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caution tape

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the fingers are for riding too. it makes a fun ride back to camp. there shouldnt be any godamn markers on the fingers. everyone should have enough common sense to camp close maybe but not too close.

Edited by superdave
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yup.. it sucks having to weave in and out of stakes cones rebar catuion tape... its like a freakin jungle that if you screw up you can get impaled by a nice piece of rebar covered up by a CONE so you cant see it until its going thru your stomach and out your a$$!

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or worse yet, running over some kid because the parents told them they could play there and be safe because they put up caution tape so they could kick back and party assuming the kids are safe. :hello:

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Maybe this has already been said but, a dune is a dune no matter how big or where, and they are all for riding. The finger dunes are especially fun when the top is a little packed down and you don't feel like getting into serious stuff and want to go fast.

Someone mentioned not taping off the top but the sides. That is almost MORE dangerous. When you come over one side you can't always change your path last minute! And half the time when there is tape on the top, I can't tell which side they want me to go on anyway...

The argument that your kids need their own place to ride out there is a little silly, it's like saying your kids need a street to drive on in town. There are some things in life you can't do until you're bigger, too bad.

Reason #34783458973905734206...... (inside joke)

Edited by duniemonkie
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People with kids get mad all the time about this. I however don't agree with the dune hoarding myself. Roping a finger dune is like saying it's ok for me to rope off comp...right? post-475-1152738546.gif

Only sanctioned events that are permitted are allowed to do that. I don't know why people have such a problem with that. It's pretty simple logic. post-475-1152738503.gif

Edited by cmyfirepole
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blocking off the bathroom with moho's is just retarded. I would have blown through there in the middle of the night on my DS650, consantly clutching and revving...maybe they would have got the hint

as far as kids playing on the dunes themselves :angry22: what in the hell are those parents thinking??? I understand the kids need a place to play, but not ON the dunes themselves, that is just a recipe for a lifeflight. set up a mini track around camp or something, or get creative with a shovel at camp, and build your own sandhill :flipoff:

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  ISBB said:

I dont seem them huddled around the crapper when its 110 out... !!! dumb bastages!

ya know, compared to the other places I have ridden, the crappers @ dumont are pretty much first class. no smell, very little graffitti

now, maybe if they smelled bad :barf: ............................

If I EVER see that when I am there, I will Def not only say something to the group of people around it, but also to the ranger

that is freekin B.S.

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ya know, compared to the other places I have ridden, the crappers @ dumont are pretty much first class. no smell, very little graffitti

now, maybe if they smelled bad :stick_smack: ............................

If I EVER see that when I am there, I will Def not only say something to the group of people around it, but also to the ranger

that is freekin B.S.

I'm sure you'll have your chance on President's day. :barf:

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  cmyfirepole said:

I'm sure you'll have your chance on President's day. :stick_smack:

never been on prez's day. sounds like a giant cluster :barf: I have only been twice, and on superbowl weekends both times

I usually ride @ oceano dunes, and that place is a freekin nightmare...1500 acres including camping, with up to 1000 trailers, plus 1000 dayuse passes that can be issued every day...

that is why I go on off weekends

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never been on prez's day. sounds like a giant cluster :stick_smack: I have only been twice, and on superbowl weekends both times

I usually ride @ oceano dunes, and that place is a freekin nightmare...1500 acres including camping, with up to 1000 trailers, plus 1000 dayuse passes that can be issued every day...

that is why I go on off weekends

That's the weekend that the restroom was surrounded. When I go on Prez's weekend I already know what it's going to be like. I go on that weekend to see the "show". If I wanted uncrowded duning then I'd hit Amargosa on bigger weekends.

At one time I wanted to go to Oceano, but from what I've heard and pics I've seen....I'll probably never go. :barf: I'd much rather hit up Coos bay or something like that. :beerpint:

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  ISBB said:

Ill Roll to amargosa w/ you Gerald.. I like it out there...

Me too. Plenty of large dunes like Dumont with a lot less a$$holes!! :stick_smack:

They'll be plenty of opportunities next season.....and you're more than welcome to kick it with our group!! :barf: I'll let you know during the season when we head out. :beerpint:

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  cmyfirepole said:

Me too. Plenty of large dunes like Dumont with a lot less a$$holes!! :stick_smack:

They'll be plenty of opportunities next season.....and you're more than welcome to kick it with our group!! :barf: I'll let you know during the season when we head out. :beerpint:

Me three.

look for the rig we practically live at amargosa during dune season.

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  cmyfirepole said:

That's the weekend that the restroom was surrounded. When I go on Prez's weekend I already know what it's going to be like. I go on that weekend to see the "show". If I wanted uncrowded duning then I'd hit Amargosa on bigger weekends.

At one time I wanted to go to Oceano, but from what I've heard and pics I've seen....I'll probably never go. :laughoff: I'd much rather hit up Coos bay or something like that. :finger:

you should try oceano at least once..... granted, the dunes are anthills compared to dumont, but in the summertime, you can't beat opening up your toyhauler in the morning to the sound of the ocean, or going to sleep to it....and if you park too close, waking up to it in your camp!!

plus the town of pissmo be(er)ach is right there, with great seafood, outlet malls, and a ton of other things to do too. college town of san luis obispo, right up the 101 :stick_smack::beerpint: :smoker: :barf:

where the hell is amargosa dunes? how big is the park? big dunes like dumont???

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