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ASA Safety Items At Dumont

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  SailAway said:

Holy moly, put away the tar and feathers! :D

No one, including me, said we CAN'T provide them. I merely pointed out the fact that it's been discussed and preempted the naysayers by pointing out what has already been pointed out to us before.

As I said, I like the idea of membership cards... some don't, but I do and apparently you guys do too. :bawl:



Vicki, I am not trying to flame FoDD. I am just trying to point out some of the things that need to happen if FoDD wants to get more members and support. Think of it as constructive criticism. :GWH: :mic:

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  dunefreak said:


Vicki, I am not trying to flame FoDD. I am just trying to point out some of the things that need to happen if FoDD wants to get more members and support. Think of it as constructive criticism. :bawl: :GWH:

I always do honey. ;)

I was only kidding about the tar and feathers part... and just wanted people to know that absolutely no one is saying it can't be done, but there are some that won't agree that it must be done.

Somewhere I have some notes on conversations I've had with people inside and outside the FoDD leadership about memberships and membership cards... if I can scare that up I'll post some of what's already been talked about just so others can get some extra insight.


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Let me give you a sampling of some of the questions that have come our way concerning memberships and membership cards, just so you know it really is a thought-process…

Let's say someone signs up with FoDD in November 2007 and we send them a welcome packet with a membership card, welcome letter and sticker. How long is that membership card valid for? Until November of 2008? Does the person have to renew the membership or do we simply consider them to be lifetime members of FoDD, forever on the roster? Do we send them an open-ended membership card or one with an expiration date?

Does every new member get the same packet, whether they pay a membership fee or not?

Do we issue membership cards only to those who purchase supporting memberships (which is how it's done in several other organizations)?

Are supporting and non-supporting members all lumped into the same database? If no, how do we keep from sending a renewal notice or membership cards to a non-supporting member?

Do we track the non-supporting members on a yearly basis and ask them to renew their membership or be dropped from the roster?

What if someone signs up in 2007 and moves to Siberia in 2008? If their mail/email comes back undeliverable, do they automatically get dropped from the roster? Otherwise, is a member a member for life no matter where they live and never mind the fact that they’ll never leave their house for the sand ever again? Is this “kosher” when representing membership numbers to legislators?

Do we require that all members, supporting and non-supporting, re-enlist on their anniversary dates just so we can keep easier track of them? What is the cost to the organization for such a requirement?

Instead of anniversary date, do we reissue memberships using the calendar date for ease of tracking?

There’s more, but you get the drift… ;)


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whoa :bawl:

Who is it that is asking all those questions????

We could go on and on with questions like those.

What if someone signs up and then are abducted by aliens and the aliens change that person's home address? Will they ever get the card?

What if a person loses their card in a port a potty somewhere and can't retreive it? Can they get a replacement?

What is someone changed their name and heaven forbid their membership card doesn't match?

What if, what if, what if.... :GWH: :lol:

Seriously though. Whoever is asking those questions should devote the time and effort that it took them to come up with all that rediculous :mic: and put it into something that is going to make FoDD move FORWARD.

It's just a membership card. It's not brain surgery. Paid (supporting) members or not, just send them a card. If they don't get it for whatever reason, it's not that big of a deal I'm sure. And to send out new ones every year- no it's not needed. The ASA doesn't do that and I know I am still a member. Just send the members an e-mail or newletter stating their membership has been renewed when they renew it.

For the most part, I think everyone would agree they would like to get something in the mail or even by e-mail (which costs nothing at all) that tells them that they are now a member of FoDD and thet FoDD recognizes them as a member.

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  dunefreak said:

For the most part, I think everyone would agree they would like to get something in the mail or even by e-mail (which costs nothing at all) that tells them that they are now a member of FoDD and thet FoDD recognizes them as a member.


Membership cards with periodic requests for informational updates (if we leave the membership open-ended) gets my vote.

And you're right, those questions expend a lot of energy... and they come from all over the map, not just one or two people.

Just wanted to give you a taste of what just one issue can raise. ;)


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  SailAway said:

Let me give you a sampling of some of the questions that have come our way concerning memberships and membership cards, just so you know it really is a thought-process…

There’s more, but you get the drift… ;)


WOW, that hurt to read.

What if my aunt had ball$? WTF! I do not envy you.

