Sand Saw Posted October 31, 2007 Share Posted October 31, 2007 With what happend to Charlie this last weekend fresh in my mind I have decided to rant a bit. Let me pop a squat on my soap box. I very rarely post on this forum as I have noticed a lot of "clicks" like to gang up on people when they disagree with someone whos a "buddy" especially if its a new guy (like me). With that in mind here goes... Every time we go to Dumont (especially on the big weekends) I notice uncountable (a word??) amounts of people with apparent complete lack of common sense. Ill list a few examples... 1) Haulin mail through or in very close proximity to camps, and vender row. 2) Roping off HUGE areas around their camp and letting there extremely young kids ride huge quads, rhinos, and even FRIGGIN RAILS around unsupervised. 3) People letting their very young, as in 10 or 12 years old kids camp hop on rides they are barely able to control. 4) Rails cutting through lines of group riders, wheelieing up hills without looking, JUMPING over the starting area at the bottom of Comp and roosting the hell outta everyone around. 5) Doing donuts next to camp, really, WTF is the attraction?? 6) Drag racing up and down the lines at night in ront of Comp. 7) Two up on a quad (definition of a quad tard) 8) Tryin to drive your moms 2 wheel drive Minivan/Corlla/F*rd Escort/Sentra to Comp. 9) Going 90 mph in your wanna be trophy truck, 2 wheel drive, open diff, stock suspension with waste of money cuz you dont need'm fiberglass fenders trying to get to Comp. but getting stuck 4 feet after the face flat billers... Etc. Etc. Etc. On and on, is it just me or is there a huge number of brain dead mofo's out there?? Maybe its just me but it seams to be spreading worse then Staph Infection?? Man up, who here on this site does any of the above and will confess?? Explain yourself, I really am curious how people who do these things think, I mean, do you do other really brain dead stuff like check to see if your guns are loaded by looking down the barrel?? Finally, I have taken up a great fun sport I want to share with you all. Its call "Pick up the biggest friggin rock you can toss and hit the A$$ of the moron doing numbers 1-9 above and see if it knocks some sense into'm". Anyone else wanna play?? We can form leagues...Maybe we can slow the infection... Rant off... P.S. If you dont like me and think im an A$$ I dont care, but feel free to tell me, I love to prove you right!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dunefreak Posted October 31, 2007 Share Posted October 31, 2007 What is this? Rant week? First of all I have never seen any "clicks" gang up on people when they disagree with someone who is a "buddy" of theirs. Personal attacks are not tolerated on here. :dance: So if you ever see that, please let a moderator know. Second, it seems everyone just wants to b*tch about the things they don't like about Dumont. This happens every year after Halloween on the forums. Everyone can't wait to get back out to the dunes, then they go on a holiday weekend and then when get home they b*tch about the same damn things that go on every friggen holiday weekend out there. I understand why the things bother you. They suck. But why not just skip the holiday weekends if it makes you that mad? You can't change people. It sucks. Third, there are already TWO threads like this. 1) 2) Fourth: yeah, pick up a big rock and throw it at them. THAT is gonna make things better. Sorry, but with statements like that, I tend think you are the things you said people would think you are....not to mention immature as hell. Lighten up and try to think of something POSITIVE to post about your trip. I am not trying to come down on you hard just cause you don't post often either. I am just tired of seeing nothing but negative rant posts from people lately. If you hate the dunes so much, take up underwater basket weaving or something. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sand Saw Posted October 31, 2007 Author Share Posted October 31, 2007 (edited) ... Edited October 31, 2007 by Sand Saw Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sand Saw Posted October 31, 2007 Author Share Posted October 31, 2007 Sorry I thought the point of forums is to speak your mind, guess I was wrong. Second, I only go to big weekends to spend time with my family. I dont even ride that much. If you knew me you would know I like to go in the middle of the week after a storm. thats the best riding on the planet. Third, if everyone just shuts up, doesnt say anything, and just "deals with it" theres only going to be more accidents like this last weekend. Sorry I posted without being your friend first... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kens Colors Posted October 31, 2007 Share Posted October 31, 2007 I was all on board with the rock throwing idea and even jumped up to slingshots, but dunefreak you have shown my the light. I am sorry for having evil thoughts :dance: whoops wrong one i meant this one Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sand Saw Posted October 31, 2007 Author Share Posted October 31, 2007 Kens Colors said: I was all on board with the rock throwing idea and even jumped up to slingshots, but dunefreak you have shown my the light. I am sorry for having evil thoughts whoops wrong one i meant this one :dance: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dunefreak Posted October 31, 2007 Share Posted October 31, 2007 Sand Saw said: Sorry I thought the point of forums is to speak your mind, guess I was wrong. Second, I only go to big weekends to spend time with my family. I dont even ride that much. If you knew me you would know I like to go in the middle of the week after a storm. thats the best riding on the planet. Third, if everyone just shuts up, doesnt say anything, and just "deals with it" theres only going to be more accidents like this last weekend. Sorry I posted without being your friend first... 