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I somewhat agree. This last weekend I went over to comp at night both Friday and Saturday. Friday I raced the hill with my car a bunch, except I only raced about 2 cars the whole friggen time! :drinkbeer: Saturday I went for the party atmosphere because my car was broke and I too was still pretty disappointed at the lack of action ON the hill rather than the base of the hill. I hope it doesn't get worse like Glamis is. I am all for a big party and stupid shananigans at night, but the whole point in going to the hill in the 1st place is to race or watch the racing action, hence the name COMPETITION hill. :thumbsdown:

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you think thats bad... try glamis's olds when blm are shooting at you with peppered paintballs and shutting down the hill and escorting people out!!!

Comp hill @ dumont this past weekend was TAME compared to some of the BS i have seen in glamis

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i agree its an easy fix it requires a loader and an operator and about 2 days .create a sand dune across the front of that easy access route. so pick ups cant get through. the biggest part of the problem would be eliminated. when you stop the pickup trucks full of people that dont even have sand toys. :thumbsdown: the biggest a$$ hats i see come with, and in, those .not all, it wont stop it, but it will slow it way down ...................................

Edited by barefoot bob
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  sMitty said:

I may catch heat for this, but, :shocked2:

I'm a "relative" rookie to Dumont, having started coming out in 01'. One of the big draws for me was "Comp Hill"; racing quads screaming to the top, the roar of v-8 rails , "stock" trucks attempting to make a run, ect...

All these activities had common ground....good clean horsepower and fun. :rockon::thumbsdown:

Enter lunacy. :beerpint:

After having attended last weekend's Comp events, I am convinced that the savages have taken over. I fell in love with Dumont and want my little ones to experience the same rush....but at what expense? They will NEVER go there (at night) and see the pinnacle of ignorance that is so proudly displayed. Wasn't Comp about racing to the top?....I personally remember this weekend when only a handful of machines were even going up...the focus was on the shannanigans.

I remember being pissed off when the BLM put a curfew on Comp a few years back. Now I'm beginning to get the idea. The only saving grace is that at least the :drunk: holes are (for now) confined to one spot. The negatives are outweighing the positives at the hill. Idiots smoking weed...breaking glass, leaving trash, starting fights, driving drunk....you get the idea.

How much longer will the BS remain at comp? :blink:

If a quick peek at Comp night life is any indication of things to come, I weep for the future of Dumont. I hope to God I'm not the only one that sees it this way.....

:rant_on: :shocked2:


(P.S.) I kno I dont hav 2 go if I dont want 2....but I used to...hence the point :driver: )

I've been going there since 94' and it has gotten a little worse every year, but its still fun. Something has to be at Comp though, the amount of trash out there Sunday morning was unacceptable. Who are these idiots that can't haul trash back out with them ?

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  avduner said:

I've been going there since 94' and it has gotten a little worse every year, but its still fun. Something has to be at Comp though, the amount of trash out there Sunday morning was unacceptable. Who are these idiots that can't haul trash back out with them ?

Many DDR members went over Sunday to pickup most of that trash. ;)

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I remember one guy with a megaphone saying do a wheelie about 1000 times and it was just nuts Sat. night. It didn't even matter there were a ton of Sheriff's right in the middle of it, people were being dumb. Comp used to mild and fun, but it was kind of scary this time. Kids driving toys by themselves that looked really young, not paying attention. It was kind of stressful.

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  ISBB said:

you think thats bad... try glamis's olds when blm are shooting at you with peppered paintballs and shutting down the hill and escorting people out!!!

Comp hill @ dumont this past weekend was TAME compared to some of the BS i have seen in glamis

This is true. I didn't get pictures becuase the camera broke down. Rangers actually had Paintball Guns with the pepper balls in them. We got out before they put them to use.

