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  YamaKiller said:

You can always tell people yeah you could save 50 or 60 bucks on that CDI.. I'll let you use my internet access and order it right now..have fun this weekend knowing you saved some money but after spending 500 or 600 dollars on gas food and everything else you are going to enjoy sitting around not riding.

Oh yea we are used to it, it does not get to me, It's just funny why somebody trying to geta better price would bring up ebay. :dunno:

We will keep coming, we really enjoy coming out there. Plus I get to sneak off when the wife turns away for a min. Slave driver she is.

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  Gazlay43 said:

i'm sure it wouldn't be to hard to get nitrous tanks out there to fill bottles....

I'm not sure what is needed to fill bottles. From what I understand in Nevada you have to be licenced or something. I could be wrong but it seemed like a big deal as at the checker on Sahara across from the DMV there is only one person there that can do it.

Does anyone Know?

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I think the vendors out there are great! Paying a few extra bucks, big deal. At least it saved you a few hours of travel time, finding the right store, then praying that they have the part in stock. Plus, you still have to drive back to the dunes, repair it and hope you got the right part or don't need something else. My husband forgot his helmet of all things. (Duh!!) In his defense though he was extremely side tracked with helping me get things together since I just got out of the hospital. Anyways, the vendor (sorry don't know the name) actually charged him a very reasonable price for a really nice helmet. I was prepared for the worst but obiviously it was needed so any price probably would have worked. Like someone above mentioned, are you really going to sit in camp for the rest of the weekend just to save a few bucks???

Gas and Propane available in the dunes? I highly doubt it. I really don't think anyone would want the responsiblity.

Pooper dumper and water refill? That would be better than ???? Well, it would be great!!

RV Repair? great idea, would totally use their services....

What would everyone do if there were no vendors? What would they do if all the vendors didn't show up during one of the big weekends? Maybe just maybe then they would realize how much the vendors are needed and that those few extra dollars really are no big deal. The vendors are there for our needs, maybe instead of bitchin about them we should thank them. Even if you don't buy something, maybe stop by and say thanks for being here.

Sorry for the novel, just tired of buttheads complaining about stupid pooh! Oh well, just my 2 cents. :thumbsdown:

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  sandqueen said:

Anyways, the vendor (sorry don't know the name) actually charged him a very reasonable price for a really nice helmet. I was prepared for the worst but obiviously it was needed so any price probably would have worked.

Was it a red o'neal helmet where he was expecting to pay 150.00 or more?

If so I know nothing about it..... :thumbsdown:

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  SandBlasted said:

Was it a red o'neal helmet where he was expecting to pay 150.00 or more?

If so I know nothing about it..... :driver:

Although my wife already put a comment on this topic I still wanna say you and your wife were the nicest peeps :drinkbeer: I really was expecting to get :shocked2: considering that it was the beginning of the weekend and all not only did you guys not rip me off but went out of your way (wife) to actually try and find me one to match my gear :shocked2: and when I got it to my trailer I had noticed the price on the box was $20.00 more than you charged me :thumbsdown: you peeps will definately get my business again as well as everyone who asks me who to go to ,as well as friends THANKS AGAIN we need more people like you to make this sport affordable to all ! :beerpint::rockon:

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  SandBlasted said:

Thank you.

We have never made money vending at the dunes when you figure in all the costs. We do this more to support and promote our business. On that aspect we make customers and good friends.

I can understand why some charge what they do. They do it fulltime every weekend when there are not as many buyers out there, but their costs remain the same

I don't know, it's a fine line.

Me and my husband (yellow raptor) always stop by your place first when we brake something or need anything. Of course its cheaper in town. But 4 hours of driving round trip plus the tank of gas. Who cares. Once we needed a bolt that would cost 50 cents and paid $15 from some random guy cause no one else had it. Yeah it was over priced but after all the money spent getting there it was worth it to keep riding.I hope you guys keep coming.So I can keep buying :D

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  Mr.B DS650 said:

we need more people like you to make this sport affordable to all ! :rockwoot::laughing:

We have found most people who need helmets is because the left them at home. last year we had to outfit an entire family. I guess all their gear is in one large bag and they left it at home.

did you grab the bag, no i thought you grabbed the bag, I was going to grab the bag but I thought you said you'd get it...kinda thing.

We try to find decent helmets on sale - closeouts etc and then pass the savings on to our customers.

It's people like you who make vending a pleasure out there.

Thank you! :thumb:

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  ktm300kid said:

they need a starbucks out there :thumb::rockwoot::laughing:

Try not to let this get around .... but we are always brewing SB coffee in the AM. Our pots always open to anyone.

now we don't do laties or fraps but my wife likes to make a cafe moca.

I just wanna lil cream in my coffee.

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  mrmotard said:

how bout a late night baby sitter camp!!! then the 3am runs to the north pole wont be so hard!! a few bucks an hour per kid!!

and mabe some ice thats a little cheaper than 1$ a lb. :headbang1:

Here is the link for the little ice machine I was talking about...


It's down to 189.00! I paid 3 something 3 years ago

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  Hurtigrodfare said:

How about a couple of dumpsters out there. Maybe it would cut back on the the trash in Dumont and in Baker.

This has been discussed several times. Its the trash that wouldn't make it in the dumpsters if it even made it to them that would be a problem. Wind, coyotes, divers. I bet some azzhats would even try to turn them over! It would likely be more of a problem than a solution.

