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RZR w/LSR Mid Travel Kit


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  barefoot bob said:

if so thats a burn cause ive seen lt kits for these from 3k to 5k and the rzr is 10k im shopping cause im getting one for the wife were selling all our quads except the baby quads

YOU FORGOT THE cage, the lighting, the front and rear bumper... the wheels and tires....that stuff adds up fast

i just put a light kit on my ranger...the hella 55watters 3 of them on a light bar for like 100 bucks. then I was like, " well, i need some pencil beam hid's, a cage........." pretty soon, in my head, i already had like 7k spent :drinkbeer:

it's easy to overspend on farm equipment

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  barefoot bob said:

roll cage =0 dollars

bumpers =0 dollars

light bar = 0 dollars

welding and assembly =0 dollars

lighting - 700 dollars

rims ???

all i need is a razor and a long travel :drinkbeer: about 14k too 16k

offset rims will run you aboutr 2-300 bucks

get the biggest offset you can, as the rzr's are narrow @ 50 in

you should be able to get what youre lookin for at about 15k out the door...

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  dunefreak said:

ewww, you did not just say that! :idiot::lol::whoop::cry::dope::flipoff::laughoff:

whether you like it or not those razors are bad a$$ !!! and it fits in the nose of the box trailer with my rail and there narrow enough for the kiddie quads heck ya im doin 1 up for next season :beer_bang:

o ya and :laughoff::lol:

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  barefoot bob said:

whether you like it or not those razors are bad a$$ !!! and it fits in the nose of the box trailer with my rail and there narrow enough for the kiddie quads heck ya im doin 1 up for next season :beer_bang:

o ya and :flipoff::cry:

I meant the MAMA reference, Bob. :whoop::idiot::lol::laughoff:

I actually LIKE the RZR's. :laughoff:

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  dunefreak said:

I meant the MAMA reference, Bob. :slap::lol::barf::laughoff:

I actually LIKE the RZR's. :laughoff:

:laughoff: im old get off me :laughoff: i dont like callin her the old lady that seems so..........................

shes 7 years younger than me :grin: i guess i could have said my wife :lol: but we have kids so its mamas rzr :P:laughoff::lol::laughoff:

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  barefoot bob said:

i got a rail im doin one up for mama :flipoff:

it's not that we don't understand old school rap Bob....it's just what I think Pimpshack is getting across, and correct me if im wrong Pete, it the terminology you used references drug use

a rail refers a line of cocaine or crank

i'm doin one up for Mama tells us "hipsters" :thumb: that your lining one up for your wife too.....

so, your statement could be taken 2 ways.

you have a sandrail, so youre gonna customize a polaris rzr for your wife

or youve got a line of drugs in front of you for yourself, and youre getting ready to put one down for your wife too.

i hope that clears up the miscommunication


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