I also wish D could remain that place where you can take your family and have fun without the worry of the idiots ruining your weekend. But it is destined to happen. Look at Havasu. My parents have had a house there since 1988. An off weekend was exactly that, the weekend that you could wait till 10 or 11 am to go to the launch ramp and sit in the channel all day and have room for kids to swim around next to the boats. Now it's insane. On ANY weekend suring the summer, if your not on the lake by 9 am, you cant get into the launch ramps. By 12:00, the channel is completely full and everyone already has a good buzz going. Sorry to go kind of off topic but the same will apply to D someday. Yes, you can b!tch and complain about it all you want, but there's really nothing you can do in the long run. Once Glamis gets to the point where there is no such thing as an "off" weekend, some of those idiots will say, "Hey, screw Glamis that place is crazy. Lets go to Dumont where the LEO's are alot more relaxed. We can party all we want there." It will happen. Not trying to sound rude but you just have to accept it and take advantage of the slower pace that D is now. Just my :thumb:

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We were at Comp Hill in my truck and on quads from 8:00 till about 11pm. We go to watch you guys go up and down Comp Hill and listen to the engines roar on the rails (sounds so bitchin). We could care less about the drunken idiots running around. We spend several hundreds of dollars to go for the riding, to see others rides and to escape the insanity of our day to day lifes. We don't go to get drunk, act like idiots, leave trash everywhere, put others in harms way, we go to enjoy the family atmosphere.

Just an example, when we were leaving comp this pack of rhinos came flying up to park right past where I was trying drive away from, THE SAME GUY (looked like his was in his 50's or so) was doing donuts and almost ran into my truck 3 times. I had no where to go to get out of his way. Yes, I lost my cool and called him a few choice names, but come on, aren't the elder's supposed to set a good example for the youngster's??? Not just that, my truck is my pride and joy. I realize there is a risk anywhere I take it but have some respect for those around you.

Maybe someone knows who this nut is. He was driving a lifted, white, dodge 4-door truck, I think he had a spare tire in the bed, anyways we took a trip back to camp about 8:30pm on sat nite from comp hill and this guy was FLYING from the front entrance to comp all the way to comp and back to the entrance again. He had 3 other guys in the truck with him and they were all laughing and stuff and of course the one time we could have used a ranger I couldn't see one around anywhere. He was going so fast I think his tires were barely touching the tops of the bumps. There was no way we could even see the license plate #. Way too many people around and going way to fast for me to try to catch up with him.

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So did anybody else see the jackass :thumb: in the White Ford F250 Crew Cab Friday night at comp

driving thru the lanes going about 50mph and have no regard for anybody sprayin sand at everyone???

The funny thing is that we were parked right next to a Ranger and he didn't even do anything....WTF????

I'm sorry but isn't there any common sense that there are kids at comp too????

Luckily my cousins were sittin in the truck cause less than 2 minutes before he came haulin a$$ thru the lane

they were standin in front of the truck!!!

And sure enough the next day the same truck was speedin at vendor row and almost hit one of my cousins on

there quad.

What i really felt like doing I didn't, :rockwoot: but we all rode over to the ranger station and they said there is

nothing they can do!!!

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Just a thought....

Is there a set of rules posted on a sign anywhere at Dumont? People generally do not read. (I did not say can't read) :thumb:

Maybe it could help if people had a list of the rules and the fines associated when breaking the rules. It could be posted on the walls or entrance to the bathrooms, Vendors Row, etc.

Another idea, just floating it out there... the BLM has so much land to manage, no funds, what would it take for the state to take it over? Seems somewhere I was reading where the state took over an area from the BLM.

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  SandBlasted said:

Just a thought....

Is there a set of rules posted on a sign anywhere at Dumont? People generally do not read. (I did not say can't read) :thumb:

Maybe it could help if people had a list of the rules and the fines associated when breaking the rules. It could be posted on the walls or entrance to the bathrooms, Vendors Row, etc.

Another idea, just floating it out there... the BLM has so much land to manage, no funds, what would it take for the state to take it over? Seems somewhere I was reading where the state took over an area from the BLM.

