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Cooking turkey?


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  giannamyhero said:

:dance: What is the best and easiest way to cook a turkey while at the dunes for Thanksgiving? :blink:

Let your your camping host cook while your out on a few rides? LOL J/K

Deepfried is real easy

Smoked in a smoker .. just drop and go

this time i am having my 1st dirt pit turkey (sound good, i will let ya know)

just a few i can think of.


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We had a pit turkey last year and it was really good. It's a little different so some people don't seem to like it as much so this year we are doing 2 one pitted and one fried.

Do you know how to deep pit? If you don't do a few things right then things could get ugly.

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  giannamyhero said:

:dance: What is the best and easiest way to cook a turkey while at the dunes for Thanksgiving? :blink:

You dig a big hole in the ground about 4-5 ft deep and rap the turkey in foil and then stick it in the ground put the dirt back in the ground the put a small fire on top of the dirt were the turkey is then let it be in there all day then when ur ready to eat take it out of the ground it taste so good :blink:

Edited by dumontdude10
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the way we have deep pitted ANY type of meat is to dig a hole big enough to get a ragen fire going in it. when the fire dies down, place the meat to be cooked, wrapped of course (inside a burlap sack worked best for us), and cover it all back up. 12-18 hours later, dig the meat back up. it will be fall off the bone tender (of couse cooking it in the oven at around 225 for the same amount of time will yield the same result, without the smokey flavor thou...)




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We deep fry ours. It gets injected with some creole butter marinade and rubbed with some spices then dropped in hot oil for about 20 minutes. And you can re-use the oil the next day for some deep fried burritos or anything else you wanna clog your arteries with. Make sure you have a funnel to pour the oil back into the bottle with after its cooled enough.

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  beau said:

We had a pit turkey last year and it was really good. It's a little different so some people don't seem to like it as much so this year we are doing 2 one pitted and one fried.

Do you know how to deep pit? If you don't do a few things right then things could get ugly.

Im not cooking it lol just watching.. i have never had it (1st for me) but i will observe. Im kinda partial to the crispy deepfried myself... no that i can do :dance:


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Buy one of those turkey rolls at Costco and heat it up in the oven or microwave! Costco has cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes and pumpkin pies, too!!! You can tell I'm not much of a cook! If you deep fry the turkey, be very careful!!! :dance:

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I've been deep frying for the last 4 years and I think it's great. I'd do it if I were at the dunes. Takes about 2.5 hrs for a 15 lbs bird. I like to cut rosemary and let it cook inside, I also inject some marinade in the meat. No sex innuendo there. :)

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we have pit turkey every year and neither way above is how we do it.

we dig a pit 2 maybe 3 ft you put down a layer of coal and get them hot

you take your turkey wrapped in foil and place it in the pit you put coals on the top you bury the turkey and wala as good or better than a weber turkey :driver:

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We Deep Fry every year :freakin_nuts: It is good and you have to pay little attention while it cooks which leaves more drinking and riding time. Make sure you tie up the legs though.... :laughing: We forgot in our drunkeness last year and pulled it out of the Fryer and lost half our Turkey :slap::thumb:

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The pit Turkey sounds like a good idea :laughing: I would like to know more about it.

Can it be stuffed ?

Time per pound ? Or is that a guess and by golly thing? :freakin_nuts:

Double wrapped in BBQ foil?

Soulds just like Dutch oven cooking. coals are a good idea.

I just put mine in the oven, Like I would do at home. I have everything else ready before we leave town.

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