is right on the other side waiting for us to drive by and take a rock in the glass. The stupid thing is why do they break the glass? my truck is back in service already but if they hit a fender or hood it would do alot more damage and be more costly.

In my case I know why they went for the glass but other times they always aim for the windshields. I went in to work and did my memo about the incident then went to court for a pre-trial meeting about another dirtbag I busted back in April. Our lawyer is awsome and we are actuall fileing a subpoena for an agent that is in Vegas for her to come down as she deported him back in 99. This case gets heard next wednesday.

I think in total I lost about $600 bucks in gear or so. But the funny thing is I am not mad at all! I am here to fight another day and will probably have another incident like this again (knock on wood).

Oh yeah I was pizzed about one thing---They stole my ice cold PEPSI!! I had to settle for water on the drive in!

on a sidenote I have a pretty cool Border Patrol music video of agents catching illegals and drugs if anyone wants a copy let me know and I will make some to bring out this weekend..that is if I get sunday off, I am still waiting on approval :drinkbeer:


Hey speaking of rocks, what about that video you e-mailed me that showed what happened to those other rock throwers. :ninja::rant::MBdance::laughoff:

  vegas400ex said:

niiiiiiiiiice pic Dan........do you own any shirts WITH sleeves

I was thinking the same thing. :lol:

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