Not to go off topic again but they did that in the Channel at Havasu. It states the major laws and says NO TOLERANCE, which I can tell you all about some other time. It's cool too, They flip it open on weekends and it has air quality levels that the LEO's put a maker by a color and it tells you how long you can stay before it's unhealthy. :rockwoot:

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  barefoot bob said:

i agree its an easy fix it requires a loader and an operator and about 2 days .create a sand dune across the front of that easy access route. so pick ups cant get through. the biggest part of the problem would be eliminated. when you stop the pickup trucks full of people that dont even have sand toys. :thumb: the biggest a$$ hats i see come with, and in, those .not all, it wont stop it, but it will slow it way down ...................................

I agree with Bob. The hill used to be for racing and watching the races up the hill. Now everyone brings their trucks and Rhinos and gets crazy. If we closed that area up by putting a dune across, maybe the original intent of comp hill would come back again. Love your idea Bob.

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Bob, Back in the 80's there was a dune all the way across the entrance, it was about 15 feet high and a razorback. It was taken out by the crew filming the opening scene of Another 48 Hours and was never put back. :headbang1::drunk:

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I have to agree with Bob put the burm across the entrance at least it would cut the flow of traffic down :ban-split: I compare the traffic to and in front of to the 91 freeway at 5 :blink: I go to D to get away not to remember the traffic I deal w/ everyday! :banghead::pissed:

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"Put a burm up" - that is the dumbest idea ever. :ban-split: Now all the drunks who would normally be riding passenger will be out driving drunk through the dunes on bikes and in sandrails to get over to comp. You aren't gonna stop people from getting over there and partying. They are gonna get over there one way or another. The LEOs just need to start cracking down on certain things over at comp. When a truck goes hauling a$$ through the aisles- they should be stopped and ticketed for speeding. Don't the rules of Dumont state: "OHV's are to stay at a maximum of 15MPH when within 50 feet of a campsite, animals, or pedestrians"??? Thats what it states on the back of the passes. Ticket em for speeding or at least control these kinds of things that get out of hand.

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I'm with DuneFreak. You aren't going to be able to stop people from getting there or stop all the partying at the hill. What everyone who has an opinion on this needs to go to the TRT meeting and state it. If you want the LEO's to start enforcing the speed limit, let them know how many of us are serious about it and maybe they will start doing something about it. One person complains, big deal. 100 people complain, someone has to listen.

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Well I am gonna get flamed for this but here goes;

What if people just stopped going to comp hill on big weekends? No driving from camp after having a few and risking tickets and or arrests. You know as well as I do that the "idiots" are only there because of the crowd, they get off on being seen and in their bloodshot eyes they think that being seen is being cool. If you go out on a off weekend and no one is there most of us will hang for a short while then go back to camp or visit friends camps. Why can't you skip the trip to the hill?

I had stated on this board that I was not doing any more big weekends and then I went this last one. I never went by comp once except to the meet and greet via the dunes not the flats. You know what I had a great weekend. What did I miss? Let's see I missed seeing a guy get run over by a buggy, i missed numerous close calls and other things such as trash,smoking dope and other generally things illegal. Not that I am a prude i used to party with the best of them but I have found that it's just not worth it to risk life and limb to watch dumbazzes do the stupid human tricks they do out there.

It used to be about racing the hill at night now it's seeing who has the most testostrone and ego along with bling. Sorry to see that.

You want the LEO's to come over and fix the problem that we have created by going there in the first place, another whoa is me, we have a problem that the goverment must fix, sorry they are not going to face a crowd of drunk, meth'd up, stoned azzhats with only a small amount of LEO's and no back up for 100 miles. Would you for a speeding violation?

We as a group need to step up and put a stop to this crap, do you take your children to this madhouse? What kind of impression does that give them when they are old enough to go out there on there own without you? I used to see mom and dad drink themselves into oblivion and drive over to comp to watch the other drunks. Hell of a legacy we are creating here don't you think?

Sorry for the long preach, I will get off my soap box but think about this if your not part of the cure then YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM!