1) It is, but if you have noticed lately pretty much every topic on here is about someone bitching about Dumont. Do we really need ANOTHER topic like this? I feel your anger, but it isn't gonna help the situation. I hate all the things you listed above too, but they are slowly getting dealt with by the BLM and people that care enough to get involved. 2) If you go on teh big weekend, you HAVE to expect some of these things to happen. You are never gonna get rid of dumbass people or have complete control with that many people in one spot. 3) I never said to just shut up and deal with it. I think I have already made my point with this. These things are slowly being handled one thing at a time. And "Sorry you posted without being your my first..." ???? What does that mean? Did you think I lashed out at you because we don't know each other or something? I would have posted the same thing whether we were friends or not. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sgttwist Posted October 31, 2007 Share Posted October 31, 2007 WARNING: The CR500 is known for tossing rocks across state lines, so if you fall victim to its roost, (most vehicles with more then 2 wheels): 1) Close your eyes. 2) Cover your sweet spot. 3) Start praying immediately. I'm adding this as #10 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Foxysandchick Posted October 31, 2007 Share Posted October 31, 2007 I usually avoid these posts, but they are getting out of control. :rant_on: :shout: If you dont like it then 1. dont go 2. do something constructive about it. Posting the same things over and over on this or any other site is not going to change things, stop wasting your time b!tching and do the right thing. Pete, much appreciation to you for trying to keep this board under control and for doing the right things. It sucks that you have to spend so much time addressing the , but you are handling it well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HappyHour Posted October 31, 2007 Share Posted October 31, 2007 Over the last few days I have been reading all that is going on with this board and the events that happened over the course of the weekend. I completely agree with everything everybody is bitching about. The idiots, the this, the that, I am so on board with it and understand your frustrations. I also agree whole heartedly with Pete and his frustrations. Let me say this. I stopped going to Dumont on holiday weekends for these exact reasons. My last holiday weekend was Halloween of '05 and I am so loving it on the off-weekends. The closest thing I have gotten to a holiday weekend was the clean-up back in March. I am fortunate enough to have a job to where I can get pretty much the days off I want along with my wife and we make the most of them. When I was going on holiday weekends, I relized (spelling??) a few things. There is nothing I can do about the idiots or morons except make sure that my wife and myself were out of harms way and just watch the action. That meant marking off about 10 feet around my MOHO if I happened to be on the outside of the circle and parking WAAAAAAY out in the back forty at comp so I don't get run over or dusted by racers. As long as my wife and I were safe, that's all that mattered. All I can suggest is this, when going on holiday weekends, come to terms with the fact that you are going to get every Tom, d*ck, and Harry in the western hemisphere out there and they WILL do stupid things. But as long as you and your loved ones are safe and cautious when they ride, then you can have a good weekend. All I can attribute to as to what is in the minds of these idiots is this. The younger generation (approx. 16-27 year olds) generally don't care about anything or anybody. They like to destroy things by blowing them up or running over them. The more they drink, the worse it gets. As far as the older ones in the LTR cars, well the more they drink, the more indestructable they think they are. Shiat is going to happen and to those that are on the recieving end of the tragic things that happen, and I feel real bad. I would like to wish everyone here a happy and SAFE dune season. :dance: "And that's all I have to say about that." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Richard Cheese Posted October 31, 2007 Share Posted October 31, 2007 Sand Saw said: With what happend to Charlie this last weekend fresh in my mind I have decided to rant a bit. Let me pop a squat on my soap box. I very rarely post on this forum as I have noticed a lot of "clicks" like to gang up on people when they disagree with someone whos a "buddy" especially if its a new guy (like me). With that in mind here goes... Every time we go to Dumont (especially on the big weekends) I notice uncountable (a word??) amounts of people with apparent complete lack of common sense. Ill list a few examples... 