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our weekend in Monterey, CA


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Last weekend Anna and I went to Monterey for her birthday. She's been there before, but this was my 1st time. That place is way nice and lots of fun.

We flew in Saturday morning and checked in to our hotel, then went down to check out Old Fisherman's Wharf, Cannery Row, and the Aquarium. The main reason for our visit was to go to the Aquarium to get a behind the scenes tour of the place since Anna works in the aquarium business.

We did so many things in our 2 day visit that it almost felt like we were there for a week. We didn't even feel rushed.

After some rest back at our hotel, we went out Sat night and hit up a few pubs and bars. There were live bands at this place called Bullwackers (yeah, thats really the name :blah: ) and Sly McFlys. It was pretty cool- we got to party a bit and check out some music while were at it. :driver:

The Monterey Bay Aquarium is awesome. We saw many different fish, sharks, jelly fish, otters, some birds, and even octopus. The only downfall was that it was full of screaming kids and a few rude people pushing their way to get a closer look at some of the displays. :rolleyes: Our behind the scenes tour was pretty sweet though. We got to see alot of the equipment and even check out the great white shark and the black sea turtles from above the tanks.

The scenery up there is great....the ocean, the trees, clean beaches, paths to walk, Cannery Row which has so many cool shops and things to see, etc.

One of the best moments of the weekend was when Anna and I were walking along the lighted path at night leaving one of the bars down at Cannery Row just playing it by ear. We had no destination, we had a nice little buzz going :beerpint: , were laughing like idiots as we recited almost entire chapters from the movie, Super Troopers :laughoff: , and it began to rain a very light mist. To us it was perfect temperature (mid 60's) and with the rain in our face and smell of the cool clean air from the ocean- we were just plain happy as hell and were having a great time together. :dance: :blah:























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Very cool pics, makes me wanna go again. We go every year to visit the aquarium and go sight seeing. Next time you go try to visit Pacifc Grove, it's down the road, there is a place called Lover Lane and they also have some really neat tide pools where you can see all kinds of sea creatures hiding. And then there is the 17 Mile Drive that goes through Pebble Beach Golf Course, it's very cool. One of the times I went there I stayed at the Anne Of Green Gables Bed & Breakfast and that was neat. Glad you had fun, it's really beautiful there.

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  powerhouse said:

dude, that looks like so much fun !!

and your story telling is great, I had as much fun reading that as you guys had doing it all !! lol

good times man ... :driver:

Diito on what Dan said :D

I took chris there for his first time for our 30th Birthday.....Oh my 7 years ago in 2 weeks :blah::blah:

One of my best friends I grew up with in S.Cali moved there so I have been there many times.Great place :dance:

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'Right on' you guys.

Looks like it was a blast.

Sometimes the best times are just roming new grounds

with your woman and a buzzzzz. :driver: :dance:

Hey Pete,

You need to keep your hands out of your pockets "ready to brawl" with that shirt on. :rolleyes:

:beerpint: You Krazy Mohegan :laughoff: Although it looks like you cleared out the place. :blah::blah:

Great pics too I tell ya. Thanks for sharin' :thumb:


Oh Yeah, Happy Birthday Monkie :duniemonkie:

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  raptorgirl said:

Very cool pics, makes me wanna go again. We go every year to visit the aquarium and go sight seeing. Next time you go try to visit Pacifc Grove, it's down the road, there is a place called Lover Lane and they also have some really neat tide pools where you can see all kinds of sea creatures hiding. And then there is the 17 Mile Drive that goes through Pebble Beach Golf Course, it's very cool. One of the times I went there I stayed at the Anne Of Green Gables Bed & Breakfast and that was neat. Glad you had fun, it's really beautiful there.

Yeah if we had more time we would have. Anna has been there before and has done all that, but this trip was only to visit the aqaurium and do whatever else we had time for. Definitely next time though. :D:driver:

  Randog said:

Hey Pete,

You need to keep your hands out of your pockets "ready to brawl" with that shirt on. :thumb:

:beerpint: You Krazy Mohegan :laughoff: Although it looks like you cleared out the place. :dance: :blah:

I was waiting for someone to say something about that. :lol: I always get some looks when I wear that shirt. BP-guy gave it to me. :blah: It's funny- when we were at kokomos down in Havasu some mexican guy was giving me crap about it. I didn't take any of his crap though and stood my ground. I just kept asking him if he was AMERICAN and in AMERICA. Alot of people don't get: it doesn't matter what race or ethic background you are- you should still be proud to be an American citizen and appreciate what the border patrol does and protects for our country. :grin:

Even still...I thought the picture was pretty funny. :rolleyes:

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We used to live there and still live pretty close so I kind of take Monterey for granted. But, after reading your story... I think it's time for a weekend get away!

If you drive there, just make sure you reload before you get to Salinas!

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  high octane junkie said:


  racegirl04 said:


  high octane junkie said:

you'll never know if you never ask, toots.

  racegirl04 said:

Ok, so I'm asking...

  high octane junkie said:

it can be used as an acknowledgment such as "okay" or "right on", or a greeting such as "what's up?" or "hello".


looks like someone isnt hangin out @ the taquerias as much as they need to


nice little writeup there Pimpshack!! are you sure you didnt go to journalism school???

:driver: :dance:

WTF is that last pic? i wanna say the STate Capital??? but Sacto is NORTH of the Bay Area... :blah:


Edited by richard cheese
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  richard cheese said:

nice little writeup there Pimpshack!! are you sure you didnt go to journalism school???


WTF is that last pic? i wanna say the STate Capital??? but Sacto is NORTH of the Bay Area... :beerpint:


journalism school??? :driver: :dance:

Anyways, that last pic was taken when we were flyin into Vegas. I think it was the South Point Hotel/ Casino.

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Looks like you two had a great time! Way better than my weekend.

I spent the whole weekend removing the left cylinder head and repalcing it on my wifes Navigator. Pete I have a whole different understanding for what you have to do every day at work!

I wish I had your weekend instead of mine! By the way I love the shirt!

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