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I think a ohv recovery service to tow out broken quads, rails, and trucks that get stuck out there, kinda like WHAT they have at Lake Havasu, sometimes tabletops disable your ride from rolling :thumb:

Edited by SAND~~SNAKE
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Without those "stupid" shirts done @ California Casuals , my closet would be empty...those people are the bomb and been out there since the eighties... :rant_on:


Yeah same here.

Dont buy them if you dont like them.

Also they must a making money or they wouldnt be out there especially with a brand new 50 foot trailer :wedgie: So people must like them

Edited by sanddunesaddict
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How about a pooper pumper!!! I bet there are plenty of big families that have to watch the holding tanks close as not to over fill. Hell, when people are leaving they could pump ya on the way out. It's a sh*tty job but someone oughta do it. :idiot::slap::lol:

good idea :lol: especially for the big weekends

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i actually was thinkin on starting somethin like that, w/ fresh water fill up too.....................but then i would'nt be able to go ridin........and not alot of $$$ to be made for the investment

you might be able to get money off the duners dumping by the river :slap: or if your a mobile service .park at the exit of dumont . :idiot:

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How about someone carrying nitrogen to charge shocks? We couldn't find any vendor with some. I'm at the point of possibly buying a small bottle and gauges myself. You never know.

We keep a large bottle/with gauges with us all the time, use it on tires mostly.

Edited by BALL-N-CHAIN
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  • 2 weeks later...

and mabe some ice thats a little cheaper than 1$ a lb. :beercheers:

Just think how much MORE it would have costed you to put gas in your car to go to baker or shoshone and pay the inflated prices there... just be glad there is a ice truck out there for those times of need or stupididty.. :D

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I have been reading what people want at the dunes from vendors and would like to add my 2 cents.

We really stepped up what we carried this year. We have always carried bolts nuts jets lugs chains sprockets handle bars fuel filters oil o-rings, hose clamps electrical items such as terminals, solder, wire etc.

Items like nuts bolts and electrical items are losers. We have to have a whole bunch to sell a few. We bring these so people can hopefully get their stuff working. If I charged 10.00 per bolt or nut we would not have come close to recovering our costs.

If we sold them for 5.00 per, it would be far cheaper to buy them at that price than run 100 miles round trip into town unless they brought the hybrid.

This year we brought in some castle nuts from the OEMS. I bought about $100.00 in different castle nuts from the OEM's to sell 1 at 10.00

What is troubling for me as a business person, is trying to find the right balance of items people need, and at a fair price. Fair price does not always mean a cheap price.

What a lot of people want is a fully stocked hardware store, auto parts store, atv shop and department store all at k-mart prices.

Our customer of the weekend was a guy with a brand new, fully accessorized, genuine illuminated lighted whip and no fuse holder. We had one (I remember buying them at retail a few years ago) but could not find it.

I took a blade fuse, soldered 2 wires to it, covered it in heat shrink and handed it to him. I had at least 20 minutes of my time getting everything together and building it.

When it was time for payment I said 5 or 10 bucks whatever you think. He hands me a whole 5.00 and walks off. Since I did not even get a thank you for what I thought was going the extra mile I, can only assume he thought he paid too much.

One of the "old timers" who has an idea what it costs to do business out there, said "If it was me I would of handed his 5.00 back and said it's obvious you need this more than me" :driver:

One guy who’s CDI went out on his Honda explained to me that the 199.00 Dynatek CDI I was selling that retails for 209.00 he could get off of eBay for 150.00. :booty:

Thank god we sold most of our 10.00 and 15.00 high priced flags. At a gross profit of 5 to 7 dollars per flag we were laughing all the way to the bank! We were celebrating until we figured out it we paid over 500.00 in fuel costs.

We cannot sell beer or dispense fuel out on the dunes. The stripper pole was at the dunes, but since mike got busted a year or so ago at comp, it sits un-used at his camp with the disco ball lights going over it.

I’m not complaining we have a lot of great customers who know the value of the items we bring. We have many when you ask a 1.00 for a fuse, who hand you 2.00 or more and say thank you for bringing them.

For those who did not bring everything they could possibly need, think what it would cost for you to return to town in fuel costs, and them come by and tell me how high our prices are.

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Just think how much MORE it would have costed you to put gas in your car to go to baker or shoshone and pay the inflated prices there... just be glad there is a ice truck out there for those times of need or stupididty.. :D

I bought a little portable ice maker from camping world for about 350.00 when we bought our RV. My wife was complaining about the cost. 3 years later it is still making 28 pounds of ice per day.

I saw them at costco a few times for under 300.00.

Every 12 min the little bugger will drop 12 ice cubes. It uses only 2.3 amps so it will run off the inverter.

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I have been reading what people want at the dunes from vendors and would like to add my 2 cents.

We really stepped up what we carried this year. We have always carried bolts nuts jets lugs chains sprockets handle bars fuel filters oil o-rings, hose clamps electrical items such as terminals, solder, wire etc.

Items like nuts bolts and electrical items are losers. We have to have a whole bunch to sell a few. We bring these so people can hopefully get their stuff working. If I charged 10.00 per bolt or nut we would not have come close to recovering our costs.

If we sold them for 5.00 per, it would be far cheaper to buy them at that price than run 100 miles round trip into town unless they brought the hybrid.

This year we brought in some castle nuts from the OEMS. I bought about $100.00 in different castle nuts from the OEM's to sell 1 at 10.00

What is troubling for me as a business person, is trying to find the right balance of items people need, and at a fair price. Fair price does not always mean a cheap price.

