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My EFFED up weekend

Richard Cheese

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So, the wife and I drive four hours to Vegas on Friday. Have some drinks, enjoy a nice dinner, enjoy some more drinks, etc etc.

We go to Cheezers palace Saturday, just so we know where to go when we come back for the show........AND THE GOD DAMN CONCERT HAS BEEN CANCELLED.!!!!! :laughoff::dunno::MBdance::dope:

MY WIFE WAS PISSED, and still is

here is the kicker.....Cheezers KNEW Thursday around 6 pm that She wasn't gonna make

ANY of the shows all weekend long, but chose not to tell ticketmaster for almost a full 21 hours later, 3:30 pm Friday, when it would be impossible to cancel reservations.

We were on the road anyway...thought I saw Pete on the 15 just south of Stateline around 2-3ish :lol:

Anyway.....we do get our money back for the tix, but the point is they could have told us earlier so we didn't have to spend an excessive amount of money staying in Vegas when we had no reason to. :lol:

I am done with the casinos.....what a crock of shiiiiiiiii-at money gubbin ho's will screw your deaf grandma to make a buck

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That's messed up.

I usually only go to the casino's if I get free tickets to a show or there's a post-475-1191880255_thumb.gif I want to see. I haven't even been in the Belagio, Paris, Palms, RIO, or any of the newer ones. I'd like the see the water show that is at one of those though. Maybe next time some of us will be in town, and we can at least :flipoff:

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That b*tch really needs one of my pimpshack backhanders now! :flipoff::flipoff::hello:

That really sucks, Jason. I got your text and told a bunch of everyone in camp and they were blow away that it was canceled after you drove all teh way out there. :flipoff:

Did rolling up your pantleg and putting your hat sideways keep you two safe at the Strato? :lol::flipoff::MBdance:

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sorry to hear that richard maybe next time youll go to the dunes they dont cancell like :barf: celine does

missed an epic weekend.

Dont I know it Bob....trust me, I wuz tryin to work Tessa sayin, "its only like 20 mins off the 15...." but she wouldn't hear of it :dope: plus i didnt even have my quad, trailer, farm equipment...yada yada yada :coocoo:

That's messed up.

I usually only go to the casino's if I get free tickets to a show or there's a post-475-1191880255_thumb.gif I want to see. I haven't even been in the Belagio, Paris, Palms, RIO, or any of the newer ones. I'd like the see the water show that is at one of those though. Maybe next time some of us will be in town, and we can at least :flipoff:

that would be THE only reason I go back to vegas, is to see people I know.. EFFE the strip......Ha ha..I filled up at a place west of the 15 next to a bar called "the slanted clam" effen funny....the wife was like, "what does that mean???" :coocoo:

That b*tch really needs one of my pimpshack backhanders now! :angry2: :boxer::flipoff:

That really sucks, Jason. I got your text and told a bunch of everyone in camp and they were blow away that it was canceled after you drove all teh way out there. :hello:

Did rolling up your pantleg and putting your hat sideways keep you two safe at the Strato? :flipoff::flipoff: :boyyy:

You fuggin called it Pimpshack...I walked to the corner liquor store to have a couple while we were gettin ready Friday night, and I never heard soooo many, "hey Playa" :afro: , or :fro_smokin: , "hey man, i gots a family tah feed n shiat, ya gots some change?" :afro: :afro:

:lol::lol: Sorry, that sucks a$$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even more salt in the wound knowing all of us were in the sand box!!!!!!! NEENER NEENER NEEEEENER!!!!!!!! :booty:

I know man......gotta let the wife do what she wants to do once in awhile......I DID drag her around the SSSS with a fuggin broken foot, so I kinda owed her :dunno: whaddya gonna do? :dunno:

I know how much you wanted to see her too, Jason. :(

:MBdance::lol: :lol:

I had a fuggin bottle of mezcal all prepped for the pre-show too :lol: I wuz gonna give the drunkest girl in the world a run for her money...WITHOUT the boob prints on the tracker :grin:

see you should know better than to go to a celine concert over riding... :no_no:


I may be going next weekend @ oceano for a day ride, so, it might not be that bad

thanks guys, I appreciate it, cause I definitely wanted to rip someones AZZ when I found out........

Be on the lookout in the Sun for a letter to the editor I wrote too :MBdance::idiot:

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OK Cheese honestly do you think you are more pissed off that you didn't see her or do you think would have been even more pissed off after sitting thru the praying mantis's show? :shake::dunno:

It wasn't ever about me seeing her, it was a birthday present for my wife. that biotch pretty much nullified my present to my wife...so now, not only am I out the money, as the cost of the trip rivaled the show, but now I gotta find something else :shake:


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thats twice i know of that celine did that i had a buddy that took his wife a year and a half ago for their anniversary they even called that morning just to make sure all was good they get there that night and were not only told the show was cancelled but no refunds would be given and they would be notified when the concert was rescheduled along with not wanting to refund the money on the room cost because they were past the deadline for cancellations. after an hour or so of bitching they finally got all of the money back

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i am more pissed that we didn't get to see her, as the show would have be a measley 2 hours of my life, where now, I gotta deal with NOT seeing her until i come up with another present

richard take her shopping !! might i suggest vendors row.

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ah yes, for one of those infamous "I'M A DUMONT SAND SLUT" shirts!!!


:worthless_without_pics: :flipoff::lol:

i was thinking more like sand princess ............but ................ok whatever blows your skirt up bro :blink::blink:

Edited by barefoot bob
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OK Cheese. Your Effed up weekend is over. Get over it and move on!. :booty: Life is to short for all the whining. :blink::lol::lol::lol:

Just do the Sophie Dance and you will feel much better :flipoff::duniemonkie::blink:

Next time to come to Vegas be here on Thursday TT at PT's. We'll get you and yours drunk :worthless_without_pics: and make fun of Celine.

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