If you have room to bring it in, then you have room to take it out!

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  SandBlasted said:

And you! I'm pissed at you :laughoff:

I have been making b and g for 23 years at the fire station, and most think it is to die for. 2 pounds of hot sausage, a tub of flakey bisquets served with a side of thick cut bacon and you never came by. We finally cooked it up Sunday.

It was good. a heart attack on a plate and you missed it. Maybe next time. :laughoff:

sorry bro it was one of those weekends where i couldnt get anywhere i wanted to be i was always moving by the time i unloaded unlocked gassed up helped with problems it was 9 or 10 and i was starved so i would "sneak off" to hogs and had to hurry back or miss out on a run.

in my defense i did stop out in front of your place but i didnt see anyone so i figured you were busy.

and i did tell my wife when she went to your store to tell you she was mrs barefoot they were gone for hours ( i had to baby sit lol ) she has never done that. new vendors row worked for her :laughoff:

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  barefoot bob said:

sorry bro it was one of those weekends where i couldnt get anywhere i wanted to be i was always moving by the time i unloaded unlocked gassed up helped with problems it was 9 or 10 and i was starved so i would "sneak off" to hogs and had to hurry back or miss out on a run.

in my defense i did stop out in front of your place but i didnt see anyone so i figured you were busy.

and i did tell my wife when she went to your store to tell you she was mrs barefoot they were gone for hours ( i had to baby sit lol ) she has never done that. new vendors row worked for her :laughoff:

Like I said, come on by next time :laughoff:

We did not mind the location of Vendors Row however the silt just sucked. We were all tight chested for a few days after we got home. AJ's wife from sin city motor sports got really i'll from the dust.

I have never had so much dust in the filters of the AC before.

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RV repair would be great! We spent the last weekend of September at DD with a refrigerator that wouldn't cool. Fortunately, we had several ice chests and several friends with working fridge's. Last season, we met some great folks who couldn't get their fuel station to work. They tried everything. Called the dealer, no luck, tried siphoning the fuel, no luck. Eventually, they took a trip to Pahrump (sp?) and bought a few gas cans and fuel so they could ride. 100 miles +- round-trip in a King Ranch F350 was not a cheap trip!

Tow service would probably be really expensive to run and make any money. My family is new to duning/off-roading, but we consider DD to be our favorite place to be with our toys and friends. In three trips to DD, I have towed a bike with a broken chain, a teenager on a crashed quad, a 2wd pick-up high-centered at the entrance to the camping area, and a huge Class C with a box trailer stuck in the sand. I would never let someone stay stuck if I could help it. In return, I have had my entire truck and hauler towed out of deep sand by another duner. I have had my Rhino towed out of deep sand too. I carry two tow straps and I'm always looking for anyone who needs help.

We have purchased items from the vendors every trip and I know we will continue to do so. We appreciate them being there. We try to be self-sufficient, but nobody's perfect. Thanks vendors! We'll see you next weekend! :grin::DDRrocks:

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Good idea on the tow service. Last Tday there was a kid in a Suzuki Samurai that was pulling people out all weekend. He couldn't have been 20 years old. I bet he was making some cash, I even watched him pull out a Ford F350 pulling a 5er and a trailer behind that. As long as he is there I don't think anyone needs to be worried about getting pulled out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

:laughoff: We are Valley Rv Repair, from Pahrump. We are replying to post# 79, for RV repair at the dunes.

We have been in business for over 5 years now. We service, Pahrump, Beaty, Armagosa, Death Valley, We have even serviced Dumont a couple different times. We realize it is time consuming to travel to Pahrump to find parts, etc. We could come to you. We have master certified RV Tecs. We are also set up for mobile welding. We are a COMPLETE RV repair service... plumbing, electrical, air conditioning, furnaces, refridgators, etc.

Man Made your RV or Trailer.... Valley Rv can fix it!!!

It sucks to have to stop playing, to find someone to repair something, or have to drive many miles to find parts when play time is so short, so give us a call, let us do it all!!

GO PLAY :laughoff:

You can contact us at....


(775) 764-7125 or (775) 727-6914

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  valleyrvrepair said:

:news: We are Valley Rv Repair, from Pahrump. We are replying to post# 79, for RV repair at the dunes.

We have been in business for over 5 years now. We service, Pahrump, Beaty, Armagosa, Death Valley, We have even serviced Dumont a couple different times. We realize it is time consuming to travel to Pahrump to find parts, etc. We could come to you. We have master certified RV Tecs. We are also set up for mobile welding. We are a COMPLETE RV repair service... plumbing, electrical, air conditioning, furnaces, refridgators, etc.

Man Made your RV or Trailer.... Valley Rv can fix it!!!

It sucks to have to stop playing, to find someone to repair something, or have to drive many miles to find parts when play time is so short, so give us a call, let us do it all!!

GO PLAY :whoop:

You can contact us at....


(775) 764-7125 or (775) 727-6914

Valleyrv, have you looked into becoming a regular vendor at the dunes? Of all the ideas on this thread, rv repair, fresh water, and holding tank dumping are the best. Here's an idea, come out for the next big holiday weekend and see how you do. At the very least I'm putting your number in my cell phone.

Cheers. :beercheers:

Edited by Kevlar
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I love the Vendors, and I remember back in the day when there were hardly any at all. Now you can find almost anything you need. Do most places take cash only? Can they take cards? Cause I might bring a small amount of cash and then realize I see something really cool to get and can't.

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