What a lot of people want is a fully stocked hardware store, auto parts store, atv shop and department store all at k-mart prices.

Our customer of the weekend was a guy with a brand new, fully accessorized, genuine illuminated lighted whip and no fuse holder. We had one (I remember buying them at retail a few years ago) but could not find it.

I took a blade fuse, soldered 2 wires to it, covered it in heat shrink and handed it to him. I had at least 20 minutes of my time getting everything together and building it.

When it was time for payment I said 5 or 10 bucks whatever you think. He hands me a whole 5.00 and walks off. Since I did not even get a thank you for what I thought was going the extra mile I, can only assume he thought he paid too much.

One of the "old timers" who has an idea what it costs to do business out there, said "If it was me I would of handed his 5.00 back and said it's obvious you need this more than me" :grin:

One guy who’s CDI went out on his Honda explained to me that the 199.00 Dynatek CDI I was selling that retails for 209.00 he could get off of eBay for 150.00. :booty:

Thank god we sold most of our 10.00 and 15.00 high priced flags. At a gross profit of 5 to 7 dollars per flag we were laughing all the way to the bank! We were celebrating until we figured out it we paid over 500.00 in fuel costs.

We cannot sell beer or dispense fuel out on the dunes. The stripper pole was at the dunes, but since mike got busted a year or so ago at comp, it sits un-used at his camp with the disco ball lights going over it.

I’m not complaining we have a lot of great customers who know the value of the items we bring. We have many when you ask a 1.00 for a fuse, who hand you 2.00 or more and say thank you for bringing them.

For those who did not bring everything they could possibly need, think what it would cost for you to return to town in fuel costs, and them come by and tell me how high our prices are.

Well put, Craig. :driver: Many people don't realize the added expenses for vendors out there and how hard it is to make it worth their while to drive out there and try to make a profit. I appreciate the vendors and support them any way I can. There are some vendors who seem to try and take advantage of duners by charging VERY rediculous prices for things, but you seem to try and keep things pretty balanced and fair.

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I think a ohv recovery service to tow out broken quads, rails, and trucks that get stuck out there, kinda like WHAT they have at Lake Havasu, sometimes tabletops disable your ride from rolling :booty:

Someone will always come to your rescue sooner or later. I think someone who will not help someone else has either not broken down or will get theirs in the end from the karma god.

One of the problems with doing this at Dumont is the costs involved. You just can't go home at the end of the day to Havasue.

As a vendor you have all the same cost as someone who is there to play plus the added costs of fees and insurance you have to pay to do business out there.

So you bring out a "recovery vehicle" you now have to have a place to stay, fuel to get it all there, pay the entrance fees, the 35.00 per day or 3% whichever is greater and the 100,000.00 liability insurance to do business out there.

With most people being willing and able to help you, how much would you have to charge to tow a quad in just to break even?

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Well put, Craig. :booty: Many people don't realize the added expenses for vendors out there and how hard it is to make it worth their while to drive out there and try to make a profit. I appreciate the vendors and support them any way I can. There are some vendors who seem to try and take advantage of duners by charging VERY rediculous prices for things, but you seem to try and keep things pretty balanced and fair.

Thank you.

We have never made money vending at the dunes when you figure in all the costs. We do this more to support and promote our business. On that aspect we make customers and good friends.

I can understand why some charge what they do. They do it fulltime every weekend when there are not as many buyers out there, but their costs remain the same

I don't know, it's a fine line.

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actually i would go get a burrito go dune get a taco go dune ect ect ect ............................................ :grin:

buggy drive through :driver:

And you! I'm pissed at you :hug:

I have been making b and g for 23 years at the fire station, and most think it is to die for. 2 pounds of hot sausage, a tub of flakey bisquets served with a side of thick cut bacon and you never came by. We finally cooked it up Sunday.

It was good. a heart attack on a plate and you missed it. Maybe next time. :booty:

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When it was time for payment I said 5 or 10 bucks whatever you think. He hands me a whole 5.00 and walks off. Since I did not even get a thank you for what I thought was going the extra mile I, can only assume he thought he paid too much.

One of the "old timers" who has an idea what it costs to do business out there, said "If it was me I would of handed his 5.00 back and said it's obvious you need this more than me" :lol:

One guy who’s CDI went out on his Honda explained to me that the 199.00 Dynatek CDI I was selling that retails for 209.00 he could get off of eBay for 150.00. :dunno:

There is always going to be people that think your too high priced. But I think the majority of us duners know what a great service the vendors provide. I know a lot of people including myself that have bought stuff out there knowing it is higher priced and getting back to camp and thinking yeah I could of got it cheaper on ebay or in town but do you think it stopped us from buying. Hell no. I know you have to make money for coming out there and I would pay double or triple or whatever to keep riding for the weekend. Not only do I want to continue to ride but I want to support you for bieng there. Some people just don't get it. If you dont make money, you won't be there then we are really screwed.

You can always tell people yeah you could save 50 or 60 bucks on that CDI.. I'll let you use my internet access and order it right now..have fun this weekend knowing you saved some money but after spending 500 or 600 dollars on gas food and everything else you are going to enjoy sitting around not riding.

If you can't tell, this is a sore subject for me. I am in business for myself and people just don't understand. Not only are you providing a product but also a great service and that makes the price higher.

Anyway, just keep doing a great job bringing out as much stuff as you can and don't let a few tight wads ruin it. You gotta stay in business and make money.

Thanks for being out there

Edited by YamaKiller
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