1) Haulin mail through or in very close proximity to camps, and vender row. 2) Roping off HUGE areas around their camp and letting there extremely young kids ride huge quads, rhinos, and even FRIGGIN RAILS around unsupervised. 3) People letting their very young, as in 10 or 12 years old kids camp hop on rides they are barely able to control. 4) Rails cutting through lines of group riders, wheelieing up hills without looking, JUMPING over the starting area at the bottom of Comp and roosting the hell outta everyone around. 5) Doing donuts next to camp, really, WTF is the attraction?? 6) Drag racing up and down the lines at night in ront of Comp. 7) Two up on a quad (definition of a quad tard) 8) Tryin to drive your moms 2 wheel drive Minivan/Corlla/F*rd Escort/Sentra to Comp. 9) Going 90 mph in your wanna be trophy truck, 2 wheel drive, open diff, stock suspension with waste of money cuz you dont need'm fiberglass fenders trying to get to Comp. but getting stuck 4 feet after the face flat billers... Etc. Etc. Etc. On and on, is it just me or is there a huge number of brain dead mofo's out there?? Maybe its just me but it seams to be spreading worse then Staph Infection?? Man up, who here on this site does any of the above and will confess?? Explain yourself, I really am curious how people who do these things think, I mean, do you do other really brain dead stuff like check to see if your guns are loaded by looking down the barrel?? Finally, I have taken up a great fun sport I want to share with you all. Its call "Pick up the biggest friggin rock you can toss and hit the A$$ of the moron doing numbers 1-9 above and see if it knocks some sense into'm". Anyone else wanna play?? We can form leagues...Maybe we can slow the infection... Rant off... P.S. If you dont like me and think im an A$$ I dont care, but feel free to tell me, I love to prove you right!! YOURE AN A$$ JUST KIDDING every point you make is valid. all of them make ALL of us look bad as Dunefreak said, it is the first big weekend of the year, and azzhat school let out a day early. there is a slice of society that is self-absorbed, uneducated,lacks enough common sense and becomes a detriment to everyone around them. Why does it seem like there are sooooo many of them? The make themselves easy to spot. if you see something going on that you don't think is right, grab the first ranger you see, and point it out to them. and about this pile on thing.......I am on a lot of forums. DDR is by far the CALMEST of them all in that regard. wanna get dog piled? go over to and call crstydmn out...... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
barefoot bob Posted October 31, 2007 Share Posted October 31, 2007 maybe a rant section might be somthing to consider it is a downer to keep these scattered however ......... talking about them and attempting to come up with positive solutions is healthy not rock throwing but viable solutions. but maybe a place to post these rants and viable solutions so when you dont want to read negative or rants you can avoid that section and those that do can get it off there chest (like me) and post ideas see i just offered a solution maybe not the right one but one worth a minute or 2 of consideration :dance: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
offroadracer Posted October 31, 2007 Share Posted October 31, 2007 I had a fun a$$ weekend out there ..yea tehre is a$$hats but its not going to change like pete said, and said well, look at the positive side of things, yes people get hurt out there!!! Its a dangerous sport and we ALL know this doing it, its a chance we take for loving it... but with that said...halloween weekend rocked Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
offroadracer Posted October 31, 2007 Share Posted October 31, 2007 (edited) forgot to say as for a rant section I know for me anyways I cant speak for anyone else, but i dont come on this site to hear bitching and how everthing is effed up , negative,negative,negative, I like the site, I have met some cool a$$ people, met up for rides , and got info on rides... Edited October 31, 2007 by offroadracer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SandBox_Kid Posted October 31, 2007 Share Posted October 31, 2007 offroadracer said: forgot to say as for a rant section I know for me anyways I cant speak for anyone else, but i dont come on this site to hear bitching and how everthing is effed up , negative,negative,negative, I like the site, I have met some cool a$$ people, met up for rides , and got info on rides... I hear ya there. I personally don't want to moderate any of the b!tch threads. All of the negativity actually started getting to me I just did my best to try and ignore it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dunefreak Posted October 31, 2007 Share Posted October 31, 2007 offroadracer said: forgot to say as for a rant section I know for me anyways I cant speak for anyone else, but i dont come on this site to hear bitching and how everthing is effed up , negative,negative,negative, I like the site, I have met some cool a$$ people, met up for rides , and got info on rides... cmyfirepole said: I hear ya there. I personally don't want to moderate any of the b!tch threads. All of the negativity actually started getting to me I just did my best to try and ignore it. Thank you thank you thank you guys! That is exactly why there isn't a rant section. Why just give up and add a section for that kind of stuff right? I thought about adding a rant section a while back only because it would probably bring up some funny reading material, BUT... in the end it only gives people more of a reason to b*tch, sets a negative tone on the forum and makes even more crap that we, the moderators, have to try and control. