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Last year halloween 06 a few of the DDR MEMBERS went over to comp and Volunteered to pick up TRASH that was left over from the disrespectful a$$hats :beer_bang: who partyed there the previous nights. we almost filled a truck bed w/ garbage from other people. Would anyone be willing to go over and help pick up trash sunday morning? Some of us may be feeling like this sunday morning :laughoff: but an hour of your time will make a big differance :laughoff:

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absolutley, Jim. :laughoff: Let's do it.

A little tip: to all those that party over at comp at night- don't forget to bring a trash bag or two. It's usually the last thing on your mind when everyone is amped and ready to go party over there. Even if you don't have that much trash yourself, take some with you when you leave to go back to camp. :beer_bang:

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Last year halloween 06 a few of the DDR MEMBERS went over to comp and Volunteered to pick up TRASH that was left over from the disrespectful a$$hats :laughoff: who partyed there the previous nights. we almost filled a truck bed w/ garbage from other people. Would anyone be willing to go over and help pick up trash sunday morning? Some of us may be feeling like this sunday morning :laughoff: but an hour of your time will make a big differance :laughoff:

Yeah me the wifey and a couple of our friends will help w/ this I remember last year :laughoff:

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can i make a suggestion ?:ban-split:

how about when you are partying @ comp, ask the people throwing trash on the ground to pick it up?


just a thought


yyyyyyyeah, that'll work. Instead of having a good time and hanging out with your friends and shooting the hill at night at comp, walk around to each and every person at the hill and ask them if they could pick up their trash. :stick_smack::loser::ban-split:

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yyyyyyyeah, that'll work. Instead of having a good time and hanging out with your friends and shooting the hill at night at comp, walk around to each and every person at the hill and ask them if they could pick up their trash. :laughing::lol::slap:


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