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  ynot said:

Well I am gonna get flamed for this but here goes;

What if people just stopped going to comp hill on big weekends? No driving from camp after having a few and risking tickets and or arrests. You know as well as I do that the "idiots" are only there because of the crowd, they get off on being seen and in their bloodshot eyes they think that being seen is being cool. If you go out on a off weekend and no one is there most of us will hang for a short while then go back to camp or visit friends camps. Why can't you skip the trip to the hill?

I had stated on this board that I was not doing any more big weekends and then I went this last one. I never went by comp once except to the meet and greet via the dunes not the flats. You know what I had a great weekend. What did I miss? Let's see I missed seeing a guy get run over by a buggy, i missed numerous close calls and other things such as trash,smoking dope and other generally things illegal. Not that I am a prude i used to party with the best of them but I have found that it's just not worth it to risk life and limb to watch dumbazzes do the stupid human tricks they do out there.

It used to be about racing the hill at night now it's seeing who has the most testostrone and ego along with bling. Sorry to see that.

You want the LEO's to come over and fix the problem that we have created by going there in the first place, another whoa is me, we have a problem that the goverment must fix, sorry they are not going to face a crowd of drunk, meth'd up, stoned azzhats with only a small amount of LEO's and no back up for 100 miles. Would you for a speeding violation?

We as a group need to step up and put a stop to this crap, do you take your children to this madhouse? What kind of impression does that give them when they are old enough to go out there on there own without you? I used to see mom and dad drink themselves into oblivion and drive over to comp to watch the other drunks. Hell of a legacy we are creating here don't you think?

Sorry for the long preach, I will get off my soap box but think about this if your not part of the cure then YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM!


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  ynot said:

Well I am gonna get flamed for this but here goes;

What if people just stopped going to comp hill on big weekends? No driving from camp after having a few and risking tickets and or arrests. You know as well as I do that the "idiots" are only there because of the crowd, they get off on being seen and in their bloodshot eyes they think that being seen is being cool. If you go out on a off weekend and no one is there most of us will hang for a short while then go back to camp or visit friends camps. Why can't you skip the trip to the hill?

I had stated on this board that I was not doing any more big weekends and then I went this last one. I never went by comp once except to the meet and greet via the dunes not the flats. You know what I had a great weekend. What did I miss? Let's see I missed seeing a guy get run over by a buggy, i missed numerous close calls and other things such as trash,smoking dope and other generally things illegal. Not that I am a prude i used to party with the best of them but I have found that it's just not worth it to risk life and limb to watch dumbazzes do the stupid human tricks they do out there.

It used to be about racing the hill at night now it's seeing who has the most testostrone and ego along with bling. Sorry to see that.

You want the LEO's to come over and fix the problem that we have created by going there in the first place, another whoa is me, we have a problem that the goverment must fix, sorry they are not going to face a crowd of drunk, meth'd up, stoned azzhats with only a small amount of LEO's and no back up for 100 miles. Would you for a speeding violation?

We as a group need to step up and put a stop to this crap, do you take your children to this madhouse? What kind of impression does that give them when they are old enough to go out there on there own without you? I used to see mom and dad drink themselves into oblivion and drive over to comp to watch the other drunks. Hell of a legacy we are creating here don't you think?

Sorry for the long preach, I will get off my soap box but think about this if your not part of the cure then YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM!

:blink: :dance: :ban-split::banghead:

I think you blew that a little out of proportion, Terry, but that is just my opinion. Comp isn't THAT bad. :pissed: From what I have seen, MOST of the people that go there at night aren't that stupid. You will get a small handfull of idiots that give everyone else a bad name anywhere ya go. (ie: liter bugs, people that bring stripper poles, megaphones, drugs, etc over there)

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  ynot said:

What if people just stopped going to comp hill on big weekends?

Ok, how about a trade? I will not only stop going to comp but I will stop drinking all together when jerks stop roping off the dunes. No camps/ropes within 20ft of the base of any dune and no more crazy happenings at comp. Sounds fair.

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