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warrior07 Posted October 31, 2007 Share Posted October 31, 2007 sorry but i don't know about you folks but i personnally like coming on ddr to bi@#! and complain .as for riding bikes and quads whats that ??? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr. Edgy Posted October 31, 2007 Share Posted October 31, 2007 Warrior....that avatar is way f'd up!!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kitcat Posted October 31, 2007 Share Posted October 31, 2007 I agree about the kid thing. We camp with kids (not our own kids - we don't have any). Some of us don't have a problem telling the kids at our camp to SLOW DOWN and stop acting stupid. It's one of those pet peeves I have mainly because I'd hate to see them or someone else get hurt! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
barefoot bob Posted November 1, 2007 Share Posted November 1, 2007 it was only a suggestion and if it were put into a rant section it would be easy to avoid life is diversity i think most of my posts are positive i dont b*tch much. but when a topic does i like to vent a lil so......................................... btw your bitching about my idea mr negatives Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
high octane junkie Posted November 1, 2007 Share Posted November 1, 2007 i think this is the wrong place to be letting off steam on this particular matter. virtually everyone on this board is here because they love dumont and respect the dunes and regulations out there. there were people riding through our camp this weekend before all of the campers were out there because we were right next to a finger dune. my helper was upset about it and was yellin' at the folks ridin' through until i reminded him that it was going to happen and we couldn't do nothing about it until the path was blocked off by a hauler. we flagged down a few of them and for the most part they stopped. i informed them they were ridning through a camp. i was polite, but stern, about it and they were very respectful in return. if you see something that you don't like, do something about it besides getting mad and ventilating it on this forum. there's alot of rangers there and i know it sucks sellin' out but with the fee's we're payin', let's put 'em to good use. can i get a yayee yay! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cdavego Posted November 1, 2007 Share Posted November 1, 2007 the peeps that do all the things your ranting about dont come on here any way so what good does it do to rant to us. and most of the peeps on here are trying to do something about it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
OGP Posted November 1, 2007 Share Posted November 1, 2007 good job DAVE. I informed a few guys camped next to us this weekend that rebar was not allowed at Dumont. They responded with F the rangers they are gonna have to show me in writing. I said back to them, hey just wanted to let you know. And they went off at the mouth again. Later on, one of my friends saw a ranger and let them know about the brooklyn type attitudes the guys had. Funny thing is, Jus a bit later, no more rebar, Rangers had them remove it and then took the rebar. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
barefoot bob Posted November 1, 2007 Share Posted November 1, 2007 (edited) :dance: you wierdos you cant stop an occasional rant here anymore than you can stop a$$hats at comp and right now your ranting about ranting Edited November 1, 2007 by barefoot bob Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sand Saw Posted November 1, 2007 Author Share Posted November 1, 2007 barefoot bob said: you wierdos you cant stop an occasional rant here anymore than you can stop a$$hats at comp and right now your ranting about ranting :dance: I agree, a rant section makes it easy to avoid if thats what you want... To all the haters saying "dont b*tch, do something about it", I am the KING of letting people know they are stupid. If I didnt have such a bad headache right now i'd list some examples. Well ok, heres a couple... 1) I am responsible for MANY arrests (not just when im on patrol with a buddy) such as Domestic Batteries, DUI's and Drug posession/trafficing, etc. etc. 2) Instead of standing accross the street staring at a house fire, im the one running inside telling the peeps to stop gathering guitars and stuffed animals and GET OUT. 3) I stop for at least 90% of people on the side of the road or stuck in the sand. (in fact ive even rode back to camp to get my truck to pull someone out whos stuck or broke, back to camp) yes, complete strangers... Ok have to stop, head is pounding... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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