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Dogs will be dogs


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So it seems that my dog has probably torn the tendon in his knee :laughoff: while chasing a cat in the park. From what I read on the internet this is a common injury for dogs, so I am wondering if anyone here has had ACL surgery for their dogs.

He is almost 9 years old :laughoff: , so this is how he spends most of his time :beer_bang: .

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  itszackyadigg said:


my beagle is like that

accept he HAS to be under the blankets, with his head stickin out, on a pilllow


So thats where mine gets it from.. the damn beagle in her. Hannah is a beagle/boston mix and she has to be UNDER the covers... no if's ands or butt's... wether it be on the couch on the bed hell even in her kennel she finds a way to get under her blanket.. and i thought she was just weird

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  Foxysandchick said:

So it seems that my dog has probably torn the tendon in his knee :laughoff: while chasing a cat in the park. From what I read on the internet this is a common injury for dogs, so I am wondering if anyone here has had ACL surgery for their dogs.

He is almost 9 years old :laughoff: , so this is how he spends most of his time :laughoff: .

Hell whats wrong with that? If I could that is how I would spend most of my time :laughoff:

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  ISBB said:

So thats where mine gets it from.. the damn beagle in her. Hannah is a beagle/boston mix and she has to be UNDER the covers... no if's ands or butt's... wether it be on the couch on the bed hell even in her kennel she finds a way to get under her blanket.. and i thought she was just weird


exactly what my dog does

but once in a while, he'll sleep out of the blankets, thats when hes to lazy to get his fat but up

thats interesting

i guess its in the beagle genes?

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Guest Crasher
  dune_rat said:

is he a ridgeback? I cant spell the first name

You mean a Rhodesian Ridgeback? I had one, they are awesome. They are mix of Mastiff and Greyhound. Huge dogs (at least mine was)!!

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  Crasher said:

You mean a Rhodesian Ridgeback? I had one, they are awesome. They are mix of Mastiff and Greyhound. Huge dogs (at least mine was)!!

Ya, thats it...Im a pretty good spellar :laughoff: I couldn't even come close on that. My Friend has 2 huge ones that he brings out to the D with him. My son called them Norwiegan Ridgebacks :laughoff: and I laughed my :laughoff: off.

Don't think theyve ever torn their ACL though.

Good luck Kristin

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our lab ruptured one of his tendons when he was a puppy, and would always pull up limping, and would limp around for a few hours.

we investigated, and found a place in Fountain Valley called VCA All-Care Animal Referral Center

it is called a TPLO procedure

they fuse the knee joint, to where ligaments and tendons aren't needed, as it isnt a moving joint anymore

it took a few weeks to get him back to normal, but was well worth the 5k to have be able to play around with our other dog without pulling up lame.

i have more info if you would like it

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  richard cheese said:

our lab ruptured one of his tendons when he was a puppy, and would always pull up limping, and would limp around for a few hours.

we investigated, and found a place in Fountain Valley called VCA All-Care Animal Referral Center

it is called a TPLO procedure

they fuse the knee joint, to where ligaments and tendons aren't needed, as it isnt a moving joint anymore

it took a few weeks to get him back to normal, but was well worth the 5k to have be able to play around with our other dog without pulling up lame.

i have more info if you would like it

I did research the surgery options and TPLO seems to be the most expensive, but I think they are going to suggest that due to his size, he is about 95lbs.

I am debating putting him through surgery again, so I havent decided. He is a senior dog now and I dont know how well he would handle it. He had minor (but emergency) surgery last year and it was very hard for him. He is still mobile and can get around without much problems, he will put weight on it and walk with a limp and he does not seem to be in pain. He cant get into my new truck, so I bought a pet ramp for him. I dont think I will be bringing him on any more dumont trips though.

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  ISBB said:

So thats where mine gets it from.. the damn beagle in her. Hannah is a beagle/boston mix and she has to be UNDER the covers... no if's ands or butt's... wether it be on the couch on the bed hell even in her kennel she finds a way to get under her blanket.. and i thought she was just weird

OOOHHHH YEAH, mine does the same thing. sleeps under the covers or in between us flat on his back legs sprawled all over. he even goes so far as to give gwen the stink eye in the motorhome if she is in HIS seat! (the passenger seat) oh yeah and he likes beer :laughing:


Edited by nlvredneck
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  nlvredneck said:

OOOHHHH YEAH, mine does the same thing. sleeps under the covers or in between us flat on his back legs sprawled all over. he even goes so far as to give gwen the stink eye in the motorhome if she is in HIS seat! (the passenger seat) oh yeah and he likes beer :laughing:


ya, he like stretches out? and his back feet are like way out when hes layin on his stomache?

thats what mine does

he also winks at you ahaha

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