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  mredgy said:

What if my aunt had ball$? WTF! I do not envy you.


Aw, it's not always that bad.

Everything does have a process though, even writing the welcome letter. And sometimes skipping the process can cause more problems than just taking the time to work it through.

Doesn't help (and sometimes hurts) that I have a background in the legal field so my mind goes through its own "what ifs" all by itself (thankfully the voices in my head usually drown them out ;)).

The thing is for every one of those questions there are at least two answers... finding the right one is the key.

We're getting there... with a little help from our friends. :stirthepot:


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  SailAway said:


Aw, it's not always that bad.

Everything does have a process though, even writing the welcome letter. And sometimes skipping the process can cause more problems than just taking the time to work it through.

Doesn't help (and sometimes hurts) that I have a background in the legal field so my mind goes through its own "what ifs" all by itself (thankfully the voices in my head usually drown them out ;)).

The thing is for every one of those questions there are at least two answers... finding the right one is the key.

We're getting there... with a little help from our friends. :stirthepot:


Actually Vicki,

I for one would have no problem renewing & paying for that renewal yearly. It seems a rather small price to pay for the amount of good it can possibly do. We all spend a great deal of money to pursue this sport. To put things in perspective, one can become or renew for the cost of 5 gallons of race fuel. I bet most of us don't hesitate to buy the fuel, or upgrade the toys, or think about that new hauler. Or get the new hauler and have to upgrade the truck!

I hate to use ASA as an example....but I will. We auto renew with them and just write the check. Thats how I roll!!!!!!!!!!!!! :laughoff:

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  ynot said:

The ASA is not nor will be getting involved with Dumont. They are watching "closely" to support FoDD if we need it but ASA has to much on their plate to get involved with Dumont. On a side note any purchases you buy of ASA stuff the money goes to Glamis NOT the support of Dumont or Friends of Dumont Dunes.

so you are telling me the asa safety items are not from the asa. and by the way my whole family and i are originally from san diego and been a member for years. i also visit glamis and algodones dunes, not just dumont. y is everyone so quick to bash people on this site. i support duners and the dune community.

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  LVAXIS250R said:

so you are telling me the asa safety items are not from the asa. and by the way my whole family and i are originally from san diego and been a member for years. i also visit glamis and algodones dunes, not just dumont. y is everyone so quick to bash people on this site. i support duners and the dune community.

Who is being bashed? :stirthepot: Ynot never said the ASA items weren't from the ASA. He said that the money spend on those items goes to Glamis, not Dumont. I think you read that wrong.

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Terry & Vicki id be willing to donate my time to help in any way I can. I spoke to Vicki at the last cleanup I worked all day at about helping out wherever they could use me. She mentioned something about helping with memberships, but never heard anything back.

I think alot of people would be willing to help out, you just need to utlize that offer when its offered. Maybe have a meeting to try and iron out where help can be utilized and go from there?

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  Sincity_blondie said:

Terry & Vicki id be willing to donate my time to help in any way I can. I spoke to Vicki at the last cleanup I worked all day at about helping out wherever they could use me. She mentioned something about helping with memberships, but never heard anything back.

I think alot of people would be willing to help out, you just need to utlize that offer when its offered. Maybe have a meeting to try and iron out where help can be utilized and go from there?

That seems to be standard practice. Lots of talk but seems to be no action. Look at all the friggin excuses just over membership cards alone. As I was saying before, With the exception of Terry, I think the FoDD board members talk a great game but seem tp put out very little results. Unless there is alot more going on than we Know about.

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Yes, administrative items are lacking, no doubt about it. I sure wish I could say we've managed to get everything done to our own satisfaction since taking FoDD over, but we haven't. We have made damn sure that no pressing Dumont business has gone unanswered, but no... not all the administrative functions are running perfectly.

Sincity, you're right... it would be ideal to take volunteers up on their offers of help immediately when it's offered. FoDD is in the same boat as literally every other user group out there and no one has come up with a cure for it yet. Very often (as in the case of the FoDD membership coordinator), actually doing the work can't take place until other dominoes fall and when we talked, I had counted my dominoes early. So, how to keep that from happening again? We think having someone take charge of networking the volunteers would be a good step in keeping this from happening again. Someone that would take the reins in matching offers to needs can help keep everything moving more smoothly and although other organizations have tried this and still there are complaints that "I volunteered but they had nothing for me to do," the situation has lessened with the help of a coordinator.

Now, as for no action. There has been action and certainly more in the last two years than the previous history of FoDD. Has our action been flashy? Guess not. No time for press releases and blowing our horns. We've been working and keeping the fires that flare up under some kind of control instead. Is that good enough? Nope, and we're working on it. Maybe a little less time duning or spending time with our families or earning a living so we can use our vacation days to attend meetings would have been the ooooomf we needed to do it all but all we can do at this point is move forward the best we can.

Thank you, sincerely, to those who are offering assistance and support to make FoDD the user organization we all want it to be.


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A little bird told me I'm starting to sound like a politician... that is absolutely not my intent, just my writing style.

So here, let's get something straight. Bear with me here... yeah, I know I'm wordy. :dunno:

Friends of Dumont Dunes has not done some of the things that we should have been doing. Like acknowledging new members, for instance. We know this is a downfall of ours and we are working on the solution. I don't know what else I can say about that, other than it's something we should have been doing that we haven't been doing, we know it and we will fix it. There's been more movement on this in the last three days than in the last six months.

There are other things we need to be doing, like getting more of the Dumont community involved. That's happening right here and now in this thread and has been happening on a (too) small scale in the background all along. FoDD can't represent a community that doesn't know it exists and we'll focus on our public presence more now than we have been.

Fundraising, like it or not, is something else that we haven't been doing but must do. We need a lobbyist on retainer so we stay completely informed and involved in all legislative issues and there will no doubt be a time when we need an attorney. Can't have either of those without money so now FoDD is finally going to focus on fundraising, starting with flags and hopefully stickers and there has been talk of a raffle prize.

What we have been doing is, staying on top of and deeply involved in Dumont issues at local, state and federal levels. We just signed an agreement with the BLM that will allow us to conduct cleanups and other FoDD business while at Dumont with more ease than before so that we can finally fully implement some of our education programs (Junior Duners, cleanups, dune-side meetings). FoDD leaders have attended meetings with local community leaders to alleviate their issues with our community. Our leaders have also attended meetings out-of-state involving improved use-pass systems. We also maintain consistent contact with various branches of the Fish & Wildlife Service in order to stay on top of the lizard threat, and of course we work very closely with the TRT on all Dumont issues.

For most of the leadership, our weekends and evenings are taken up with Dumont business, more so now that the season has started but speaking for myself, there was minimal slowing even over the summer months. Phone calls, private messages, emails, even snail mail, with everything from minor informational inquiries to full-blown discussions on how new wilderness legislation will effect Dumont.

All this while maintaining a primary focus of NOT allowing Dumont to become another Glamis.

We have not been idle.

But we have also not been public and that has to change.

Again, thank you to everyone who has stepped up and is making this happen.


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Maybe since things are happening behind the scenes and not in the public eye, it looks like nothing is being done. If FoDD actually follows through with the items listed above, It will be great. I have plenty of time and will do what I can to Help Dumont. Like I stated before, Just point me in the right direction. :dunno:

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Maybe since things are happening behind the scenes and not in the public eye, it looks like nothing is being done. If FoDD actually follows through with the items listed above, It will be great. I have plenty of time and will do what I can to Help Dumont. Like I stated before, Just point me in the right direction. :dunno:


Sincity has taken on the task of getting the membership rolling but we do need things like flyers handed out... camp to camp or at various sand-related business, that kind of thing. If anyone's up for that, send me a PM and we'll get it going.


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Vicki I have and always will completely support FoDD. You know I will do anything I can to help. I have some great ideas and would love to talk to you or Terry about them sometime very soon.

Here are just a few items that I think I have some very effective ideas for....

1) getting FoDD more noticed and making people aware of what the organization is and what they do- I have many ideas for this one

2) keeping everyone informed and up to date on Dumont issues, TRT meetings, etc- also a few ideas for this one as well

3) signing people up and getting more members on board with FoDD

4) fund raising

5) getting things done within the organization/ delegating different tasks

6) setting some goals so everyone knows exactly what they are working towards every month, quarter, year, etc.

I think these are the most important things that need addressing for FoDD from what I have seen so far. I would love to help, but FoDD needs to be the one to take the initiative. Lets do this. :dunno::blah::grin:

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